The Conspiracy and the Players......

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Re: The Conspiracy and the Players......

Post by freediver » Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:59 pm

Aussie wrote:Oh, do you think I am surprised that you release publicly the content of PM? Nah, I'm not. (Pretty innocuous PM at that.....!!)

But, how about you answer this: ... 954#p66954

I was not asking you anything at all when you lied. Monk was.

The Players are, AiA, mantra, AiA/SN, others who received and replied to PMs from mantra about supporting a run by the then non PA Member, AiA. Mantra was also busy offering incentives to people who would support AiA. All of that was happening under planning by mantra and AiA/SN (who boxy says are one and the same), and FD.

Mantra, did you offer incentives if people agreed to support AiA? Were you authorised by AiA to offer those incentives, if any were offered?

:bgrin :bgrin :bgrin
Relax Aussie, all incentives were approved and duly authorised before being offered.

Jovial Monk

Re: The Conspiracy and the Players......

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:00 pm

Hmmmm more "transparency"!


Re: The Conspiracy and the Players......

Post by Aussie » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:04 pm

LOL. It was Aussie and Monk who constantly berated newcomers for being new.
'Are you 12?'

Says freediver:
Relax Aussie, all incentives were approved and duly authorised before being offered.
Is that right? By whom? You or AiA?

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Re: The Conspiracy and the Players......

Post by sook » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:09 pm

Aussie wrote:
'Are you 12?'
Royalty cheque please, but I prefer you get your own material. Your delivery sucks ass
Lisa: LMAO! I will make you pay .. everyone will believe me. Your reputation is ruined .. I have lied but you can never prove it. I will claim I took snap shots of the screen you dill!! I will edit this as soon as you have read it .. No evidence

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Re: The Conspiracy and the Players......

Post by Rainbow Moonlight » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:06 am

Look Aussie I was amazed freediver actually let you win in the first place- I told you it would not be worth running. i guess that I was kind of wrong about that but maybe he was just playing with you and is now, with his mates, stepping up to try to cause more distress. The fundamental thing wrong with housing PA here is freediver's ultimate control which he will not be constrained about exercising,and the constitution he wrote doesn't even constrain him when he wants to act against you.

Also, what is the point of saving PA anyway? It is just an empty name now. None of the old players are here. And pretty much all that is here is skiting and scraping and vulgarity.

We can talk with the reasonable people here on Monk's forum anyway. And you opened your own, which I much prefer to this one. Have you asked hebe over there?

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Re: The Conspiracy and the Players......

Post by Super Nova » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:11 am


You are a liar. You know that Boxy has confirmed Aia and I are not the same over a year ago. You know that and still claim it. That makes you a liar.


Aussie, an incentive was offered. I confess. It was.... if you come and vote at PA we can get rid of you as Admin and take back PA to build it in the interests of the PA community. We will have a chance to elect someone who cares for the forum and community. Bloody good incentive. Got me going. Oh, the $5,000 was also of interest.


I clearly put my hand up as a suitabkle candidate. What is your issue. There is no issue. You know it... you make things up. You are looking for something that is not there. Now when I tell my daughter it is not nice to make things up about people because if you do it makes you a LIAR. I apply the same definition to you. You make up shit... you are a liar.


You seek conspiracy when there is none. For months I have called for your removal. I even openly talked about it at DT's forum, that you say you don't read (liar) however you have read there and know this to be true. You make claims that you know not to be true. That makes you a liar.


You skulled around in the background for a year, claimed the people your bought here were not known to you. After the election you came clean that they were your mates and they were here to help you stack the election. I have provided the evidence. You always ask for evidence, it is provided. This make you a very big LIAR. Now you worry about a comspiracy.... what moral ground do you stand on. You are a liar.

Next. ... nah can not be fagged.... there are too many.

You have been caught out again and again Aussie. You are a liar and can not be trusted. You should never be Admin here again.
Last edited by Super Nova on Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Conspiracy and the Players......

Post by Super Nova » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:26 am

Oh and

Hi Ele.
Always remember what you post, send or do on the internet is not private and you are responsible.

Jovial Monk

Re: The Conspiracy and the Players......

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:09 am

SN chattered:
We will have a chance to elect someone who cares for the forum and community. Bloody good incentive
Yup, AiA really cares for PA didn't he? Stayed here and fought Aussie's dictatorship and lies didn't he? Oh wait.

AiA totally spurned PA even to deleting his own account. So, no care for PA there!

Lies. AiA told a big whopper of a lie! About Annie directly, and about me as having been the person to have supposedly shared Annie's account. There has been no retraction or apology for that huge lie.

I wonder just WTF AiA did as mod that boxy felt he had to hide? No explanation ever given there.

We all know that this board will just turn into troll city with AiA as Admin.

So, no care for this board as a community AT ALL by AiA.

Furthermore, AiA's account is not even a week old, Too new for him to be able to stand and vote. If you mention that he has been a member for years—he spurned all that, threw it away. He needs to re-establish trust and a new relation with the board. AiA is not really eligible to stand in my book:

1. For spurning PA
2. For lying about a mod here
3. Corrupt behavior as mod

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Re: The Conspiracy and the Players......

Post by skippy » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:22 am

I thought we were getting 10 grand each. :huh?

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Re: The Conspiracy and the Players......

Post by mantra » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:59 am

skippy wrote:I thought we were getting 10 grand each. :huh?
That was the original offer Skippy, but funds ran out.

Although Monk annoys me and I rarely agree with him, he has got a point - where is AiA?
Last edited by mantra on Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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