Labors Fair Work Australia Arbitrators letting Qantas fall

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Labors Fair Work Australia Arbitrators letting Qantas fall

Post by mellie » Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:57 pm

Fair Work Australia was bestowed with the ability to serve as arbitrator, between worker and employer/company.... the process where Fair Work Australia intervenes then determines a grievance or dispute by imposing a binding settlement.

Liberals say grievance should be determined between those party's involved, except when it's a matter of national interest to our nations economy which this is, to my way of thinking.

Gillard has said nothing at all...has sat on the fence.

Fair Work Australia is a Labor policy, so why are they balking, not intervening, and shying away from their own policy?

Cant practice what they preach?

Are their policies that bad even they are afraid to utilise them, or are they holding back for more globalist sinister purposes?

Liberal wont stand up and argue Fair Work Australia should intervene, given they opposed the legislation to begin with, this and it would render them hypocrites if they did, some from the right my resolve.

Has the time come for both sides of politics to swallow their pride, and for once, do whats in the best interest of our nation, conflict of interest/politicking aside?

Highlights from Tony Abbott’s book ‘Battlelines’:

On Fair Work Australia:

Tony Abbott: “The new [Rudd] system requires business to engage in ‘good faith bargaining’ – a misnomer – with potentially, all unions that have workers at an enterprise. A new industrial regulator-cum-arbiter, Fair Work Australiam, is to make binding rulings in the event parties can’t agree. This is compulsory arbitration by the back door. It means that decisions vital to the survival of businesses and their employees will be made by officials rather than by people in the workplace.” P87 ... nservative

From where I'm sitting, our Fair Work Australia arbitrators are too busy roaring from the picket line to be bothered utilising the powers that be being more like activists than interventionists.

Is this the way forward Julia?

Either abolish Fair Work Australia, or use it to secure our national airline and rescue it's on-shore workers, cant have your cake and eat it too.

Which will it be?


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Re: Labors Fair Work Australia Arbitrators letting Qantas fa

Post by mellie » Sat Oct 29, 2011 9:09 pm

In a nut shell, if Qantas falls, the blame will be theirs, "Labor's" due to a failed Fair Work Australia legislation that didn't work at all.

The trouble is, given they know they're a sinking ship and know they stand little chance of being re-elected next time round, (This and know they will be in opposition for quite some time due to the mess they have left behind) I don't think they particularly care, are now milking this to their globalist advantage for all they can get as individual entrepreneurs/investors/shareholders. Are no longer a working party serving a common goal, rather have become a non-working party serving their own.

"Blow you Jack, I can swim" is their new motto.

Every man/woman for him/herself.

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Re: Labors Fair Work Australia Arbitrators letting Qantas fa

Post by mellie » Sat Oct 29, 2011 9:23 pm

Or, they could be building up to their moment in the just when we think Qantas is dead and buried along with work-choices, from the ashes it will rise with Fair Work Australia stridently by it's side.

Gillard will then beam...

"Soiee Austraya, Feair Weeerk Austraya "works" and saved our national airline"- Gillard spruking futuristically over Qantas salvation.

"Wee did somethiiiing riight"- Gillard pre- 2013 election

This said, if FWA are who's encouraging workers to strike and roar from the picket-line, then can they stroll in and serve as responsible officials, and authoritative arbitrator and take the side of those they encouraged Qantas workers to rebel against to begin with?

It sounds more like a Fair Work Union to me... FWU this opposed to the AWU...only bestowed with government powers beyond that of regular unions.

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Re: Labors Fair Work Australia Arbitrators letting Qantas fa

Post by mellie » Sat Oct 29, 2011 9:35 pm

It's socialism, Labor-union controlled psudo-industrial activism, whereby they create the industrial problems to begin with, encourage workers to "Fight for their rights" in the name of "Solidarity" ...fulling the illusion of people-power and worker might and an eventual false-victory, so as to instill a false sense of autonomy and democracy into our unempowered masses . Then come in and fix the problem they created to begin with, this and had all intentions of soothing over with the company, (If the company CEO's themselves are playing along) ...and just in time for an election.

If I intentionally half-killed someone, with a view to bringing them back to life with my bare hands and just in the nick of time,...would this render me a hero?

And would you then vote for me?

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Re: Labors Fair Work Australia Arbitrators letting Qantas fa

Post by mellie » Sat Oct 29, 2011 9:39 pm

So, will Gillard via FWA save the day?

Or will she let Qantas fall and Fair Work Australia the false arbitrator with it?


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Re: Labors Fair Work Australia Arbitrators letting Qantas fa

Post by mellie » Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:18 am

Ha ha Great minds think alike Mantra....


It seems, Labors Fair Work Australia legislation is in breach of international ILO law...this said, she probably cant intervene, given this would render her a UN and ILO traitor.

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