Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:26 pm

I, for one welcome our churlish overlords.

An invasion might teach you spineless leftys how to fight for something precious instead rolling over like a spayed puppy
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Viking King.

Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by Viking King. » Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:29 pm

I was once in a forum with a fellow from Wales, his view on anything was simple,
it ain't real unless you can feel it, see it, smell it,
he also said that what we see in the sky is not real unless you can feel it and smell it,
I worked him out, he was mentally trained detective for 35 yrs, he knew of no other way to look at something,
sure, we need evidence to say something is real, but in the mean time why not ask "What if?"
Science has told us that 13 1/2 billion yrs ago everything shrunk to the size of a pea then KABOOOOM, the begining of what we know of today,
what I would like to know is, "What was there before the big bang?"

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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by mellie » Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:48 pm

boxy wrote:I think there is a good case to be made, that we don't want to meet up with an intelligent extra terrestial species.

Convergent evolution would suggest that any species that occupies a similar niche to us, would be a species intelligent enough, and ruthless enough, to dominate an ecosystem for long enough to develop the technology to get off the planet in significant numbers, and send out probes to life baring planets.

Such a species would be far too similar to us to want to meet up with. Our history is rife with examples of us discovering new territory, and just taking it, with no reguard for "original inhabitants".

Tell this to the fucktards who keep sending directions, and golden voyager records into deep space.

The only time you might ponder this is if it were a distress signal, "May day May day, Earth's extinction is imminent, assistance required"

Otherwise, it's pot luck, do we really want another civilisation knowing where we are, like all bacteria, it's in our DNA to invade colonise engulf, destroy.

Terrific, they can play our golden records whilst ravaging our planet....good invading music... :D
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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by Super Nova » Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:02 pm


So you are saying? we are the only life ever to develope?
No, I am saying that why would you come all this way and not say hello. I believe life is abundant in the universe. I think it is very raise to progress to a space travelling civilisation.
Sure, science can only work with the tools it has today, 50 yrs ago we were still going off drawings from Gallileo, now we can see 5-6-10,0000 lightyears with super telescopes, 48 mtr lens, Agree
are you saying we have not been to the moon yet? No that would be a stupid thing to say. I am all for going to space. We need to get off this rock and eventually get to another solar system.
Get hold of a 16 inch telescope, you will see the evidence in the dust on the surface of the moon.
So far as a got, I have seen no evidence of such a being, but there must have been someone or something to start the ball rolling, I personally look at it like this, the creator is a scientist placing spores on a dish for study, introducing a different strain now and the to see what will happen, naturally the stronger strain will wipe out the weeker, same as us as animal life. No evidence of a creator. I believe that the universe had the capability to form life and it did evolve when the right circumstance prevailed. A chance event in the right environment. It makes me feel truely blessed :-)
Last edited by Super Nova on Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by Super Nova » Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:08 pm

boxy wrote:I think there is a good case to be made, that we don't want to meet up with an intelligent extra terrestial species.

Convergent evolution would suggest that any species that occupies a similar niche to us, would be a species intelligent enough, and ruthless enough, to dominate an ecosystem for long enough to develop the technology to get off the planet in significant numbers, and send out probes to life baring planets.

Such a species would be far too similar to us to want to meet up with. Our history is rife with examples of us discovering new territory, and just taking it, with no reguard for "original inhabitants".
Totally agree. If when we meet up with such a species it will be war. If we are more advanced we will win, if not... good by humanity. Then we will feel the biggest anal probe in history. (One froggen would be in envy of) At this time, any alien that can come here is far more advanced than us and unless they were benevolent we would be screwed.

I also think that the smallest of microbes from an alien world could destroy us as the martians were in war of the worlds. Biologic warfare will kick some serious but when all the DNA on earth has not protection to an alien microbe.
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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by TomB » Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:12 pm

As far as I'm aware there is no recorded case of a more advanced species intentionally wiping out an inferior one. More likely the inferior would be subjugated and used as a resource.

Humanity would survive I say!!!!!

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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by Super Nova » Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:19 pm

I love your avatar.

We intentionlly wiped out many species if they threaten us. Typically large preditors like wolves and large cats that take our live stock or threaten our live. We have hunted things to extinction.
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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by TomB » Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:21 pm

Name one species we have intentionally hunted to extinction.
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Viking King.

Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by Viking King. » Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:23 pm

Agree with you all, but who is to say they are not trying, if indeed they are visiting/arriving,
There is no gov't on this planet at least that would tell the public,
"Hey, say hi to Mork from Ork"
they would hunt it/them down to hind any evidence, ie; "International security"
who is to say that if they have found an alien that it is not being strapped down with electrodes and butt probes and a rubber cap on the head with 150 flashing lights tracing brainwaves to understand the speach patterns.
We will never know unless we, a regular Joe off the street comes across one and then takes him/her/it to the tv station and shows the world, in which case it would be like A.L.F. kept in the house to prevent anyone finding him/her/it.

A.L.F. where are you man?

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:26 pm

Viking King. wrote:... but in the mean time why not ask "What if?"
Science has told us that 13 1/2 billion yrs ago everything shrunk to the size of a pea then KABOOOOM, the begining of what we know of today,
what I would like to know is, "What was there before the big bang?"
What if there was no beginning and will be no end? ... Y'know as in the concept of infinite.
What if there never was a singular big bang? ... but instead constant smaller bangs at the centre of each galaxy.

Considering that there are constant star and planet forming explosions at the centre of most galaxies, including our own, the Milky Way, it seems a far more logical proposal than everything came from nothing.

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