How desperate is our government

All things Health (including Viruses like Covid)
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billy the kid
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Re: How desperate is our government

Post by billy the kid » Sun May 23, 2021 4:11 pm

Where is our gutless media...
These whores whose very existence centres and preys on human tragedy are no-where to be seen....
Ivermectin was recommended recently by WHO for use in India and immediately cases began
to drop....
Shoosh...dont tell the Australian sheep.....we want them all to get the jab.....
And Craig Kelly was gagged by the polished turd for speaking mistruths about alternate
treatments for the conjob19 virus.....
I wonder how many of the media whores have the spine to question the turd in a suit
about Kelly and his Ivermectin now... ... -in-india/
Roll your sleeves up folks to get the jab for the deadly disease which doesnt exist in Australia....
No deaths since October, 2020 except for 1 punter in Qld (and he was from PNG and was a million
years old....)
The vaccine rollout will fizzle and splutter just like the conjob19 plandemic when the Australian
sheep realize India is recovering due to Ivermectin....
Question is.....
Will our incompetent government approve of its use......
Dont hold your breath...
This would make the turd in a suit look like a real moron....
Again.... :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: How desperate is our government

Post by sprintcyclist » Sun May 23, 2021 5:14 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Sun May 23, 2021 12:16 pm
One of the comments ...

Oregon First State To Require Vaccination Proof

Oregon and Covid19 through May 21, 2021

Total population = 4.2 Million
Total Covid19 “Cases” = 197,851
Total Covid19 deaths = 2,613

99.987% of “cases” DID NOT DIE!

Who Died?

29 people, 1.11%, were UNDER the age of 40!
1,962 people, 75.08%, were OVER THE AGE OF 70!
1,340 people, 51.28%, were OVER THE AGE OF 80!

If you are under 70 YEARS OLD, your FAR more likely to die from countless other common life ending accidents. And even if you're 70+, odds are still really good that it won't be Covid19 that turns out the lights.
my calculations are 2,613 / 197,851 = 1.3 %
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Re: How desperate is our government

Post by billy the kid » Mon May 24, 2021 10:56 am ... d=msedgntp
Scumo's proposal for interstate covid passports will not work.
This would necessitate border guards being placed on every vehicular border crossing from state to state
throughout Australia....far too costly and absolutely ludicrous.....imagine the drain on the Police....
Scumo cant just have airports guarded and not roads.
Will Scumo permit someone to drive across a border if he/she is not vaccinated, but if
he/she flies into say Brisbane, he/she has to have a jab.
Alan Joyce may require passengers to have the jab to get on board...
Maybe Joyce will simply require passengers to have a recent negative covid test.
Will these tests have PCR cycles of 25/35/45....?????
Will drivers and all their passengers need to be tested also before entering another state....
This country needs leadership...not spin and thought bubbles.....
Who runs this country...Scumo, Joyce or the Premiers.....
Your guess is as good as mine.... :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: How desperate is our government

Post by billy the kid » Mon May 24, 2021 12:11 pm ... d=msedgntp
What a shambles.....
Who in their right mind would vote for these morons if we have to have a pass to travel
Scumo should give it away....he's losing votes by the second..... :rofl
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Re: How desperate is our government

Post by Black Orchid » Mon May 24, 2021 12:58 pm

What are Albo's ideas other than mumbling like a bogan in the background occasionally? I think his restrictions would be worse, if anything.

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Re: How desperate is our government

Post by Bobby » Tue May 25, 2021 8:12 am


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Re: How desperate is our government

Post by billy the kid » Tue May 25, 2021 10:32 am ... d=msedgntp
Well who woulda thought....
Just when everyone is becoming complacent and jab hesitant..what happens....
Suddenly theres a few cases in Victoria.....
Quick everyone....race out and get the jab...hurry hurry hurry......
The borders are closing...masks are back on...restrictions are back on......
Hurry hurry hurry....
Race out and get the jab so we can all get back to normal....
And all the gullible fools fall for it...hook line and sinker...... :rofl :rofl :rofl ... d=msedgntp ... d=msedgntp
AND there is STILL no direction on whether you need to wear a mask if youve been jabbed...
Is this a given...why hasnt there been an announcement by Scumo or one of his clowns about this
After all, other countries make these announcements...
Australia is just one big cluster with no leadership and everyone running
around like headless chooks....
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Re: How desperate is our government

Post by billy the kid » Wed May 26, 2021 11:03 am ... d=msedgntp
WHY is there no lockdown in Victoria.
This is totally contradictory to the "expert medical and scientific advice" governments
have been acting upon for fourteen months.
There has been lockdown upon all states....for a smaller number of cases.... lockdown in Victoria...
Has the advice changed...
Is it because a mere pittance of the population has been jabbed...
OR has the narrative (aka lies)......changed....
The best indicator of future behaviour is past behaviour....we all know that...
WHY then no lockdown...
OR am I being premature...
After all....Andrews has been telling us this virus...this deadly virus.... is different...its far worse...
AND of course if everyone is to believe Andrews, everyone will race out and get the jab....
Shouldnt there be a lockdown if this deadly virus is worse than last years deadly virus....
OR have we been conned all along....
Laughable.... :rofl
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Re: How desperate is our government

Post by billy the kid » Thu May 27, 2021 10:19 am

Alan Joyce has Scumo over a barrel....
Joyce will be telling Scumo...any more of these lockdowns and we're fucked...
...stop the lockdowns or you lose Qantas...
If Qantas go belly up the banks will bail them out...and tell Scumo
that Chinese interests will probably then buy Qantas...
Scumo will then have to grant China a license to fly in Ostraya...
Joyce will win....
Connect the dots....
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billy the kid
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Re: How desperate is our government

Post by billy the kid » Thu May 27, 2021 11:22 am

So theres a lockdown in Victoria...
BUT you can go and get the jab.....
The whole states in lockdown...but you can go and get the jab...
10,000 contacts...theyre everywhere....
Quick get the jab.....
BUT stay in lockdown...
(Youre going to get the jab whether you like it or not....)
Ooops..sorry...thats Junes speech...
Quick...get the jab...
So we can get back to normal...
We're all in this together...
Get the jab....
Oh by the way....
The jab doesnt stop you from getting the virus....
AND you can still pass it on...
AND youll need ten boosters........
Big Pharma rubs their hands together...
And politicians sit down and order the trout tonite...
(The barramundi was a bit overcooked last nite....) :rofl :rofl :rofl
Almost 200 testing sites throughout Victoria...
AND people are being encouraged to get tested...
Tested and jabbed...
BUT theres a lockdown.... :rofl
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