Why the world is rooted.

America, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world
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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:56 pm

https://www.news.com.au/national/mass-b ... 1eacbbafed
The question needs to be asked...…
Is multiculturalism a failure in Melbourne….
We have been told for decades by our politicians that Australia is the most successful multicultural
country on the planet...
Well..is it really....
In an attempt to tolerate other cultures by allowing numerous people from all over the world
to migrate to Australia, this country, and in particular, Melbourne is gradually disintegrating
in front of us...
Melbourne politicians for years have denied that there has been an African gang problem in the city...
The above link may not identify africans as the problem, but google the subject and you see that
this is indeed the root of the problem...
Multiculturalism of today destroys local culture...it does not give any positives...
Look at other countries throughout the world...they all suffer from multiculturalism...
Death, carnage and destruction are occurring in parts of Europe and the USA...
This is occurring because of two reasons...
A resurgent and demonic islam and a demoralized and politically correct western civilization....
Both feed off each other....
Australia may have been "built off the backs of migrants" many decades ago...
BUT it is now being torn down by the rabble which we are allowing into the country...
OH and by the way...whatever you do.....
Don't ever say anything negative about BLM or the indigenous in Australia....
You will be crucified and condemned from here to kingdom come.....
Have a covid free day everyone..... :roll:
AND don't forget to take the knee if you go to the boneheadball this weekend....
AND also....don't forget...
If you want to boo the opposition...like they have since the days of the gladiators...
You can do that...
BUT you cant boo an indigenous player.....
That's not permitted...... :rofl :rofl :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Black Orchid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:06 pm

Multiculturalism would be a good thing so long as you don't saturate the host society with the scum of the earth and unfortunately that is what the elites have done and you would have to be deaf, blind and dumb to think that enriches any society. Worldwide we can see that this does not work! Period.

It's not politically correct to say that though! :roll: Unfortunately for the easily offended I am not politically correct. 8-)

Take us back a few decades and Australia was rich with multiculturalism. They worked, they blended, they learned English, they built businesses other than criminal empires, they thrived and they gave back to the country they were accepted in to. They considered themselves Australians!

Fast forward to what we have now and it's just a huge mess. Their appreciation, respect and loyalty to Australia is zilch!

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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Wed Jun 17, 2020 3:19 pm

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-17/ ... n/12363750
I have an idea....
No wait....I'll re-phrase that.....
I have a dream..... :rofl
My dream is that no indigenous person should be arrested or fined for any offence.
That would solve the deaths in custody issue....
My dream is that any wages or benefits that indigenous persons are being paid.....
Double them....
My dream is that any government benefit which is bestowed on any indigenous person/community/society..etc…
Double it....
My dream is that if any indigenous person applies for a job...he/she gets it...
If he/she sits for any exam.....they pass...
If they wish to play any sport of any kind....they are automatically granted membership of that team/association..etc…
If they enter any school or university....they graduate with honours….
AND of course...
All politicians will be indigenous....
Ernie Dingo could become Prime Minister....
They could fly our planes...man our navy...crew our subs...defend the nation....
They could all become brain surgeons tomorrow....
Well...maybe not brain surgeons....maybe lawyers, architects, engineers, accountants, dentists...
There you go.....
Problem solved...... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:47 pm

https://www.9news.com.au/national/crime ... 0e70e4ef45
409,841 criminal incidents in Victoria for the 12 months up to 31.3.2020.....
That's over 1,000 criminal incidents per day...every day..of the year throughout the state...
If you access the data you will find all sorts of statistics.....
The link talks about the age of the criminals.....
It talks about the number of females involved in crime...
The ages of children involved in crime between 10....yes... 10 years old.....and 17...
It talks about the types of crimes, ranging from carjacking to home invasions....
It talks about items stolen such as phone, shoes, clothing and airpods….
It even gives us a breakdown of where the crimes are committed.....the suburbs and the
The report is ambiguous but seems to suggest that 9% of crimes are committed by children
between 10 and 17 and 20% by offenders 18-24.....that's a total of 29% by offenders
up to 24...…
Seems like a bit of incompetent parenting going on in Victoria....
The undisciplined 8 year old becomes the 16 year old criminal....
Who woulda thought......
BUT the absence of one statistic staggers me.....
The race of the offender is not published.....
Is it in fact recorded....
Why not....
Is this statistic too damning....
Cant be seen to be racists now can we....
https://www.crimestatistics.vic.gov.au/ ... blications
Go to this link and you will find details of drug and alcohol abuse...family violence data...
...youth crime...sex offences....reoffending...victims....female offenders....
BUT no data on race.....
Race must be recorded somewhere...as we are told on a daily basis of the number of
indigenous deaths in custody....432 was the last number from memory since 1991....
Our politically correct bean counters have to be seen by the world as being non racist....
Perhaps if the race of the offenders was made known to the general public...…
Aaah no.....we cant have that...... :rofl :rofl :rofl
Sounds to me like the perfect way to get to the guts of the problem..... :roll:
Voltaire (see below) had it right...….
Have a great covid free day..... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:34 pm

Why the world is rooted.
It's rooted because anti-western commies have taken over all the bureaucracies and education depts in the English speaking world and now we need a fascist revolution to clean it up.
I'm not looking forward to fascists taking over, but accept it's required.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:20 am

Recently, I looked up the meaning of the word "diabolical"
Depending on which definition you wish to use....it generally means pretty bad...
That's probably an understatement....
Yesterday Morrison announced that it was a sad day when referring to the unemployment
rate of 7.1.%...diabolical comes to mind.....
Of course, we all know that its much worse than that as the stats don't include everything
the government wants to leave out...that would make the rate...well...diabolical......
At the end of the month, Morrison and Freakenberg will review JobKeeper/JobSeeker…..
That's 11 days away....
In 11 days the government waffle will probably be that they are reviewing the situation....
The shit will really hit the fan if they scrap JobKeeper and reduce JobSeeker…
Will they extend them both past September...
Not a snowballs chance in hell.... :rofl
Which brings me to...….
Three months or so after September comes Christmas...
You know...that time of the year where everyone who has a job....and others....
...jump in their jalopy...and fills her up with $1.70 per litre petrol...(obviously the price goes
up as the muppets need petrol during school holidays...but of course the government cant/wont
do a thing about price gouging as they need the petrol tax/excise/gst...etc...)
AND the muppets then drive to where ever they drive to for Christmas and spend copious
amounts of money because of a date on the calendar...
PROBLEM is....this year......theres no money....
Is Morrison going to give everyone a Christmas present (including the bankrupt retail industry..)
by extending JobKeeper/JobSeeker….
I doubt it...
Oh and by the way...don't forget all those postponed mortgage payments will become payable again
come September....what with...peanuts....
A particular phrase comes to mind for Messrs Morrison and Freakenberg….
You've fucked it morons...…
Now unfuck it...…
Good luck....
You're gunna need it...
2021 will be even worse....diabolical one might say.....
Have a fantastic day everyone...... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Black Orchid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:18 pm

OAKLAND, Calif. -- Oakland’s mayor said five ropes found hanging from trees in a city park are nooses and racially-charged symbols of terror but a resident said they are merely exercise equipment that he put up there months ago.

Mayor Libby Schaaf said Wedesday that a hate crime investigation was under way after a social media post identified a noose at the city’s popular Lake Merritt. Police said they searched the area on Tuesday and found five ropes attached to trees.

The Police Department provided five photographs of trees, some of which showed knotted ropes and one that appeared to have a piece of plastic pipe attached to a rope, hanging from tree limbs.

They have been removed by city officials.

Victor Sengbe, who is black, told KGO-TV that the ropes were part of a rigging that he and his friends used as part of a larger swing system. He also shared video of the swing in use.

“Out of the dozen and hundreds and thousands of people that walked by, no one has thought that it looked anywhere close to a noose. Folks have used it for exercise. It was really a fun addition to the park that we tried to create,” Sengbe said.

“It’s unfortunate that a genuine gesture of just wanting to have a good time got misinterpreted into something so heinous,” he told the station.

Nooses have been associated with the lynching of black people and used as symbols to taunt or terrorize African Americans.

Schaaf said officials must “start with the assumption that these are hate crimes.” However, the mayor and Nicholas Williams, the city’s director of parks recreation, also said it didn’t matter whether the ropes were meant to send a racist message.

“Intentions don’t matter when it comes to terrorizing the public,” Schaaf said. “It is incumbent on all of us to know the actual history of racial violence, of terrorism, that a noose represents and that we as a city must remove these terrorizing symbols from the public view.”

“The symbolism of the rope hanging in the tree is malicious regardless of intent. It’s evil, and it symbolizes hatred,” Williams said.

Police said several community members came forward during their initial investigation to say the ropes were used for exercise and a man came forward to say he put them up several months ago.

The department said it is conducting a full investigation and had notified the FBI.

“We remind and ask our community to be mindful when using this equipment in a recreational manner. These acts may send an unintended message,” the police statement said. “We recognize especially at this time, that any ropes on or attached to trees, limbs or other objects can be associated with hate crimes and racial violence.”
https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireSto ... n-71314468

So exercise equipment used by blacks as part of a swing system in the trees have been deemed by yet another 'woke' leftist Mayor as nooses. She is saying this is a hate crime and "terrorizing symbols" and must be removed.

I know who should be removed worldwide. These leftist moonbats! God give me strength! Image Image

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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:49 am

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... ework.html
Greeting and salutations to one and all...
Wasn't it a great weekend folks......
The boneheadball is back
The Oonga Moongas are playing the troglodytes….
...the pissheads are back in the pubs...the riots and looting continue in the US
Protest marches continue all over the world....
TransVision Vamp comes to mind...
https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=tr ... a3023b0a75
Even in the fragmented states of America...NY and Chicago had a few more murders....
Biden into $1.64 to win the election...Trump out to $2.30....laughable....
Nothing changes...just gets worse....
Even in the UK...…
13 year old kids from a catholic school have been handed their homework for the day....
Guess what kids.....I want you go home tonite and...…
Wait for it...…
Plan your own funeral...…
Tell me...as a parent...what would your reaction be if your 13 year came home
with this absolute garbage for their homework.....
I can hear people saying well...its just one nites homework at one school...so what....
Is this an example of what kids are taught today....
Catholic schools should be giving their kids homework on how to dob in a pedophile priest...
NOT how to plan your own funeral....
I feel sorry for the kids of today....I really do...
They are surrounded by lies, confusion, doubts, and in many cases the looney left and
incompetent parents....
I remember one day one of my kids asking me about something totally unimportant to him....
Cant remember what...
I said to him.....forget about it....don't worry about it....just enjoy being 12...…
In the UK, in the middle of a pandemic.....where everyone is dying.....
Some moronic teacher gives them homework to plan their own funeral...
Sick...just sick...... :roll:
No wonder the world is rooted.....
Have a great day everyone..... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Black Orchid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Jun 22, 2020 12:07 pm

People talk about the US but the UK is by far the worst at this PC abomination of identity politics.

If one of mine brought home a homework assignment like that I would burn it.

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