Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by Fred » Thu Sep 10, 2020 4:36 pm

Well, that just goes to support your case. We may not agree on everything but with this I consider to be a demonstration of your stance, I concur.

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billy the kid
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Thu Sep 10, 2020 5:03 pm

AND this week, three Qld politicians have announced their resignation giving
various "reasons"....
Rats deserting a sinking ship comes to mind..... :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Sep 10, 2020 6:36 pm

I was watching this on the news. They said she finally got her exemption 2 days after her father died? Then she applies for a separate exemption to attend his funeral and it is denied.

Now she has to stay in quarantine in QLD for another 8 days before even being able to go home to the ACT where there have been no CV cases for 2 months.

It's not only incompetent it's heartless and lacks any form of compassion.

Meanwhile at the funeral the people were all sitting together with no masks.

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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:48 am ... 55u91.html
Well, it just gets worse and worse doesnt it.
Not sure if this link will open, but with the suggestion that Sutton was shut out of the pandemic response,
it raises the question once again of transparency within the Victorian Government.
Of course, this has been under the microscope since day one, but Suttons comments yesterday about the curfew
and the Police Commissioners response....hhhmmm...
"Health bureaucrats stopped Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton taking control of the state’s coronavirus response against his wishes and in contradiction to the state’s own pandemic plan.
The revelation came during Victoria's hotel quarantine inquiry on Thursday, as senior health bureaucrats warned that the Andrews government's failure to consult Professor Sutton on critical decisions about infection control had undermined the government's pandemic response.
The inquiry heard that Health Department deputy secretary Melissa Skilbeck advised her department secretary that Professor Sutton would be too busy in his lead advisory role and as the public face of the pandemic response to also serve as state controller."

Who the fuck is Melissa Skilbeck...
This entire Government should be sacked....
What we saw yesterday from Morrison was simply an illusion....
His pathetic political grandstanding over the Palaszczuk Government fiasco was nothing more
than a spineless moan..
He bleats about Palaszczuk etc...but does absolutely nothing about Stalag Victoria...
I wont bother with a list of the state and federal politicians in this country, suffice for
me to say that when Campbell Newman blurts out that Kate Jones could have been
Premier material, I fell on the floor pissing myself laughing.....
Think for a moment of all our current politicians.....
And people like Greg Dowling and Robert Bartholomew stand in the wings
waiting to become politicians.....
No wonder the joint is in such a fkn mess...... :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Tue Sep 15, 2020 7:44 pm

We have to wonder just how much of the 7.30 ABC report is just propaganda.
My GP stated recently that the worst thing to do with a virus of this nature is to confine
everyone in hotel quarantine in confined spaces with no movement, no sunshine, and a lack of
clean air.
I wouldnt know...Im not a GP....I am only repeating what Ive been told.
He also referred to the Ruby Princess debacle and the hotel quarantine debacle in Melbourne.
How much of the government "expert knowledge" is truthfully being conveyed to the public when
a GP totally rejects the notion of hotel quarantines as totally wrong.....
Passengers are in a confined space in a cruise ship...they are in a confined space in a hotel
How much of our governments response to the conjob19 plandemic was competent.
How much of the media information conveyed to the public has been truthful...
Believe what you want to believe....
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Wed Sep 16, 2020 9:52 am ... d=msedgdhp
What a load of absolute dogshit.
Jeanette Young is going to consider, after consultation with the Tourism industry, reducing the period
of infection free cases in NSW to 14 days to enable NSW travellers to enter QLD
This has nothing to do with the health/science of the conjob19 plandemic.
If youve got money or you want to play footy or come to the AFL GF we will welcome
you with open arms.
If you want to visit a dying family member...not interested...
WHY does she have to consult with Tourism.
Why isnt she being reported as consulting with other epidemiologists....
Shes a good person someone wrote.....
Yeah right.....
Bullshit...just bullshit....
I wonder if this was a suggestion by SloMo.....
Ooops....sorry.....he has no power.......
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Wed Sep 16, 2020 10:31 am

billy the kid wrote:
Tue Sep 15, 2020 7:44 pm
We have to wonder just how much of the 7.30 ABC report is just propaganda.
My GP stated recently that the worst thing to do with a virus of this nature is to confine
everyone in hotel quarantine in confined spaces with no movement, no sunshine, and a lack of
clean air.
I wouldnt know...Im not a GP....I am only repeating what Ive been told.
He also referred to the Ruby Princess debacle and the hotel quarantine debacle in Melbourne.
How much of the government "expert knowledge" is truthfully being conveyed to the public when
a GP totally rejects the notion of hotel quarantines as totally wrong.....
Passengers are in a confined space in a cruise ship...they are in a confined space in a hotel
How much of our governments response to the conjob19 plandemic was competent.
How much of the media information conveyed to the public has been truthful...
Believe what you want to believe....
Billy, you forgot to add the confines of nursing homes.....thats where they're all dying..... :roll:
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Sep 16, 2020 12:28 pm

Their biggest mistake was allowing the footy in yet denying the everyday plebs the right to visit dying family members.

Family is not important but the footy is. :roll:

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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:11 pm

Watch the Qld restrictions reduce as the AFL GF draws near...
The "official" reason will be of course, a reduction in cases in NSW.
Young has been adamnt for months that the benchmark would be 28 days in NSW and Victoria
without any new infections.
That is her expert decision based on modelling and expert epidemiological "opinions"
How can she suddenly say 14 days is now the benchmark....'
Its a con......
Its been a con from day one.....
AND Palaszczuk has the hide to spend half a million bucks on a survey to see if everyone
in her marginal seats likes her.....
What a joke.....
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:23 am ... d=msedgdhp
Merry Xmas to all Qld tenants....
No...wait a minit.......
The moratorium on residential evections will be lifted at the end of September...
The moratorium on commercial evictions extends to the end of December....
No...wait a minit....
The Chamber of Commerce wants the commercial evictions to be delayed....
No...wait a minit....
Is that economic advice or Health advice.....
No...wait a minit....
The Qld ecomony is going gangbusters, so we can lift the residential eviction moratorium, because
the propaganda is that Palaszczuk is doing a great job...
No...wait a minit....
We still have to keep the borders shut.....
Thats why high rises only have an occupancy rate of 6%...
Thats why we are cancelling all sporting events...
No...wait a minit....
The AFL GF will go ahead....we need the money...acccording to "Health expert" Jeanette Young...
OR is she the Treasurer....
Watch the borders closures come down "just in time for the GF"
Is the decision to lift the residential eviction moratorium based on economic advice or health the extension of the commercial eviction moratorium simply to protect those with
"a few dollars"....
What a fkn mess....
Propaganda from the Qld government is that they are doing a fantastic job...
Yep...ask the bloke sleeping in the park thats just lost his job......
He'll definitely agree as he crawls back into his sleeping bag or his cardboard box....
Qld is a mess...dont believe the Qld grubberment propaganda....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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