Gillard tells miners they don't own minerals

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Gillard tells miners they don't own minerals

Post by mellie » Thu May 31, 2012 9:17 am

PM tells miners they don't own minerals
May 30, 2012 - 9:17PM

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has warned the mining industry Australians want and deserve a share of the nation's resources boom and reminded its leaders they don't "own" the minerals in ground.

In a speech to a Minerals Council of Australia dinner in Canberra, Ms Gillard said no-one begrudged their hard work and success but ordinary Australians worked hard too.

"And here's the rub," she told the gathering in Parliament House.

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"You don't own the minerals."

Ms Gillard's remarks risk reopening old wounds in the industry that fought hard against the Labor federal government's mining and carbon taxes, and has concerns about its workplace relations regime.

But she made it clear the government, which is facing headwinds from a soft global economy, wants growth and to spread the benefits of the mining boom even though "you're not all in love with the language".

"Governments only sell you the right to mine the resource," she said.

"A resource we hold in trust for a sovereign people.

"They own it and they deserve their share."

In the recent federal budget, the government revealed 3.6 billion raised from the 30 per cent minerals resource rent tax (MRRT) would be used for family benefits and support for struggling small businesses, instead of for a corporate tax cut.

Ms Gillard said mining was the Australian economy's "strong right arm" and the sector would benefit in coming years.

"In a tough global environment, Australia needs tough leadership, and I think you know by know, I'm prepared to fight," she added.

The prime minister acknowledged there were "serious differences of opinion" between the government and industry on some policy decisions.

But few nations managed to turn their mineral wealth into national wealth as well as Australia.

"There's nowhere in the world you'd be better off investing," Ms Gillard said.

"And there's nowhere in the world where mining has a stronger future.

"And this is Australia, and it has a Labor government."

The government last week announced the first of its planned enterprise migration agreements for the mining sector which will allow companies to import foreign labour for large projects to make up for skills shortages in the local economy.

But after pressure from unions worried Australian workers might miss out, the Labor caucus this week set up a new committee to monitor how the arrangement are working.

The MRRT and the $23 per tonne carbon emissions tax come in on July 1.

Earlier, Rio Tinto's Australia managing director David Peever thanked Ms Gillard for her efforts to engage with the industry.

"At the end of the day we do all share the common goal of advancing Australia's growth and national prosperity and the wellbeing of its citizens," he said.

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Re: Gillard tells miners they don't own minerals

Post by mellie » Thu May 31, 2012 9:19 am

So cattle farmers don't own their cattle now either?

Sugar cane farmers either for that matter?


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Re: Gillard tells miners they don't own minerals

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu May 31, 2012 10:06 am

Seems that Dullard hasn't read the constitution.

The minerals and wealth belong to the states, so keep your grubby mits off you dirty Ranga
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Re: Gillard tells miners they don't own minerals

Post by mantra » Thu May 31, 2012 11:31 am

I agree with her on this one although her comments are hypocritical. The mineral companies are destroying our agricultural land and are just wiping out NSW and Qld - WA will go next. Pity she hasn't got the guts to restrict exploration also.

Farmers apparently don't own their land because any old coal or gas exploration company can encroach on any property they choose and contaminate not only good agriculture/grazing land, but the springs and bores as well. They use a hundred times more water than is used for irrigation and they don't pay one cent for this precious commodity.

Do you want the Chinese, Indians, Americans etc. occupying our land and contaminating all our future sustenance?

Of course they should be taxed - they don't own our minerals. Any tax or penalty will restrict them a little.

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Re: Gillard tells miners they don't own minerals

Post by boxy » Thu May 31, 2012 11:49 am

mellie wrote:So cattle farmers don't own their cattle now either?

Sugar cane farmers either for that matter?

Land owners own the topsoil, not the minerals underneath it, which belong to the state.

What that has to do with owning cattle or cane, I've no idea... care to explain, mad mel?
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Jovial Monk

Re: Gillard tells miners they don't own minerals

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu May 31, 2012 11:54 am

Oh dear, seems IQ too busy popping codeine pills to keep with readings.

Minerals belong to the Crown. That has been taken to mean the States, which implies there are seven Crowns in Australia, which is ludicrous. Notice how all the Lib State Govts pulled out of supporting the appeal to the High Court re the MRRT? Too much danger that they would have the royalties stripped away from them.

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Re: Gillard tells miners they don't own minerals

Post by mellie » Thu May 31, 2012 1:29 pm

If landowners only own the top soil, and Gillard claims to not own the minerals herself either, then where does her government get off using a carbon tax to restore the budget to surplus after she and her government recklessly squandered it?

Why should the state/crown and taxpaying public, much less miners have to foot the bill for her negligence?

Talk about pulling rabbits out of a hat.

All she's doing is playing miners off against voters, with a view to having the public turn their backs on our miners, not her atrocious government.

And while out backs are turned, there will be Gillard inconspicuously picking our pockets with a carbon tax which is effectively the tax that keeps taxing, having it's trickle down effect on every aspect of our economy.

You don't need a degree in economics to figure this one out.

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Re: Gillard tells miners they don't own minerals

Post by Plough » Thu May 31, 2012 1:44 pm

Jovial Monk wrote:Oh dear, seems IQ too busy popping codeine pills to keep with readings.

Minerals belong to the Crown. That has been taken to mean the States, which implies there are seven Crowns in Australia, which is ludicrous. Notice how all the Lib State Govts pulled out of supporting the appeal to the High Court re the MRRT? Too much danger that they would have the royalties stripped away from them.
You really have no idea do you? The constitution is clear, each indivivual state owns the minerals situated within the boarders of that state. The argument given by the premier of WA as to why they may not get involved in any high court challenge is that the MRRT taxes profits not minerals and hence forth may be above challenge. It does not stop each stae government raising the rate at which it charges mining companies for royalties. This is the states constitutional right. If fact WA just rose royalties which put a large hole in the Fed govt revenue budgets as these must by off set against any MRRT levied. That light weight Swan went all ranty about it, but in the end could do nothing about it.

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Re: Gillard tells miners they don't own minerals

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu May 31, 2012 11:42 pm

Monk is too busy Liebor party spin to bother with facts.

Can't wait for the QLD and WA state govt to raise the royalty levels when the Feds take more of their GST share to prop up the loser Liebor voter states who couldn't work their way out of a wet paper bag...and watch the goose go into hysterics

Thankfully (for the whole country) Wayne probably won't be there that long... along with the rest of the losers
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Jovial Monk

Re: Gillard tells miners they don't own minerals

Post by Jovial Monk » Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:18 am

You reckon Plough?

We will see what the HC says if a challenge actually makes it that far.

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