boxy wrote:
So, declaring a girlfriend is alright for male superhero's, but declaring a boyfriend is not? If declaring a girlfriend isn't sexualising, then either is declaring a boyfriend.
boxy, you chose to deliberately bypass the point. The super hero problems fiting in to normal society by having him/her interact with what would be considered normal society and normal family settings. It is in the background in the story. By bringing in minority behaviour that is not normal for 90% of adults but is probably normal for 99% of children (they don't grow up in gay households) then you a bring an adult issue into the foreground. Why do that. You have not made a point to defend that.
I expect you are claiming that I am homophobic in my resistence to yet again another area of life that has been captured by the political correct nutters that promote a way of life to be nornmal when it is not.
nor·mal [nawr-muhl]
1. conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
2. serving to establish a standard.
I use normal as it is defined.
boxy wrote:Because you know full well that is all it's going to be. No groping of genitals, no double ended fucking dildos
, I doubt there'll even be any real kissing.
True, if it is a true comic. However as a young teenager your imagination builds on what you read.
boxy wrote:
Perhaps they're marketing is changing to an older audience anyway. Do kids still buy comics like they used to?
Perhaps. I don't think they buy them like they used to. We have so much more for them to do these days. Computer games, the internet, facebook...
If they are trying to fill a new space in the market why not invent a new super hero for the market. They have already done so with on ofthe X-men becoming a Y-Man. Fine, new character. There is no need to change an existing supoer hero to be gay, kill of his sone and previous marrages. Why.... it is to shock and make it news worthy.
I expect Green Lantern to feature in the next Sydney Gay Parade.