Disappointed at the BLM marches being allowed

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Disappointed at the BLM marches being allowed

Post by sprintcyclist » Sat Jun 06, 2020 8:53 pm

I am disappointed at the lack of political resolution.
This is totally against current medical directives.

We have unleashed a big problem.
The govts have unlocked the cage Covid-19 was in.
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Black Orchid
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Re: Disappointed at the BLM marches being allowed

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:28 pm

More disappointed at the dreadful biased media coverage. The media is getting worse daily.

I saw one woman whining about her sons and daughters in prison. Perhaps they shouldn't have committed the crimes that put them there? :roll:

People who have been locked down are angry too. We still have restrictions!

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Re: Disappointed at the BLM marches being allowed

Post by sprintcyclist » Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:49 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:28 pm
More disappointed at the dreadful biased media coverage. The media is getting worse daily.

I saw one woman whining about her sons and daughters in prison. Perhaps they shouldn't have committed the crimes that put them there? :roll:

People who have been locked down are angry too. We still have restrictions!
Right Wing is the Natural Progression.

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Re: Disappointed at the BLM marches being allowed

Post by cods » Sun Jun 07, 2020 7:08 am

I think the march should been allowed to go on

why give them a permit in the first place.???

to knock it back was a disaster as it brings out even more agitators...they dont need much to stir them up..

the whole thing has been highjacked anyway...the ratbags cause trouble...lucky us nothing like whats happening in AMERIKA
but it brings out the worst in people..and as per usual the Police cop it....

as for corvid.... they are allowing footy crowds back race tracks are being opened to the public.... :roll: :roll:

I dont see much difference to be honest....

lets stop being petty...

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Re: Disappointed at the BLM marches being allowed

Post by Black Orchid » Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:33 am

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Re: Disappointed at the BLM marches being allowed

Post by Valkie » Sun Jun 07, 2020 11:55 am

I think we should grab a few dozen carriers of the virus.

Seed the crowd and encourage a kiss fest with all who attend.

Clean out the parasites and dole bludgers real good.
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Re: Disappointed at the BLM marches being allowed

Post by Juliar » Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:41 pm

Hopefully the virus will spread like wildfire through the despicable Greenies and their Rent a Crowds as their drug racked WELFARE supported bodies will die from the virus. A purge of the sick and diseased.

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Re: Disappointed at the BLM marches being allowed

Post by Redneck » Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:42 pm

My initial reaction was Abos just jumping on the bandwagon after the USA demonstrations and this is true to a degree, but after listening to the discussions on todays ABC Insiders I guess I can understand that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to raise the issue in relation to the treatment of Australian Aboriginal a lot that were raised in the 1987 Royal Commission and whos recommendations were never acted upon , and things have only got worse since then , deaths in custody, aboriginies per head of population in prison, mistreatment by police etc. I guess some both black and white people saw it as too important an issue that they participated in the demonstrations regardless of the health risks!

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Re: Disappointed at the BLM marches being allowed

Post by Juliar » Sun Jun 07, 2020 3:07 pm

Was Socialist Extremist Reddy marching in the illegal rally ?

Virus Virus do your duty and KILL them all.

What do some of the real people reckon about this anti-Australia display of HATE from the sick diseased Greenies ?

Christopher Newnham
Difference between Anzac Day and this march...attendees !!!
One group GAVE to Australia ..including their lives
One group TAKE from Australia …See more

Genghis McLennan
I suppose if some of the professional demonstrators die of Covid. They will blame the cops for more deaths in custody, rather than their own stupidity

Kris Rambler
This is only relatively small group of deranged cretins enormously inflated by leftard media on orders of international globalist..every nation on Earth has this kind of retarded individuals but only in "liberal drlemocracies" they are given any prominence...they are used for political stunts which normal and decent people are not going to do...

Margaret Barker
I wonder how many would turn up anywhere there's a "protest" march today if the media gave them absolutely NO coverage whatsoever?!?!?!???? Yes, this is a democracy and the right to protest is part of this, and yes there are folk who are genuine .... but how many are professional protesters who jump on any bandwago that comes along, with no real understanding or knowledge of the historical perspectives that have given rise to the mess that the USA is in now, AND WE ARE NOT AMERICA!

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Re: Disappointed at the BLM marches being allowed

Post by Juliar » Sun Jun 07, 2020 3:34 pm

May the virus do its duty and kill them all.

Tens of thousands of Australians disregard COVID-19 warnings for Black Lives Matter rallies
Cait Kelly 6:00am, Jun 7, 2020 Updated: 11:16am, Jun 7

A Black Lives Matter protestor holds a sign with the Aboriginal flag and the words 'I stand with you'.Thousands of Australians have taken to the streets to call for an end to racism and police brutality. Photo: Cait Kelly

Tens of thousands of Australians defied warnings from health authorities Saturday to join Black Lives Matter rallies around the nation.

While the marches were generally peaceful and without incident, things turned ugly in Sydney in the evening when a confrontation between police and protesters at Central Station ended with allegations that several people had been pepper sprayed.

Read on here

https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/coronav ... lia-rally/

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