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It's such a fine line between stupid and clever. Random guest posting.
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Post by punk » Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:18 pm

lisa manstones wrote: Well said Mr Rainbow!
mr rainbow? rainbow bumcrack has had the gender reassignment too lisa?



Post by Ethnic » Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:20 pm

Lisa, someone said that that is you in your avatar. Is it true?

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lisa jones
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Post by lisa jones » Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:23 pm

lisa jones wrote:
Ethnic wrote:
lisa jones wrote:bump for Ethnic.

Please take a moment to actually read and comprehend before making an idiot of yourself .. again.
And bump for the imbecile who tried to spam deepthought's site only to be told to get knotted. You might want to confirm your gender first before calling people idiots.
1stly .. why the frack would I need to confirm my gender to anyone let alone an online troll FFS??

2ndly .. what the frack does my gender have to do with this topic you stupid idiot!

Hop it .. I'm not interested in your insane and irrelevant rants. I've wasted enough of my valuable time already. Be thankful that I've even acknowledged you this time.
bump for Ethnic

You'll eventually get the message .. after you've taken the time to read and comprehend it a few times
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk



Post by Ethnic » Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:29 pm

Is it you in your avatar? It's actually a very simple question to answer.



Post by Aussie » Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:32 pm

Ethnic wrote:Is it you in your avatar? It's actually a very simple question to answer.

What is the relevance, either way?



Post by Ethnic » Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:33 pm

I'm asking Lisa a question. That ok with you?



Post by Aussie » Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:34 pm

Ethnic wrote:I'm asking Lisa a question. That ok with you?
Sure, how about answering mine?

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lisa jones
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Post by lisa jones » Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:44 pm

Let her rant and rave all she wants Aussie. She'll eventually get the message .. after she's taken the time to read and comprehend my above post.
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk



Post by Ethnic » Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:44 pm

Is it you or not?

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lisa jones
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Post by lisa jones » Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:45 pm

Aussie wrote:
You, Blaze and Lisa are prime contenders for the idiot brigade. So you're saying that Mantra should just shut up about any concerns she may have about forum security? She had concerns and was confronted with a hostile admin who seems more interested in holding onto power than acknowledging that there might be problems with account security.
Nobody is saying mantra should just shut up about any concerns she may have about forum security. Everyone is encouraged to raise those issues, via PM preferably. But, 'raise concerns' is NOT what she did. She alleged I/Management had hacked her account. That was a lie. She said she had evidence and would produce it. She did not.

She was not confronted. She was asked to explain. As it turned out, her good buddy AiA dumped on her, and debunked her claims. Fact is, there was no problem with her account security. Have you yet read the relevant Threads?
bump for Deepy's trolls
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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