Trump was shot today

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Re: Trump was shot today

Post by Jasin » Sat Jul 20, 2024 3:28 pm

Trump's just a political amateur from outside the Establishment and more cunning, tenacious and stubborn than he is intelligent (although he goes by the K.I.S.S method) or media savvy (not that he cares about pleasing the Media, nor should he - when it comes to Politics).
But as far as in comparison to the so-called 'professional' Biden, who has been in the Establishment all his life. He is more Politically savvy and charismatic and definitely more 'ALPHA' than Biden and even Obama and Clinton.
We know this by how International leaders right up to Kim, Xi and Putin all show him respect and don't push the envelope against him. Because they know he can be a 'little bastard' just like them and probably more so being of the USA.
All these 'Media' novelty Presidents are seen by the Middle-East as 'Satan' because its a fake-political entity when run by the Media and 'its' narrative. Do you think they'll all listen to Robert DeNiro if he was President? No. They want real politics, not an 'act'.

I don't like Trump. He's unreasonable and abrasive. But I respect the fact that he has what it takes and that he's giving it a go against the BIG BROTHER MEDIA (fake politics)/Democrat establishment. He knows he'll never be the one to succeed and destroy the SWAMP. But that was never his job. His job was to bring them all out into the open for the whole world and America to see them for what they are: CORRUPT.
His tall blonde, blue-eyed, (real) white Anglo 'Angel' mate will be the one that really puts an end to them. ;)

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Re: Trump was shot today

Post by Bobby » Sat Jul 20, 2024 4:38 pm

Jasin wrote:
Sat Jul 20, 2024 3:28 pm
Trump's just a political amateur from outside the Establishment and more cunning, tenacious and stubborn than he is intelligent (although he goes by the K.I.S.S method) or media savvy (not that he cares about pleasing the Media, nor should he - when it comes to Politics).
But as far as in comparison to the so-called 'professional' Biden, who has been in the Establishment all his life. He is more Politically savvy and charismatic and definitely more 'ALPHA' than Biden and even Obama and Clinton.
We know this by how International leaders right up to Kim, Xi and Putin all show him respect and don't push the envelope against him. Because they know he can be a 'little bastard' just like them and probably more so being of the USA.
All these 'Media' novelty Presidents are seen by the Middle-East as 'Satan' because its a fake-political entity when run by the Media and 'its' narrative. Do you think they'll all listen to Robert DeNiro if he was President? No. They want real politics, not an 'act'.

I don't like Trump. He's unreasonable and abrasive. But I respect the fact that he has what it takes and that he's giving it a go against the BIG BROTHER MEDIA (fake politics)/Democrat establishment. He knows he'll never be the one to succeed and destroy the SWAMP. But that was never his job. His job was to bring them all out into the open for the whole world and America to see them for what they are: CORRUPT.
His tall blonde, blue-eyed, (real) white Anglo 'Angel' mate will be the one that really puts an end to them. ;)
No JaSin,
we're all hoping that Trump will drain the swamp this time.
Surely he has learnt his lesson after what they did to him since 2020?

Did you know that after 61 years there are still 1,800 JFK documents classified -
no one is allowed to see them -
and 1000s more were released but redacted?
However - Trump - when he was President - did see some of them and he was astonished.
Trump will get them all released and unredacted this time.

Then he'll go after the heads of the 3 letter agencies:

he'll fire them and then put them on trial for treason.
The public want to see hangings but I suppose we'll just see them locked up in prison?

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Re: Trump was shot today

Post by Bobby » Sat Jul 20, 2024 9:49 pm

Jul 20, 2024

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Re: Trump was shot today

Post by Jasin » Wed Jul 24, 2024 2:10 pm

Hopefully Voldermort Dutton (ex-Cop) will join Trump from here and Great Britain will also get a politically orthodox Prime Minister to join them both.

Biden, Sunak and Albanese have been nothing more than Media entertainers with their woes politically and making us laugh at their inabilities as Politicians.

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Re: Trump was shot today

Post by Bobby » Wed Jul 24, 2024 2:29 pm

Jasin wrote:
Wed Jul 24, 2024 2:10 pm
Hopefully Voldermort Dutton (ex-Cop) will join Trump from here and Great Britain will also get a politically orthodox Prime Minister to join them both.

Biden, Sunak and Albanese have been nothing more than Media entertainers with their woes politically and making us laugh at their inabilities as Politicians.

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Re: Trump was shot today

Post by Jasin » Wed Jul 24, 2024 2:45 pm

Politics in America has been running on German, French and Italian politics since they got rid of the 'British' version long ago.
But as Germany has fallen like a Confederacy of Rednecks and soon the Gay France will choke and take the Democrats in America with them.
It only leaves the Italian (Media) politics to hold onto. But as Italy will capitulate into 'Mafia' and the Vatican will 'take the gold' over God. It's obvious that even the Italian Roman/Greco style that the USA follows will fail and when all looks lost for America... the 'Great' Britain will leave Europe and take its place as it should have - in America. ;)

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