The Americanisation & lack of Australian political debate

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The Americanisation & lack of Australian political debate

Post by mellie » Sat Jan 07, 2012 8:25 am

Firstly, let me just say good morning all, and welcome to Ausmerican 'Family Guy' politics.
With a frost-bitten alien 'Aia' (The least destructive of the black-hat bunch) as your Captain, and PA's server based in the United States, allowing more immigrants preciously plug themselves into the boards controls then steer us into into the globalist vacuum of the damned.

Be sure to check your overhead compartment for a map of Atlantis and a box of Prozac, because irrespective of who wins this election, were in for a unsatisfying ride.

Of course a few of you would be armed with your 'How to vote anti-discrimination cards'... but I have something better.

Step 1: If you are using Mozilla, set your Flagfox 4.1.10 to "Australian flag'

Step 2: Google the following..
- Australian politics forums
-Australian political forum
-Australian political debate forum

Step 3: Boycott all political forums hosted off-shore, or worse, administrated by those off-sore also because

A- They are not interested in Australian politics
B- Their time zone conflicts with ours
C- What does it matter to them if some idiots trash the site they moderate, this and spoil it for everyone else, so long as they get the precious and the Tom Tom's that's all that really matters to them.
Not the state of our country they are quite understandably envious off, on account of theirs doing so bad at present.

Ask yourself, could/would you contemplate posting on a foreign political site, unless you were a foreign correspondent?

Now, due to the following...

We must after having been siphoned onto many un-Australian boards since, be sure we make the right choice next time. This is what balanced intelligent people do, they learn from their mistakes, this opposed to doing this... and this and this... etc, etc, times 100+ over and over again.

Their objective is to keep you engaged out of the media spotlight so ..
A: Your views are being squashed, falling on deaf ears.
B: Your content uploaded then sold to other sites.
C:They may condition you for Orwellian subservience, mind fuck you and call you 'Comrade'.

Next stop.. (Got to this page then click on ABC communities) ...they make it hard, don't they.

Australians love their football beer and politics, so why not try all three whilst slumped in front of the telly flicking from the news to the game at lightning speed spilling beer into your laps.

Oh no...look what we have here...Canadian server... no, this just wont do I'm afraid.

Read this article. ... 1gp27.html

Then this...

[quote]PREMIER Jay Weatherill is looking at new ways to get his Government's message to the community.

He says he wants to "tap into the rich vein of knowledge, experience and values that our citizens hold".

Mr Weatherill's message was contained in the 2011 Dean Jaensch Lecture at Flinders University's city campus last night.

He said he wanted to broaden political debate - to take it outside the halls of academia and Parliament.

Mr Weatherill has consistently distanced himself from what he has described as the previous Rann government's "announce and defend" style of policy making.

"What I am calling for is a better quality of conversation between government and the community," he said.[quote/] ... 6209673900

And start thinking, being, and wanting to be a real Australian...this opposed to riding on the coattails of some twits dysfunctional site, simply because they gave you a podium a 'special' members private forum/blog/podium with a gold star on the door..... ie, Deepys and Freedivers main plop sites ...because they are both unpatriotic, biased self-serving egotistical pricks who will be the last two still standing on their shitty pseudo-OZ political forums long after the curtain has closed.

It's time to wake up Australia... Start with actually waking up to something Australian for a change, unless you want to spend another decade stroking their wallet and their egos.

Both have provided a miserable and unsafe service, forum atmosphere, do either of them deserve our presence, much less Tom Tom custom?

8-)---- Don't sit here like a shag on a rock, get some dignity and self respect, (This reinvigorates creativity, that thing we all started out with here once upon a time) and leave these corrupt morons to fight it out amongst themselves.

If you can suggest anymore 'Genuinely Australian' political forums, feel free to add them here.This is, administrated by an Australian, with an Australian Domain and server.

So let's not get locked out of the next social-media election the way we were railroaded out of the last, swept from Yahoo!7, and onto Ozpolitic, ....then way way way down here where nobody hears you, and if they read you, its only to pinch and upload onto their own sites.

Think Lisa Jones aka Mother Jones, Aussie, Monk etc.

8-) I will miss one of you here, (Mantra) but will miss my sanity more if I stay in this asylum.


I wish to advise, I withdraw all my electoral votes, this site and it's host isn't worth it.

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Re: The Americanisation & lack of Australian political debat

Post by mantra » Sat Jan 07, 2012 8:45 am

Mel - don't burn your bridges just yet. This board has been deliberately destabilised by Aussie's mob. It was just starting to improve with some decent political debate and good Off Topic subjects when they decided to disrupt everyone for their own self serving reasons.

Hang around. Have a couple of days break. Voting lasts a week.

We'll find other options if Aussie & Co. win.

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Re: The Americanisation & lack of Australian political debat

Post by Bart » Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:24 pm

mantra wrote:Mel - don't burn your bridges just yet. This board has been deliberately destabilised by Aussie's mob. It was just starting to improve with some decent political debate and good Off Topic subjects when they decided to disrupt everyone for their own self serving reasons.

Hang around. Have a couple of days break. Voting lasts a week.

We'll find other options if Aussie & Co. win.

It's only destabilised as FD wants it to be. :b :b :b
Women...if they had brains they'd be men

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