The cold dead eyes of Julia Gillard

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Re: The cold dead eyes of Julia Gillard

Post by IQSRLOW » Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:27 am

How's that cook raffle going boxy?

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Re: The cold dead eyes of Julia Gillard

Post by HIGHERBEAM » Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:10 am

He cant even run a chook raffle without blackballing the chook let alone a forum
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Re: The cold dead eyes of Julia Gillard

Post by Mattus » Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:18 pm

I can't beleive this bitch. I can't beleive that Australia is buying this shit. I can't beleive this country is more excited about a potential wedding at parliament house than thy are about an internet filter *. About a price on carbon. A continued ban on gayness. A failure of a border policy. I have no faith in the Australians of today... the masterchef generation. All it takes is a mumsy soft focus spread in Women's day and a softeneing of the accent and Julia's no longer the knife weilding ranga bitch who shivved her way to the top, but someone we can trust. A PMILF.

I'm serious though. I don't know who to vote for. I won't vote for an internet filter. I won't vote for that wingnut medicare murdering thug either. The greens are not a credible alternative, and the democrats are dead, buried and cremated. Where is my party? Where is my Keating, my Beazley, my Latham? Where are the elitist fucks I have supported for so long, and who is this ranga, lowest-common-denomitator union puppet leading the ALP today?

* She'll do it too. If it will buy her one vote she'll renounce everything she has stood for in terms of chosing career above family and marry that poor hairdressing fluffy bunny at the drop of a hat.
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Re: The cold dead eyes of Julia Gillard

Post by HIGHERBEAM » Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:20 am

Donkey vote sounds good for you :mrgreen:
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Re: The cold dead eyes of Julia Gillard

Post by Mattus » Sat Jul 31, 2010 7:50 am

HIGHERBEAM wrote:Donkey vote sounds good for you :mrgreen:
Yes, yes. The rest of Australia are deciding national leadership by comparing
Image and Image

in the pages of Women's Weekly... but it's me that's the donkey. Who the fuck are these people anyway? They're certainly not the same people I see slinging faeces at eachother in parliament house.


You're the donkey, Australia.
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Re: The cold dead eyes of Julia Gillard

Post by Sappho » Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:13 pm

Why are Abbott's girls covering their ears?

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Re: The cold dead eyes of Julia Gillard

Post by mantra » Sat Jul 31, 2010 3:59 pm

Sappho wrote:Why are Abbott's girls covering their ears?
Haha. Girls usually take after their fathers in appearance. The poor things have probably inherited their dad's ears. Gillard and Abbott both should have had cosmetic surgery by now. Their ears are distracting.

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Re: The cold dead eyes of Julia Gillard

Post by J.W. Frogen » Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:51 am

I am with our demented Doc on the subject an Internet filter, indeed the Greens support it too, and the only party making it a major platform of opposition is the Australian Sex Party; they also support equal rights for gays and free speech guarantees. The Sex Party are perhaps Australia's only true libertarians?

As to boat people or asylum seekers, Labor has no choice but to retreat to a Howard like policy, they tried a reversal and paid mightily for it in the polls.

The fact of the matter is the vast majority of Australians want a hard line on the issue and any party that does not listen will be punished.

Carbon tax, well it really makes no sense if the big boys will not sign on, China, India, and the US. We would only be inflicting cost on our economy while doing nothing to solve the global problem, if they do not sign on it will not work.

I agree Gillard’s citizen assembly is an idiotic hand ball, she should have just came out and said we can't do a carbon tax because the major emitters in the world will not, but we can fund all sorts of cleaner energy research and carbon reduction initiatives on our own.

Labor's biggest problem right now is the leaking looser Rudd, everyone from Latham to Alexander Downer is claiming Rudd is a back stabbing snake who cares more about his damaged ego than he does a Labor victory, that he is the leaker.

Here is the latest accusation. ... 5899470933
Last edited by J.W. Frogen on Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The cold dead eyes of Julia Gillard

Post by HIGHERBEAM » Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:02 pm

* She'll do it too. If it will buy her one vote she'll renounce everything she has stood for in terms of chosing career above family and marry that poor hairdressing fluffy bunny at the drop of a hat.
She is as camp as a boy scout jamboree,he is just window dressing.Who would marry someone with a honker like that,you can stand underneath that without getting wet :mrgreen:
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Re: The cold dead eyes of Julia Gillard

Post by Mattus » Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:13 am

Mattus wrote:The is the darkest hour of Australian political history. A cynical, convicationless power grab. This is not forging a new labor in response to the public polls, they merely provided the opportunity, the justification for play. There is no change in the cabinet.

And the policies? Good christ, the pacific solution? Really? You have to be kidding. This is Meg Lees signing the GST. This is the betrayal of the party faithful. Sacrificing the soul of the left. Tearing the country to the right. Yanking us back to Howardian nonsense, and for what?

For votes? No. I think not. Felating the mining interest and adopting the policies of the old enemy will not even stop the haemorrhage of Labor Unity. It's certainly not going to win votes. If anything votes will be lost as the heartbroken socialist left (I include myself) reignite our romance with the greens or, Christ dare I say it, the dems (No.. no.. surely there's something else for us lost and departed?)

Then perhaps she did it for power? Perhaps... perhaps there was a surge of backing from the Unions cheering her on as she dropped on bended knee to grope beneath the sagging belly of primary industry. But even she must know the power is fleeting. That she will exit the same way she entered, with tears on the steps (and blood on the floor) of the house.

They maybe she beleives it's the right policy? No?

Or is it to distance herself from Rudd? Yes, there's an imperitive to distance herself from his fetid stench of failure. To been seen to cut away the rotten flesh. Sever the digit to save the limb. Yes, this is good medicine. But there's a difference between turfing the policies of the vanquished and embracing the laws of the enemy. Pacific solution was Howard's. It still has the old man's stink on it.

Sadly I think it's none of these. I think the reason she's adopting the pacific solution is simply because she doesn't have the brains to think of something better. She's more suited to ringing up dog biscuits at the local IGA than formulating original adminitrative thought, so she's copied the answers from the old bloke. I guess she figures he had a good run, that 11 years at the stick is good enough for her, so she'll just plagiarise his essay. Never mind that he played for the other team.

A sour day. The end of a love affair for this, once was, poitical animal.
Just gonna leave this here.
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