Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

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Jovial Monk

Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by Jovial Monk » Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:39 am

Aaaand another one who thinks, apparently, that the ALP is socialist. Hilarious!

If Bob Menzies was alive today he would vote ALP: the ALP is to the RIGHT of where Menzies was back in the 50s and 60s.

What a clown Menzies was! He should have kept his mits off the economy handed to him by Curtin (OK he defeated chifley but all the ideas came from Curtin) and stuck to drinking whiskey & adoring the queen :) but couldn't do that had to fiddle and caused inflation followed by his famous (infamous?) credit squeezes. It took another Labor government to further reform the economy--Hawke & Keating--and make it MORE market oriented!


Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by mantra. » Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:30 am

But how many children the imports have, and whether they teach them physics or religion at home, could have huge implications for the societies future.

Of course, we can't talk about that, because religion is WONDERFUL. And every culture is EQUAL. And all work has the same value.
The old Labor government under Hawke was headed down the path of absolute equality - Keating changed course and then Howard ran with Keating's policies. I think Labor may well be returning to some of the old moderate socialist values of the Hawke era, especially with the influence of Julia Gillard. No government can find a happy balance - and each new government tends to tip it one way or the other to the extreme. Governments can't keep everyone happy, but in the case of the Rudd government, I believe he is opting to placate the people which may not have desirable outcomes for the corporations.
The great weakness of socialism is that it systematically fails to recognize the different value of different workers, based on what they can do. Socialism is based on the idea that skill does not produce wealth, that simply turning up is the same as putting in and getting results.
Unfortunately this is one of the negatives - but in a true democracy, the government listens to the people and acts in the favour of the majority, even if the consequences of these actions aren't fully understood initially.

Jovial Monk

Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by Jovial Monk » Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:39 am

Julia Gillard is no longer in any way 'left' despite what lieberals or the press say.

There will be no return to socialist policies.

Action taken against the global meltdown is just to keep the economny going. Deepshit thought keynesianism was socialism bu then again he only has the most tenous touch with reality.


Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by skippy » Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:14 am

Dita wrote:Aaaand another one who thinks, apparently, that the ALP is socialist. Hilarious!

If Bob Menzies was alive today he would vote ALP: the ALP is to the RIGHT of where Menzies was back in the 50s and 60s.

What a clown Menzies was! He should have kept his mits off the economy handed to him by Curtin (OK he defeated chifley but all the ideas came from Curtin) and stuck to drinking whiskey & adoring the queen :) but couldn't do that had to fiddle and caused inflation followed by his famous (infamous?) credit squeezes. It took another Labor government to further reform the economy--Hawke & Keating--and make it MORE market oriented!
Dont forget Menzies home movies monk, they were a real treat.

Jovial Monk

Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by Jovial Monk » Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:03 pm

They were a hoot! Country at war, Menzies spends 6 months in London taking home movies!

White Indigene

Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by White Indigene » Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:19 pm

Dita wrote:hehehehehe I think it is fucking hilarious!

Cling on to your delusions WI!

Will keep giving us lots of laughs that way :mrgreen:
So do the delusions of a drunken PM (Hawke) make my ideas less worthy- simply because I am not a Laborite Dita?

Perhaps if I said Rudd will defy the laws of pyhsics, and rise to be an ALP god just Uncle Joe, you would suport what I say.


Jovial Monk

Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by Jovial Monk » Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:29 pm

No, I meant cling on to your illusion that the ALP is socialist.

White Indigene

Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by White Indigene » Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:32 pm

Dita wrote:No, I meant cling on to your illusion that the ALP is socialist.
Tell me then, what is your version of the ALP gang?

Jovial Monk

Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by Jovial Monk » Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:03 pm

This gang, this band of brothers. . .

ALP is to the right of the Fibs back when Pig Iron Bob was running the show.


Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by cynik » Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:07 pm

I think that once you get into conversations about what constitutes socialism, dignity is at risk.

Socialism is as socialists do. And they spend other people's tax money in order to perfect to state of the economy. SPEND. SPEND.

The basis of spending by government is that government knows better than the people what is good for the people. Due to the very great wisdom of the great priests of the socialist elite, of course.

Now I agree that Rudd is not a traditional socialist, and that the ALP is not fundamentally socialistic. The ALP is full of professional politicians, and they serve the corporate interests who fund their party campaigns in the privately owned media. So are the libs, the torries, the democrats, the republicans, and probably even the green anarchists lesbian fundamentalist Palestinian front.

Let's face it, nobody else has any money to fund politicians, NOTWITHSTANDING Obama.

Actually, I am a bit mystified by Obama, in that respect. He got all that money and did not take it from "lobbiests", but how much came from the corporate sector?

Anyone know?

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