by mellie » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:39 pm
It's a given... thats why they moved heaven and earth to stay in power and get this carbon-tax through, how else had they planned to restore a surplus by 2014?
So when Gillard said "There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead".. she always knew in order to win, she'd have to hand over the balance of power to the greens, this and would use this as a cop-out, and a tool to funnel tax dollars into her socialist commie global orgs .. she'll move overseas probably, use it to suplament her investment portfolio, RuddsHow old is he? Bout the same age... so what have we done? We have payed twice the $$$ for two incompetent PM's, both of which wont be kicking the bucket any time soon....and will probably live till 100 on a $600,000 pa parliamentary pension.
Gillard:-- $600 000 times 50 (years) = $30 000 000
Rudd:--$600 000 times 50 = $ 30 000 000 Not to mention what they were paid whilst in the top job, this coupled with the advantages of knowing what to invest in, insider trading info etc.... their set up for life.
Long after they have left for communist China, or America, the UN...Berlin, wherever..., they will be laughing at us all the way to the bank.
Rudd and Gillard entered federal politics together, they exit at around the same time too.
, how ol:--d is she? 50? Imagine retiring at 50 on a PM's pention.
Last edited by
mellie on Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~