Why the world is rooted.

America, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world
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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sun May 17, 2020 1:22 pm

https://www.news.com.au/national/austra ... 66aaaf83d8
Mr Christensen, being the gob on a stick that he is, could well prove very costly for Australia....
This is the classic example of someone being given a position (running the Joint Standing Committee
on Trade and Investment Growth) which is beyond his capabilities...running of at the mouth and suggesting
that Australia should kick China out of Darwin is not going to go down well with China...
On Tuesday, China, I predict will go ahead and impose their 80% on Australian barley...
Isnt any wonder that Birminghams Chinese counterpart isn't returning his calls....
The question needs to be asked.....
What is Morrison doing to reign in this debacle....
Yet another sign of Morrisons weak leadership...….
AND I haven't even mentioned the issue of our beef exports...….etc....
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Redneck » Sun May 17, 2020 1:28 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Sun May 17, 2020 1:22 pm
https://www.news.com.au/national/austra ... 66aaaf83d8
Mr Christensen, being the gob on a stick that he is, could well prove very costly for Australia....
This is the classic example of someone being given a position (running the Joint Standing Committee
on Trade and Investment Growth) which is beyond his capabilities...running of at the mouth and suggesting
that Australia should kick China out of Darwin is not going to go down well with China...
On Tuesday, China, I predict will go ahead and impose their 80% on Australian barley...
Isnt any wonder that Birminghams Chinese counterpart isn't returning his calls....
The question needs to be asked.....
What is Morrison doing to reign in this debacle....
Yet another sign of Morrisons weak leadership...….
AND I haven't even mentioned the issue of our beef exports...….etc....
Yep fancy putting that fat pig in charge of anything!

There have been a couple of other coalition backbenchers shooting there mouths off as well I heard on Insiders this am!

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Mon May 18, 2020 10:25 am

Well, nothing like making a controversial statement to start the week....
I predict that social distancing until the year dot will not work and that within three
months, the Australian Government and the State Premiers will lift all social distancing rules.
Well, last night, on the idiot box a story was run about an office block in North Sydney with
3500 workers. The report stated there was one lift in the premises (which I find hard to believe)
and that, allowing for social distancing of two persons only in the lift at any one time, it would take
6.5 hours for everyone to take the lift up to their appropriate floors...allowing for two minutes for
each use of the lift.....
6.5 hours.
Do the maths for more than one lift....
Its still ludicrous.
PLus, when the workers get to their work station, viewers were shown that each work station
had a 1.5m circular boundary taped on the floor, indicating that workers "safety zone"
This is ridiculous
This is an example of what is going to happen when everyone who still has a job goes back to work.
It may work when there is a lockdown.
It may work when people are told to stay at home.
It may even work when people are permitted to congregate in groups of ten.
BUT how is it going to work when everyone is back in the workforce.
This fiasco will happen everywhere there is a myriad of people gathering for some reason
or another.
Train stations, buses, lifts, office blocks, shopping malls, movie theatres, sporting events...
The list is endless...
If they continue with this, its only a matter of time before social unrest turns into
absolute anarchy...
Countries all over the world have protests occurring due to lockdowns etc...
We, in Australia see none of this....
We, in Australia, are too docile to object to anything...
We are so dumbed down all we want is another beer, a pie, a game of footy to watch, and then when the
footy is finished, Gogglebox or MAFS...dumbed down to the max.....
We just bend over and ask for more...
AND Hazzard comes out yesterday and spreads the hysteria by saying we are "sitting ducks"
The government, if I am correct will simply come out and tell Australia that we (the Government)
have done a fantastic job flattening the curve and therefore, social distancing is now not necessary...
If I am wrong....
Australia will become one big clusterfuck....
BUT then again, they may come out and tell us that we all have to have a compulsory flu shot...
OR some other compulsory crap....
Then watch the shit hit the fan...…..
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Mon May 18, 2020 12:58 pm

IN NSW, 12 passengers per bus are permitted, whilst on trains, 32 passengers per carriage....
Ms Berejiklian and Transport Minister Andrew Constance on Monday said workers would for the foreseeable future need to shift their schedules to off-peak bus and train transport, take alternative ferry and light rail routes or drive, drop off, cycle or walk.
This would inevitably clog Sydney roads.
Mr Constance said some 87 million vehicle movements were on Friday recorded around the state as people continued to work from home - down from an average 105 million.
The maximum number of daily public transport trips permitted amid social distancing guidelines, meanwhile, would be 600,000 per day - down from 2.2 million.
"Ultimately people are going to opt to drive because it's safe," Mr Constance told reporters.
"I could sit here and say there won't be congestion on the roads but I'd be misleading you - there is. That's why we want people to re-time their days.
"These are tough days - I know this is hard."
Ms Berejiklian said public transport commuters should try to travel between 10am and 2pm in order to save peak-hour space for essential workers and construction workers.
Socially-distanced seating on public transport would be marked out in "green dots" in what Mr Constance characterised as a "nudge" to keep people 1.5 metres apart.
Overflow parking, meanwhile, would be established in various Sydney locations - most notably inner Sydney's Moore Park - for vehicle commuters, with socially-distanced CBD shuttles.
"We appreciate some workplaces already have a staggered approach to work - some people have already been going in and others might assess their options once their children are back at school, we appreciate that thinking is going on," Ms Berejiklian said.
"This is a new way of doing things. Until there's a cure or vaccine, we have to live with COVID."
This is madnesss…
This is tyranny....
Green dots on seats..
Public Transport commutors should try to travel between 10am and 2pm....
From where to where Gladys....Gosford to Chatswood.....Penrith to Burwood.....
This is madness.....
Does she know what she is saying....is everyone now working shift work Gladys.....
The women is an imbecile.....
All the eastern Premiers have gone mad...…
Maybe the muppet coming in from Penrith to Burwood can ride his pushbike to work....will only take him a day...
Maybe pick up the groceries on the way....drop the kids off at school on the way....
Fuck me...…. :yellow :yellow :yellow
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Mon May 18, 2020 3:39 pm

Do these fools really know what they are doing....NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance has said
that he can look at the number of people on a train station platform and entering the platform
and if necessary, close the station for 15 or 20 minutes....
I see...does that mean every train in the city metropolitan has to immediately stop where they
are for that 15 to 20 minutes....
Why wouldn't they stop.....they have to if the trains at the station are stationary...
OR does he simply mean close the station and not let anyone else in....
Does that mean everyone on the platform just stands there for 15 to 20 minutes...
Don't forget only 32 people are permitted into a carriage at once, and they can only sit
on seats with green dots.....
Oh and he has also stated that all buses in the Sydney metropolitan region with 12 people
on board will be instructed to drive straight past passengers waiting at a stop as the buses are at capacity....
How do you close a metropolitan train station, particularly if its raining, and expect people to simply
wait in the street for 15/20 minutes until passengers get on a train at 32 per carriage....
...whilst attempting to get to work on time....if they are lucky enough to have a job...
How do you close Central if there are too many people waiting on various platforms
Madness....sheer madness...... :yellow :yellow :yellow
Oh and how many people in NSW contracted the virus yesterday...…..
Other States...
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Tue May 19, 2020 11:42 am

Welcome one and all to the thread on Australian/State Government incompetence.
I hope you will enjoy your stay here, have a good laugh...maybe comment one way or the other....
Although I wont hold my breath as this forum is as dead as a cemetery....
The following link shows that NSW State Government incompetence is still alive and well, judging from the
comments which are all negative, maybe social distancing until the year dot may not work.....
Who woulda thought.... :roll:
Looks like the natives are getting a tad restless....
https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-ac ... d04f513fbd
Already, bus drivers are being told to accept all passengers, and under no circumstances are school children
to be left at a bus stop...
Yesterday Constance was saying that drivers would be instructed to drive past stops if the bus was full....
What if someone wants to get off....
Does his number of 32 passengers per carriage apply to double decker carriages...that's 8 on each side in the
top deck and 8 each side on the bottom deck...
When I was commuting no-one wanted to sit on the western side of the train coming home from work
as you were in the sun and fell asleep, and woke up at your destination feeling like a zombie...
Will commuters have a choice of where to sit...or just sit where the incompetent tyrants place the dots....
Personally, I think everyone should ride their pushy to work...its not far from Gosford to Chatswood....
..just take breakfast....lunch...dinner...maybe you"ll get there by tomorrow....
I will re-iterate my previous comments that social distancing is finished....
When the public get back to some type of normality...if that's possible...it will be abolished
as totally unworkable.....
It may work now...it may be necessary now....but when the public is fed up with this crap....
The peasants will no longer obey....particularly as the Government is now saying that there
will be no fines for contravening social distancing requirements.....
Have a fantastic day slaves....... :roll: :roll: :roll:
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Tue May 19, 2020 12:03 pm

This is Scott Morrison....is that EBay...
Gday...howya goin' mate..
Look mate...we're interested in buying a hang glider for my mate Simon....he's the Trade Minister...
Now that China has slapped that tariff on our barley Simon
has to do some pretty urgent travelling to get some barley export markets up and running....and Ive grounded all our international flights out of Ozz.....
We need something with a built in compass as Simon cant find his @rse with both hands, plus a little section somewhere on the glider where he can put his map of the world and a few road maps etc...
We were thinking of maybe a hot air balloon, considering that some of us...shoosh..don't tell anyone this....some of us are just full of hot air...
Maybe you can get back to me with a price...we need it pretty urgently as the barley farmers are pretty much rooted without any immediate overseas markets...
Oh yes...we also need new markets for our beef...
AND the CCP don't buy our rocks any more...and they
wont even take our waste....
Sounds like a bit of a Trade War...but Maryse doesn't think
so...although Simon called it a Trade War on his corro to the CCP...
Get back to me with a price will you mate....
Have a good one.....
Makes Australias contribution of $678 million to the China Infrastructure Bank look a bit sick now doesn't it....
If you google a list of projects financed by the Bank since 2016 you will find that projects in Australia total ZERO....
Draw your own conclusions..... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Tue May 19, 2020 1:10 pm

https://www.afr.com/companies/agricultu ... 512-p54sax
SO does this mean that the Australian Government is lying to us....that wouldn't happen now would it.... :roll:
They have attempting to protect BlueScope Steel and Liberty One and have imposed tariffs on
steel from China, South Korea, Vietnam, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Greece and Spain....
Read the article.....Birmingham is lying...
This is a Trade War with China....and has been for a decade....
"More grating for the Chinese, perhaps, was that Australian Ministers continued to travel the world lecturing others on free trade, while quietly erecting sizeable tariff barriers at home.
For steel pipes imported from China those tariffs are currently as high as 144 per cent."
Better get on that hang glider Simon...... :rofl :rofl :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Tue May 19, 2020 3:03 pm

The hysteria continues....
"Health officials feared thousands of new cases after nurse tested positive
Authorities feared thousands of coronavirus infections would emerge every day after a sick nurse continued to work at a Queensland nursing home.
Health Minister Stephen Miles has revealed the scale of the emergency authorities were braced for in North Rockhampton.
"We were preparing for thousands of positive cases every day," he told the ABC on Tuesday.
Two investigations are underway after the nurse kept showing up for work at the North Rockhampton Nursing Centre while she had symptoms and before she received coronavirus test results."
Laughable.... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Nom De Plume
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Nom De Plume » Tue May 19, 2020 3:05 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Tue May 19, 2020 1:10 pm
https://www.afr.com/companies/agricultu ... 512-p54sax
SO does this mean that the Australian Government is lying to us....that wouldn't happen now would it.... :roll:
They have attempting to protect BlueScope Steel and Liberty One and have imposed tariffs on
steel from China, South Korea, Vietnam, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Greece and Spain....
Read the article.....Birmingham is lying...
This is a Trade War with China....and has been for a decade....
"More grating for the Chinese, perhaps, was that Australian Ministers continued to travel the world lecturing others on free trade, while quietly erecting sizeable tariff barriers at home.
For steel pipes imported from China those tariffs are currently as high as 144 per cent."
Better get on that hang glider Simon...... :rofl :rofl :rofl
I have no problem with tariffs... it's all the rage, darling... absolutely everybody, who is a somebody, is doing it! Why not us? :giggle
"But you will run your kunt mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

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