Rainbow Moonlight wrote:"There is no evidence to suggest that nation building a green energy network and reducing unemployment into the bargin will result in hyperinflation."
I agree with this Monk. I would have thought you did too.
The problem may come in borrowing money to do this as that starts to affect relative value of our currency and purchasing power.
Now, where it is that a MMT government, without a tax system, needs to produce a common good, labour and resources are required to satisfy that need. Government supplies the currency by spending it into existence according to the demands made by the common good to be satisfied. If it is a significant common good such as creating a green energy supply an increase in the supply of currency can cause inflation and so devalue the currency. To zero out that inflationary influence, the government can increase labour costs, which in turn inflates the cost of consumables.
Getting technical: Increasing monetary inflation is offset by increasing cost push inflation which causes demand pull inflation with the net result being zero inflation. Remember, GDP would also increase to account for this increase in money supplied, labour costs and consumer costs because there is a nation building project driving this.
Probably best at this stage to let the carbon tax be discuss since MMT/FFT is not in full use. Our monetary system still assumes a finite currency capacity, hence tax, the fed reserve, bonds etc.
Having the same discussion over two threads is pointless.