Does the world need to regulate whaling

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AiA in Atlanta

Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:12 am

Outlaw Yogi wrote:feral pig population
is that swine tasty?

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Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by mantra » Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:13 pm

Neferti~ wrote:People who post copious amounts of "stuff" about "whaling" obviously haven't a Real Life. Once you guys grow up, have kids, get a mortgage, what Bob Brown thinks will no longer matter. Unless, you are an "empty nester" with cat problems and an overgrown back yard ............. :mrgreen:
I dont normally respond to bullshit but I have six children and 17 grand children and if you cant just do a bit of homework before dabating you are wasting your time and should spend your time playing video games like oneliner F/D.He has other web sites and can only put oneliners there too.
That's an interesting insight Yogi into members - you could be right.

It's easy to get the impression that whales are only big fish to some - not intelligent creatures who give birth to live babies and suckle. They suffer unnecessarily and the cull is inhumane and prolonged and done for no real purpose. This suffering is totally unnecessary and inhumane. We wouldn't allow our abbatoirs to take such a long time to kill livestock.
Last edited by mantra on Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:19 pm

AiA in Atlanta wrote:
Outlaw Yogi wrote:feral pig population
is that swine tasty?
Can be, but then pig flesh is my favourite.
Unless you get a sucker/young one, like most wild animals they can be a bit tough, which is why I stew almost everything wild I take/get, including ducks.
The main problem to look for with feral pigs, and is the same with roos and wallabies, is muscle worm.
They're whiteish or off white, slightly flat, very elasticy creatures upto about 3ft long.

Most people won't touch wormy meat or even feed it to their dogs, which is fair enough when raw.
I've eaten and shared with a G/Shepherd X B/Heeler dog wormy meat that was very well done and neither of us became infected. But since then I've learnt by accident that if you submerge the flesh in water the worms start coming out by themselves within minutes and can be grasped with long nose pliers or tweezers allowing them to be pulled all the way out.
That's how I know they can be 3 ft long. I was putting slabs/chunks/cuts of meat into buckets of water to keep flies off it.

Most Ozzie pig hunters tend to be into the adventure/danger/excitement aspect rather than free food, but in some places (likw northern NSW) pigs are hunted and sold for dog food.

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Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by J.W. Frogen » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:25 pm

The Japanese are giving in this year!

Never thought I would see that happen.

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Outlaw Yogi

Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:35 pm

Good to hear from you Frogman.

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Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by freediver » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:47 pm

It's easy to get the impression that whales are only big fish to some - not intelligent creatures who give birth to live babies and suckle.
You mean they are more like bacon than sashimi?
and done for no real purpose
What about food?

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Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by Super Nova » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:20 pm

Do the traditional whaling nations of the world need regulating
Yes. There are more than 80 species of cetaceans in the world. While some are endangered, some are abundant. Regulation MUST strongly support the protection of endangered whale species such as Blue whales. It is clear some regulation is required if only to protect endangered species.
1/ I think we should allow the traditional whaling nations of this world to use traditional means to trap and kill whales but they must not use mechanised means at all but only the same means of their ancestors used and only for the consumption of the people doing the catching
I do not think traditions means of trapping is going to meet the proposed relations that endangered species be protected. Traps are indiscriminate and should be banned.
Their ancestors would not have chased a whale down, got close to it, wounded it and then when… hold on… this is an endangered species… we must let this one go. No chance. Traditional methods were as much opportunist as much as planned hunts. They will kill what is easiest to kill. I can not see any argument that supports traditional methods considering the need for regulation.
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Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by Super Nova » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:21 pm

2/ If we dont allow these whaling nations to carry on their traditions, are we not saying to all nations that they must stop using their traditional language because more people speak english( example only )so they must conform with the rest of the world and their so called values
Even the Japanese government states:
1.Stocks of certain whale species such as Minke whale are scientifically proven to be not endangered;
2.The limited, sustainable use of such whale species does not pose any overall risk to stocks, and
3.The Japanese Government is strongly opposed to uncontrolled commercial whaling.

If a tradition has an impact on the world, like burning fossil fuel raising the world temperate for all, then that tradition is not benign and must be address in the interest of the planet as a whole. So this is not imposing western values, it is the west that become advanced enough first to understand the impact of human activity on the larger scale. Now we know, humanity needs to know… we all must work together to manage the planet. So tradition is not a valid argument for some to be protected from change
3/ Do we not become void of any traditions if we impose western ideals on any nation doing something different from the norm,what a sterile place this world would become,do we not end up like a sci-fi movie Soilant Green where we grind down our old folk into edible biscuits because of lack of space and waste not want not
It might be more sterile but it would help the planet be a place we all (all life) can live on into the long term future. These arguments may have be valid when we had a much smaller population and our collective impact was negligible. Now we are the totally dominant force on the planet with the health of the planet in our control. We must do what is right for the collective whole…
I think the future is to move to a more BORG type collective…. So resistance is futile.
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Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by freediver » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:11 pm

In some places it is a long standing tradition to beat your wife if she is disobedient.

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Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by Super Nova » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:21 pm

freediver wrote:In some places it is a long standing tradition to beat your wife if she is disobedient.

Now I am torn as I am not sure if that supports the case for or against. :-)
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