Wife sharing

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Wife sharing

Post by mantra » Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:16 am

I've pinched this topic off FD's other forum, but developing nations are now seeing the ramifications of getting rid of girl babies - suddenly there aren't enough females to go around. China has been through something similar because of the years of female foeticide. I don't think the Chinese shared wives, but the males have become increasingly desperate and despairing because of having to live a life of solitude with no hope of attaining a family.

As if these poor Indian women didn't have a hard enough life as it is, yet now they're forced to have sex with multiple males because of the shortage of females. They are brutally tortured and kept captive and serviced like alley cats.
BAGHPAT, India, Oct 27 (TrustLaw) - When Munni arrived in this fertile, sugarcane-growing region of north India as a young bride years ago, little did she imagine she would be forced into having sex and bearing children with her husband's two brothers who had failed to find wives.

"My husband and his parents said I had to share myself with his brothers," said the woman in her mid-40s, dressed in a yellow sari, sitting in a village community centre in Baghpat district in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.

"They took me whenever they wanted -- day or night. When I resisted, they beat me with anything at hand," said Munni, who had managed to leave her home after three months only on the pretext of visiting a doctor.

"Sometimes they threw me out and made me sleep outside or they poured kerosene over me and burnt me."

Such cases are rarely reported to police because women in these communities are seldom allowed outside the home unaccompanied, and the crimes carry deep stigma for the victims. So there may be many more women like Munni in the mud-hut villages of the area.

Munni, who has three sons from her husband and his brothers, has not filed a police complaint either.

Social workers say decades of aborting female babies in a deeply patriarchal culture has led to a decline in the population of women in some parts of India, like Baghpat, and in turn has resulted in rising incidents of rape, human trafficking and the emergence of "wife-sharing" amongst brothers.

Aid workers say the practice of female foeticide has flourished among several communities across the country because of a traditional preference for sons, who are seen as old-age security.

"We are already seeing the terrible impacts of falling numbers of females in some communities," says Bhagyashri Dengle, executive director of children's charity Plan India.

"We have to take this as a warning sign and we have to do something about it or we'll have a situation where women will constantly be at risk of kidnap, rape and much, much worse."

Just two hours drive from New Delhi, with its gleaming office towers and swanky malls, where girls clad in jeans ride motor bikes and women occupy senior positions in multi-nationals, the mud-and-brick villages of Baghpat appear a world apart.

Here, women veil themselves in the presence of men, are confined to the compounds of their houses as child bearers and home makers, and are forbidden from venturing out unaccompanied.

Village men farm the lush sugarcane plantations or sit idle on charpoys, or traditional rope beds, under the shade of trees in white cotton tunics, drinking tea, some smoking hookah pipes while lamenting the lack of brides for their sons and brothers.

The figures are telling.

According to India's 2011 census, there are only 858 women to every 1,000 men in Baghpat district, compared to the national sex ratio of 940.

Child sex ratios in Baghpat are even more skewed and on the decline with 837 girls in 2011 compared to 850 in 2001 -- a trend mirrored across districts in northern Indian states such as Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan and Gujarat in the west.

"In every village, there are at least five or six bachelors who can't find a wife. In some, there are up to three or four unmarried men in one family. It's a serious problem," says Shri Chand, 75, a retired police constable.

"Everything is hush, hush. No one openly admits it, but we all know what is going on. Some families buy brides from other parts of the country, while others have one daughter-in-law living with many unwedded brothers."

Women from other regions such as the states of Jharkhand and West Bengal speak of how their poor families were paid sums of as little as 15,000 rupees ($300) by middle-men and brought here to wed into a different culture, language and way of life.

"It was hard at first, there was so much to learn and I didn't understand anything. I thought I was here to play," said Sabita Singh, 25, who was brought from a village in West Bengal at the age of 14 to marry her husband, 19 years her elder.

"I've got used to it," she says holding her third child in her lap. "I miss my freedom."

Such exploitation of women is illegal in India, but many of these crimes are gradually becoming acceptable among such close-knit communities because the victims are afraid to speak out and neighbours unwilling to interfere.

Some villagers say the practice of brothers sharing a wife has benefits, such as the avoidance of division of family land and other assets amongst heirs.

Others add the shortage of women has, in fact, freed some poor families with daughters from demands for substantial dowries by grooms' families.

Social activists say nothing positive can be derived from the increased exploitation of women, recounting cases in the area of young school girls being raped or abducted and auctioned off in public.


http://uk.reuters.com/article/2011/10/2 ... WJ20111027

Jovial Monk Forum

Re: Wife sharing

Post by Jovial Monk Forum » Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:14 am


Whoops, kan me niet schelen als maandag blauw, grijs dinsdag en woensdag ook, donderdag kan me niet schelen over u, Het is vrijdag, ik ben verliefd

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Re: Wife sharing

Post by boxy » Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:20 pm

You would think that there being less women, they would be valued more... treated better to make them want to stay :roll:
"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

The Artist formerly known as Sappho

Re: Wife sharing

Post by The Artist formerly known as Sappho » Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:32 pm

boxy wrote:You would think that there being less women, they would be valued more... treated better to make them want to stay :roll:
Women in India are not valued or respected and it has been that way for a very long time. Even Gandhi, when he led the famous Salt March, refused to allow women to march with him because he was concerned that their cause would not be taken seriously if they had.

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Re: Wife sharing

Post by freediver » Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:00 pm

People in general are not valued and respected in India. They have barely shaken off the caste system.

The Artist formerly known as Sappho

Re: Wife sharing

Post by The Artist formerly known as Sappho » Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:01 pm

freediver wrote:People in general are not valued and respected in India. They have barely shaken off the caste system.
They haven't shaken off the caste system in most places.

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Re: Wife sharing

Post by freediver » Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:44 pm

But they do give good IT support.


Re: Wife sharing

Post by Ethnic » Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:31 pm

There is apparently a man drought in Sydney and other parts of Australia so now we have a solution - Aussie women can go to India to get a husband. You know it makes sense.

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Re: Wife sharing

Post by freediver » Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:20 pm

Last time I was in Sydney there was a big festival and they said it was raining men.

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Re: Wife sharing

Post by mantra » Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:25 pm

Ethnic wrote:There is apparently a man drought in Sydney and other parts of Australia so now we have a solution - Aussie women can go to India to get a husband. You know it makes sense.
Haha. It might work the other way around - but I doubt too many Aussie women would be prepared to be treated like slaves.
Wile E. Coyote wrote:
freediver wrote:People in general are not valued and respected in India. They have barely shaken off the caste system.
They haven't shaken off the caste system in most places.
I hadn't seen a Bollywood movie until recently and then saw a succession of them. All the actors and actresses are white (although Indian). The women are absolutely stunning with their alabaster skin, but there is no indication in any of these movies that brown skinned people even exist. Of course they do exist but they seem to appear only in documentaries or films about peasants. Obviously they're still down the bottom of the social and economic scale.

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