The ten toed demographic

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Jovial Monk

The ten toed demographic

Post by Jovial Monk » Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:09 pm


Re: The ten toed demographic

Post by Ethnic » Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:33 pm

Forget 10 little toes, soon we will thousands of middle class parasites, each with their own 2 greedy hands, demanding "gimme my free money". If I get this money it's going straight to charity to help those who actually need it. My neighbour already plans to spend her $950 to buy her spoilt brat child new video games for his birthday. Hmmmm. :x Money well spent my fucking arse.

Jovial Monk

Re: The ten toed demographic

Post by Jovial Monk » Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:41 pm

One of the things I find funny is that the right cries "People can spend their money better than the govt can" but when the poorer get handout suddenly they criticise how the recipients will spend it. Not just you Celetina, but a phenomenon I have noted.

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Re: The ten toed demographic

Post by freediver » Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:52 pm

Fundamentally, that is not because they are spending it 'wrong', but because it indicates that they do not really need the money.


Re: The ten toed demographic

Post by Ethnic » Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:52 pm

Maybe I am not explaining myself clear. My neighbour isn't poor - that's the whole point I am trying to make. She can afford to buy video games. She doesn't need a handout. If Rudd wants to give away cash then go for it - but - it should be focused on low income earners, not the middle class who will receive a large portion of the handout. Poorer people and the unemployed seem to be forgotten here, they should be getting the relief and, yes, spend their money on whatever they like. I'm not in the mood for the cash cow to come knocking on the doors of the middle class who are doing just fine.

Is that clearer for you JM? I notice you misunderstand alot of what I post and hurl weird comments as a result. In future, please restrain from twisting my words please. Thank you.

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Re: The ten toed demographic

Post by freediver » Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:16 pm

I've gotten plenty of money from the government. I think every handout I get is a bad idea, but if they offer it to me I'm going to take it. I certainly don't need it. They are just trying to buy my vote, even though it makes me vote against them.

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Re: The ten toed demographic

Post by TomB » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:32 pm

Celetina wrote:Money well spent my fucking arse.
You are missing the point of the stimulus package. We are all (apparently) on the verge of being charity cases and the govt is trying to give people money to spend to keep the economy ticking over. It doesn't matter what they spend it on so long as they spend it.

If it's given to low income earners (who can otherwise get rent assistance anyway) to pay rent etc. it will be stashed away by landlords. If it's given to people who don't critically need it they will spend it which is good.
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Re: The ten toed demographic

Post by Ethnic » Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:27 pm

TomB wrote:
Celetina wrote:Money well spent my fucking arse.
You are missing the point of the stimulus package. We are all (apparently) on the verge of being charity cases and the govt is trying to give people money to spend to keep the economy ticking over. It doesn't matter what they spend it on so long as they spend it.

If it's given to low income earners (who can otherwise get rent assistance anyway) to pay rent etc. it will be stashed away by landlords. If it's given to people who don't critically need it they will spend it which is good.
On Chinese made goods, no doubt. Well since Queensland and Victoria are in trouble, the money intended for the middle class and pink batts should now all go to the flood and fire victims so they can rebuild their lives. Seems the ethical thing to do.

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