Every single argument against whaling is either hypocritical, irrational, or both.
Most of us are conditioned to eating beef and it has become an essential staple in our diet. Whale meat isn't - to some of those who slaughter them for the fun of it.
So we should base our laws on what we have become accustomed to, and ban things that are strange?
What about the waste
What waste?
and torturous destruction
We are far crueller to animals we see as traditional food.
of a massive sea creature
So we shouldn't eat big animals?
for no reason aside from a sport for a group of elite Japanese businessmen
Because it is food. It is not just for elite businessmen. Are you saying that only the super rich and dogs eat it?
If the whale isn't being killed for essential food - why allow it?
So we should ban the harvest of any animal that is not essential? You are not capable of proving any single animal is essential food for Australians. And since when do the Japanese have to prove to you that it is essential for them to eat in order to get your approval to eat? How would you react if someone pulled a stunt like that on you?
I'm not saying ban it. It's not my business to tell Japan how to live their lives but the fact that most of the whale meat ends up as dog food or force fed to school children indicates that too many whales are dying unnecessary deaths all due to the fact that the industry in its current state would collapse if left to the free market.
It would not collapse. It would thrive. The only reason it is in trouble is because of the bans everywhere - because there is no free market. For example, I would try it if it wasn't banned.
There was a news story not long ago about whale meat being illegally smuggled into South Korea and the US. The restaurants that ordered the choice cuts were shut down and fined.
Sounds like demand to me.