Paleo-Medi Diet the best

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Re: Paleo-Medi Diet the best

Post by Jasin » Mon May 13, 2024 6:07 pm

The trap with males is that come around 40 years of age our metabolism slows down a lot and guys who still continue to eat as if still younger suddenly gain weight and the E.T. stomach 'pudge' pokes out like a beer gut. I developed the pudge and it took me two years to realise my gain and get rid of it. It also depends on my physical output as well. If I'm very physically active like construction, I would still eat well - but with the wisdom of better more efficient foods. There's a lot of plant food that takes longer to digest, but offers little nutrition compared to other foods. A good difference is Subway compared to McDonalds. I would eat a foot-long easy, but I never felt full or tired from the digestive process (body heat as well). It's good 'light' food. While McDonalds would sit 'heavy' in my stomach for ages and I don't eat it unless I'm sea-sick or nauseated sick as it for some reason works to settle such. Don't ask me why, I don't know? But I could be very vomit sick and shoving a 1/4 pounder into my stomach seems to settle things. If I barf it up again, no loss - it's only Maccas.

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Re: Paleo-Medi Diet the best

Post by Bobby » Mon May 13, 2024 7:49 pm

Jasin wrote:
Mon May 13, 2024 6:07 pm
The trap with males is that come around 40 years of age our metabolism slows down a lot and guys who still continue to eat as if still younger suddenly gain weight and the E.T. stomach 'pudge' pokes out like a beer gut. I developed the pudge and it took me two years to realise my gain and get rid of it.
We all put on weight after 40.

I try to have only one proper meal per day -
and just have snacks at other times.

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Re: Paleo-Medi Diet the best

Post by Jasin » Mon May 13, 2024 7:56 pm

That's what I do too.

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