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It's such a fine line between stupid and clever. Random guest posting.
by mantra` » Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:59 pm
by Auzgurl` » Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:00 am
mantra wrote:What can anyone say to that Vanessa. Your Tourettes has really been playing up over the last couple of days. Take some medication to control it and you might be forgiven.
that ^^^^^^^ was me
Jovial Monk
by Jovial Monk » Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:01 am
I think the sandpit should be closed too.
WTF give the PA2 goons a right to post here when they don't return the favor?
The Sandpit makes the forum look bad: delete it and the posts in it. a side benefit might be people posting more in politics
by guest » Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:06 am
youse fluffy bunnies weren't going to do any more shits in the Cess pit and look at you both..bared your flabby arses and took a huge dump and now youre covered in the stuff..and mantra is lying again like the filthy fluffy bunny she is about seeing private information..you fluffy bunnies are fucking funny..dishonest as fuck though..but funny as..there's shit all over you fluffy bunnies again.
by mantra` » Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:07 am
Jovial Monk wrote:I think the sandpit should be closed too.
WTF give the PA2 goons a right to post here when they don't return the favor?
The Sandpit makes the forum look bad: delete it and the posts in it. a side benefit might be people posting more in politics
that ^^^^^ was me too
by JM » Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:09 am
I think the sandpit should be closed too.
WTF give the PA2 goons a right to post here when they don't return the favor?
The Sandpit makes the forum look bad: delete it and the posts in it. a side benefit might be people posting more in politics about manure and tomato preserve like I do
Unbiased Obsever
by Unbiased Obsever » Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:48 am
Perhaps this place should be turned into a a JM blog with his continuous railing against other blogs. Considering he hasn't yet come up with an original thought, I am sure the writers at Crikey and LP would be appreciative of another POV rather than an idiot misrepresenting their hard work all over the net, but I suspect that Monk is nothing but a parrot
I think that we will have nothing added other than what he does best which is fertiliser and making marmalade
Like most lefties, he is reactive rather than proactive- waits for other to do the hard work then decides to rail against it.
by Guest » Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:09 pm
Perhaps this place should be turned into a a JM blog with his continuous railing against other blogs. Considering he hasn't yet come up with an original thought, I am sure the writers at Crikey and LP would be appreciative of another POV rather than an idiot misrepresenting their hard work all over the net, but I suspect that Monk is nothing but a parrot
I think that we will have nothing added other than what he does best which is fertiliser and making marmalade
Like most lefties, he is reactive rather than proactive- waits for other to do the hard work then decides to rail against it.
Don't forget
http://www.kevinruddsucks.com/ He is there too, talking to himself about marmalade and compost.
by Guest » Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:21 pm
Hmmm my definition of beer is
"A fermented beverage made mainly from cereal, most of which is malted." Cereals are mostly barley, with wheat, corn, oats & rye as supporting actors. Hoegaarden white (wit) is 45% unmalted wheat & rolled oats JUST scrapes in being called a beer!
Crap, mainstream beers like fourex, tooheys etc are made from more sugar than barley malt.
Sorry, XXXX is not even a BEER!
Is this person normal? This is a post in the
POLITICAL area. How can you attract decent posters if you have
Jovial Monk spamming a genuine POLITICAL topic with his nonsensical tid bits about food, gardening and booze?
by z » Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:57 pm
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