The Internet is changing

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Super Nova
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The Internet is changing

Post by Super Nova » Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:04 pm

Has anyone noticed that where people spend their time has changed. I used to see people I knew at forums now they spend their on-line time in Facebook and playing those silly games. No.... I don't need anymore cows for my farm.

What a waste of human energy or is this the future of mankind?

PS: I have some friends who are over 40 (just became single after 20 years relationships) and they love the dating sites. Has anyone tried those yet? What was it like?
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Re: The Internet is changing

Post by freediver » Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:51 pm

I think there are a lot of people out there for whom this sort of forum requires too much thought, or are just not interested. Growing cows on facebook or smurfs on an iphone is more suited to them. I don't think this reflects a genuine change, just more people using online entertainment, and a dumbing down of the entertainment to fill the need. I think online forums have grown in this time, just not as rapidly.

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Re: The Internet is changing

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:03 pm

It's possible that the proliferation of websites like your ozpolitic being filled with a plethora of numpty fucking morons and modded by your installed lefty nutgobblers have turned most off.

You only have to drop in to see the level of fucking idiocy on display from the leftwing nutters to realize that these dicks have more time and less life on their hands than anyone with a connect on reality...but maybe that was what you were hoping to achieve? Confirmation bias by surrounding yourself with leftwing loop bats to make yourself seem not quite as fucked up as you really are.

You must be disappointed that you haven't been able to hide your stupidity behind your idiots
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Re: The Internet is changing

Post by mantra » Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:07 am

Ozpolitic is an extremely successful board. There has been a massive improvement in the quality of posting recently and most of the posts seem to be quite substantial in content. To maintain such a busy forum for such a long period of time would not have been easy.

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Re: The Internet is changing

Post by mantra » Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:17 am

Super Nova wrote:Has anyone noticed that where people spend their time has changed. I used to see people I knew at forums now they spend their on-line time in Facebook and playing those silly games. No.... I don't need anymore cows for my farm.

What a waste of human energy or is this the future of mankind?

PS: I have some friends who are over 40 (just became single after 20 years relationships) and they love the dating sites. Has anyone tried those yet? What was it like?
Not being a game person - I can't see the attraction in peering closely at a tiny screen and obsessively pressing buttons for hours on end, but perhaps these people are bored with communication generally and it's become a substitute for reading.

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Re: The Internet is changing

Post by freediver » Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:04 am

Retail internet used to be all about porn. Now it barely rates a mention. This is not because there is less porn, just more mainstream.

IQ popping

Re: The Internet is changing

Post by IQ popping » Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:50 pm

mantra wrote:Ozpolitic is an extremely successful board. There has been a massive improvement in the quality of posting recently and most of the posts seem to be quite substantial in content.
Your disconnect from reality is to be expected from someone who thinks the Greens and Bob Brown are decent and reasonable human beings

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Re: The Internet is changing

Post by mantra » Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:13 pm

IQ popping wrote:
mantra wrote:Ozpolitic is an extremely successful board. There has been a massive improvement in the quality of posting recently and most of the posts seem to be quite substantial in content.
Your disconnect from reality is to be expected from someone who thinks the Greens and Bob Brown are decent and reasonable human beings
Whose reality are we talking about - the destructive ideology of the extreme right? Bob Brown and many of the Greens are outward thinking in respect of humanitarian and environmental concerns - so therefore they can be considered reasonable/decent human beings. The Coalition promotes avarice. Some of us consider extreme capitalism, consumerism and unfettered self interest offensive.

IQ popping

Re: The Internet is changing

Post by IQ popping » Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:53 pm

You better get used to it

You left wing luvvies are going to get the longest serving conservative govt in Australian history after this GALP debacle is over and done with. It's been a pleasure watching labor and the greens cannibalize themselves while falling over each other in their pursuit of power and implementing their ideology only supported by the fruit loops of society which is around's no wonder that both parties are failing by sucking up to this looney 10%

Let's hope at least half of you useless sponging fucks will be in such despair you'll fucking off yourselves

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Re: The Internet is changing

Post by mantra » Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:27 am

IQ popping wrote:You better get used to it

You left wing luvvies are going to get the longest serving conservative govt in Australian history after this GALP debacle is over and done with. It's been a pleasure watching labor and the greens cannibalize themselves while falling over each other in their pursuit of power and implementing their ideology only supported by the fruit loops of society which is around's no wonder that both parties are failing by sucking up to this looney 10%

Let's hope at least half of you useless sponging fucks will be in such despair you'll fucking off yourselves
Hardly likely, although we will be stuck with the longest serving conservative government in history. Those who will suffer most under the next government will be the people who voted for them and get sucked in by their propaganda.

The Greens will do better at the polls next year as Labor is wiped out - although if those who are reactionary had any sense they would realise that wiping out a whole political party is not in their best interest.

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