Is China's Belt and Road a world takeover attempt ?

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Is China's Belt and Road a world takeover attempt ?

Post by Juliar » Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:13 am

After the fall of Troy a common saying grew ..... "Beware Greeks bearing gifts" Well looks like the 21st century is a good time to upgrade this old saw ..... let's change it to "Beware Chinese bearing gifts" Is the Belt and Road is just a big fat Trojan horse .... And everyone knows how that story ended.

This China "Belt and Road" program is in reality an economic invasion. It will try to gain political influence behind this program not just investment. Victoria should not take economic benefit ahead of national interest. Andrew's government should think twice.

More Chinese bribes to a Labor "Govt" ? Victoria this time.

Beijing's Belt and Road push 'exploits' leadership tensions worldwide
By Anthony Galloway and Eryk Bagshaw May 31, 2020 — 3.17pm

Beijing is exploiting differences within countries and regions over the Belt and Road Initiative all over the world, national security experts warn, as it ramps up its push to become a global health and infrastructure leader in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

Victoria is now in an escalating feud with the Morrison government and the Department of Foreign Affairs over its decision to sign on to the $1.5 trillion global infrastructure initiative, which will allow for Chinese investment in Victoria and for Victorian companies to participate in Chinese government projects overseas.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews faces questions about the state's Belt and Road agreement with China.CREDIT:JAMES ROSS

There is now a growing a concern, held at the highest levels of the Morrison government, that China will use the Victorian agreement as a propaganda win to claim the Victorian government has broken ranks with Australia's China policy.

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas sparked controversy earlier this month when he accused the federal government of vilifying China and engaging in "dangerous, damaging and irresponsible" diplomacy in singling out Beijing for its role in the pandemic.

Read Commo Dan's national security breach here ... 54xx8.html

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Re: Is China's Belt and Road a world takeover attempt ?

Post by Juliar » Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:27 am

Recall how China was bribing NSW Labor ? Well now they are at it with Victoria Labor.

Victoria’s Belt and Road Initiative deal undermines cohesive national China policy
22 May 2020|Michael Shoebridge

Devious Dan

The Victorian government’s Belt and Road Initiative program is a zombie project that has its own inertia and is proceeding despite the world changing around it. It needs to be halted and comprehensively reassessed. The federal government institutions that understand foreign policy, national security and digital technology must be involved actively and comprehensively in that reassessment.

The core rationale for a state government being a party to this initiative of Beijing’s also needs to be rethought in light of the world we are now living in.

If it’s about cheap financing, the Covid-19 environment means money is as cheap for governments to borrow as it has ever been, so that reason doesn’t make much sense.

If it’s about giving Chinese firms work, there are plenty of Australian companies that are at least as qualified and available to undertake infrastructure projects.

If it’s about using Chinese digital technology in our infrastructure, that’s probably just a bad idea.

Read on about devious Dan's undermining of Australia's national security here ... na-policy/

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Black Orchid
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Re: Is China's Belt and Road a world takeover attempt ?

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:40 am

When is the next Victorian election?

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Re: Is China's Belt and Road a world takeover attempt ?

Post by Neferti » Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:58 am

Black Orchid wrote:
Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:40 am
When is the next Victorian election?
2022 I think.

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Re: Is China's Belt and Road a world takeover attempt ?

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:00 am

Neferti~ wrote:
Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:58 am
Black Orchid wrote:
Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:40 am
When is the next Victorian election?
2022 I think.
Too long to wait.

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Re: Is China's Belt and Road a world takeover attempt ?

Post by Neferti » Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:02 am

The last one was in 2018 I think and they do have 4 year terms same as elsewhere.

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Re: Is China's Belt and Road a world takeover attempt ?

Post by Juliar » Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:21 am

It looks like China is using money and viruses instead of guns to take over Australia. Also technology, recall the Huweii 5G spy system China wanted Australia to buy ?

Is our wartime PM ready for another war with China ?

The belt and road initiative is the center piece of China's economic development planning. If you read the specifics of it on the Australian government website, it is clear that it was an attempt to divert its economic dependence on USA and its allies. It wanted to create a more inter connecting economic zones to the Pacific, the south East Asia, Central Asia and to Europe. The Belt means rail ways, and the road is actually maritime ports.

The previous US administration and the Australian government have forseen this growing competition, and thus began to draft the famous trans pacific partnership (TPP) which expands the then TPSEP, to bring a broader economic alliances of the pan pancific region. The chinese government back then, was struggling to answer this, as its 'road' part of the initiative is under threat.

After the election of President Trump. There was a major strategic changes in US politics. It became more protectionist. It withdrew from the TPP, causing the whole plan to fail. In addition, it choose not only to wage trade wars with China, but also with its traditional allies such as Canada, and was getting just started with EU.

This provided the Chinese with valuable breathing space, hidden under the guise of China / US trade war, the chinese were able to expand their belt and road initiative into countries that do not deemed 'important' to the west. For example, how many of you cared if China has belt and road agreement with Kazakhsta, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrghyzstan, Tajikista? Most people have not even heard of them. And yet, these countries alone, has combined population of some 72 million. And that it self would start to resolve alot of issues with excessive surplus of Chinese manufacturing.

And the same story goes on for many smaller countries in the pacific, where, Australia have initially mostly abandoned.

China trying to take over the world by not very well disguised stealth.

China does not hold all the cards because they are dependent on Australian iron ore and coal.

The barley issue probably has more to do with falling demand in China for beer as the Chinese poor grow in numbers.

Was the Chinese manufactured virus designed to kill off their poor and sick and elderly ? Except it escaped.

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Re: Is China's Belt and Road a world takeover attempt ?

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:49 am

China knows it cannot dominate the world militarily yet so it is trying to dominate the world economically. The cons of signing up to their Belt and Road Initiative far outweigh the pros.

Even Xi Jinping acknowledged that it is just a debt trap for participating countries. First China will acquire the weaker nations that cannot repay the debt then systematically they will turn these countries into military bases with the hope of having their military spread across the planet.

What will happen when China eventually owns Victoria (if ScoMo doesn't do something to stop it)? Will we eventually end up with the southern state of China?

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Re: Is China's Belt and Road a world takeover attempt ?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:19 pm

Prior to WW2 the Nazis exerted economic control over Eastern Europe via trade imbalances.
China's BRI is the same thing but on a vastly larger scale.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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