Resourceville blues and the great economic slump

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It's such a fine line between stupid and clever. Random guest posting.
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Re: Resourceville blues and the great economic slump

Post by IQ » Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:38 pm

Jovial Monk wrote:See? It is trying to keep you replying to it. Don't bother, it doesn't want to debate, just to get attention.
Still waiting for you to provide your 'evidence' LOL

Until then STFU about 'debate' because you have never come close to it.

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Re: Resourceville blues and the great economic slump

Post by Hebe » Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:39 pm

Hebe is not always what she seems. She owns several faces. Don't you Roxanna, the rabid leftie treehugging socialist.
Oh, I think I always come across pretty much the same wherever I post. Pretty mono-faced. As the old PA people here can attest.
The better I get to know people, the more I find myself loving dogs.


Re: Resourceville blues and the great economic slump

Post by Auzgurl » Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:53 pm

IQ wrote:
Regardless of whether you are a current member there - your comments still don't add up. Those original IQ posts were yours - and don't pretend otherwise. If you fooled the fools at D & R again - that comes as no surprise.
More lies?

You have no shame do you Mantra...
I think what we have here is Mantra caught this pointless homo in a lie and it has spent the best part of 2 hours trying to climb out of the hole it has dug...too late IQ. At least DT now knows hey spewy??.

And how @#$%^ funny now we have Boondocker from D&B with nothing better to do then troll on a far flung forum because all the inbred posters ( no offence Hebe) have died of starvation because they forgot how to breathe/feed themselves, that and lack of any new blood devoid of any oxygen at all was the last straw... :mrgreen: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

ha ha


Re: Resourceville blues and the great economic slump

Post by IQ » Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:59 pm

I think what we have here is Mantra caught this pointless homo in a lie and it has spent the best part of 2 hours trying to climb out of the hole it has dug...too late IQ. At least DT now knows hey spewy??.
Please explain, you clueless Cuntface, exactly what lie I have been caught in? ( I am only interested to see how your fucked up mind works :lol: I know you are more fucked in the head than Mantra, but I am interested to see just how much more clueless you are than her)


Re: Resourceville blues and the great economic slump

Post by Auzgurl » Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:25 pm

IQ wrote:
I think what we have here is Mantra caught this pointless homo in a lie and it has spent the best part of 2 hours trying to climb out of the hole it has dug...too late IQ. At least DT now knows hey spewy??.
Please explain, you clueless Cuntface, exactly what lie I have been caught in? ( I am only interested to see how your fucked up mind works :lol: I know you are more fucked in the head than Mantra, but I am interested to see just how much more clueless you are than her)


dont say I never do anything for you IQ . :lol:


Re: Resourceville blues and the great economic slump

Post by IQ » Sun Jan 18, 2009 10:21 pm

So you are either lying like Mantra or you have no idea because neither you nor Mantra can explain the so called 'lie I have been caught in'

I always knew you were a dumb fluffy bunny, no two ways about it. You have shown that time and time again.
I am surprised at Mantra though. She is about the opposite of you. Fairly reasonable most of the time with glimpses of complete madness that take over for a while, where you are complete madness with glimpses of sanity that last but a few fleeting posts.

Enjoy your madness Mel/Krazy Kate/OceanZ


Re: Resourceville blues and the great economic slump

Post by IQ » Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:19 pm

I didn't lie- I misled DT and it's not the same thing.

I said to DT......
Not only is my presence here the main topic of conversation there, my posting at another forum has become the topic. If Mantra wasn't so clueless she would have realised that someone else registered at the other place under my nick (I must say, I was quite surprised and somewhat flattered although a quick search of the user name easily revealed an imposter...although even Mantra would admit that she has never been that quick on the uptake)

*Sigh* Such is the life of stardom
and DT replied.....
I was banned from D & R too though my nick kept posting long after I left. It was surprising to see me actually bagging the shit out of myself in a most peculiar way.
How is that lying- just because I didn't correct him. He thought I had been banned before- maybe I was, but you can't prove it.


Re: Resourceville blues and the great economic slump

Post by Auzgurl » Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:32 pm


I see you have nervous diaherrah spewy...ha ha ha

Sphincter ache much?
Last edited by Auzgurl on Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Resourceville blues and the great economic slump

Post by Auzgurl » Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:39 pm

Now go and apolagise profusely to daddy and promise you will never steal his ID again and blacken his name.

Your a lying dog . Your a squirming ,lying waste of a good tell it to daddy..

Lying to your good friend Deepthought..after all he has done for you..protected you even when it is clear his forum is dying because of your presence..this is HOW YOU REPAY HIM!!????

Good luck with that pointless!!!


Re: Resourceville blues and the great economic slump

Post by IQ » Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:56 pm

God God you are stupid.

If you are ever going to plagiarise someone, at least have the common sense to mimic their grammar correctly
I said to DT......
I always use the elipses in the proper way and its proper context you pathetic cumdumpster

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