China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

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billy the kid
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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by billy the kid » Thu May 14, 2020 2:04 pm

This is not just tit for tat...
Australia is as bad as China....
Australia has been placing tariffs on goods from China for years...
Nothing has been said about it....shoosh...don't tell anyone....
The whole gig is just one big clusterfuck....always has been...always will be....
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Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by Juliar » Thu May 14, 2020 5:00 pm

China denies barley tariff is retaliation to Australian steel duties

China’s threat of an 80 per cent tariff on Australian barley could be in retaliation to similar levies Australia has placed on Chinese steel with China’s foreign ministry denying the move is politically driven.

The Financial Review is reporting the action is “less about market local market conditions and more about Beijing punishing Australia for levying duties of between 15 and 102 per cent on Chinese makers of steel and aluminium”.

On Monday, China gave Australia an ultimatum, threatening tariffs up to 80 per cent on grain if the federal government does not respond to allegations of "barley dumping" in 10 days, in an escalation of trade tensions between the two sovereign nations.

The prime minister said a Chinese government review into the alleged ‘dumping’ of Australian barley into the Chinese market has been “going on for 18 months” and refused to link the threat with Australia’s call for an independent inquiry into the coronavirus outbreak.

Sky News contributor Scott Emerson there are “a lot of beer manufacturers in China that are very concerned about the ‘barley ban’”.

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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by Juliar » Thu May 14, 2020 5:04 pm

Chinese boycott reflects an 'inability to separate commerce from national security'

Sky News host Peta Credlin says China’s decision to boycott certain Australian imports demonstrates the inability of the nation’s governing body to “see its commercial arm as different from its national security arm”.

“It’s one and the same beast for a communist party,” she told Sky News host Peter Gleeson.

The threat to boycott Australian goods by the Chinese Ambassador escalated with Beijing stating its intention to impose an 80 percent tariff on Australian barley and delist three abbatoirs in Queensland and one in NSW, citing labelling issues as the rationale driving the abrupt decision.

“No one believes for a minute that these are labelling issues, just like we don’t believe there were any issues with our barley,” Ms Credlin said.

The “free trade agreements” between Australia and China were a “real opportunity to get agricultural profits up and jobs up” and China’s decision to halt certain imports would have a significant impact upon this sector.

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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by Juliar » Thu May 14, 2020 5:06 pm

China 'preparing for war with the West'

Founding Chairman of Quilliam Maajid Nawaz believes “China is preparing for war” as tensions between Beijing and the west increase due to a proposed investigation into the origins of COVID-19.

Last month Australia proposed an independent, global investigation into the origins and the initial handling of the novel coronavirus.

The Chinese ambassador warned that Australia could face an economic hit if it does not back down from a push into the Beijing's handling of the coronavirus.

Ambassador Cheng Jingye said the push was “dangerous” and could dissuade Chinese citizens not to travel or trade with Australia.

Mr Nawaz said he became aware of the “incredible danger” the Chinese Communist Party poses to the world when he learned it interned two million Uyghur Muslims in concentration camps.

“We are already in a cold war with them," he said.

“The Chinese Communist Party is preparing for it (war) and they have a strategy for us in the West and we have no strategy for dealing with them.”

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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu May 14, 2020 5:21 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Wed May 13, 2020 10:19 am
First barley and now meat. ...
... but I am sure we can find other markets for our exports. Many many countries will be doing the same thing and we need to work together.
The whole world need to shut China down .. don't buy from them, don't sell to them, don't go to their country and refuse entry to their citizens .. period!

It's about time we all stopped feeding of this malevolent teat.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by Juliar » Thu May 14, 2020 9:36 pm

Very noble but the Lima Agreement that the woeful Whitlam championed means that Australian manufacturing went to China and so we are now dependent on China for manufacturing. Not entirely as we also get stuff from Sth Korea and other parts of Asia.

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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by BigP » Fri May 15, 2020 8:10 am

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Thu May 14, 2020 5:21 pm
Black Orchid wrote:
Wed May 13, 2020 10:19 am
First barley and now meat. ...
... but I am sure we can find other markets for our exports. Many many countries will be doing the same thing and we need to work together.
The whole world need to shut China down .. don't buy from them, don't sell to them, don't go to their country and refuse entry to their citizens .. period!

It's about time we all stopped feeding of this malevolent teat.
""and refuse entry to their citizens ..""

You can say goodbye to cheap hookers

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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by Juliar » Wed May 20, 2020 6:58 am

UN Lima Agreement started to transfer of manufacturing to developing nations such as China.

Until Australia repeals the Blue, Red, Green and Black Tape legislation and regulations. including stopping the economic vandalism of energy pricing and supplies, manufacturing business investment will remain evasive.

China attempting to wedge US/AU relations. US barley is heavily subsidized quite blatantly so and inferior to AU stuff! Taking them to the WTC will take years and achieve very little. Better off selling it else where. This is a warning to anyone that wants to deal with CCP/China you have to know they will double cross.


Turning the cheek: it says hatred for China the bully!
AMM 19.05.20.

The game is afoot and Australia has a choice to genuflect and grovel at the feet of a bunch of little communist runs or stand up for once and take the pain which will hurt badly and was always going to come for it is the way of bullies whether in the kindergarten sand box or in the form of world leaders in the form of China.

That rogue state has already inflicted severe social and financial harm globally with no apologies being heard. What is heard are increasing threats to obey China’s will or be punished.

The consequences of relying on China trade is at our doorstep and PM Morrison who believes in miracles had better get down on his knees for this one as this baptism by communism has been set in play!

For some the answer to a prayer could be that with barley at stake the silver lining could be to roast the huge surplus and make beer. At least we could drown our sorrows rather cheaply.

China will impose a massive 80 per cent tariff on Australian barley imports from today, saying the product has been imported against trade rules.

The import tax will remain in place for five years, and is expected to wipe out Australian sales into the lucrative market.

Typically, at least half of Australia’s barley exports would be bound for China, trade that was estimated to be worth $1.5 billion in 2018 but due to drought fell to $600 million in 2019. ... ore-116615

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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by BigP » Wed May 20, 2020 10:07 am

Juliar wrote:
Wed May 20, 2020 6:58 am
UN Lima Agreement started to transfer of manufacturing to developing nations such as China.

Until Australia repeals the Blue, Red, Green and Black Tape legislation and regulations. including stopping the economic vandalism of energy pricing and supplies, manufacturing business investment will remain evasive.

China attempting to wedge US/AU relations. US barley is heavily subsidized quite blatantly so and inferior to AU stuff! Taking them to the WTC will take years and achieve very little. Better off selling it else where. This is a warning to anyone that wants to deal with CCP/China you have to know they will double cross.


Turning the cheek: it says hatred for China the bully!
AMM 19.05.20.

The game is afoot and Australia has a choice to genuflect and grovel at the feet of a bunch of little communist runs or stand up for once and take the pain which will hurt badly and was always going to come for it is the way of bullies whether in the kindergarten sand box or in the form of world leaders in the form of China.

That rogue state has already inflicted severe social and financial harm globally with no apologies being heard. What is heard are increasing threats to obey China’s will or be punished.

The consequences of relying on China trade is at our doorstep and PM Morrison who believes in miracles had better get down on his knees for this one as this baptism by communism has been set in play!

For some the answer to a prayer could be that with barley at stake the silver lining could be to roast the huge surplus and make beer. At least we could drown our sorrows rather cheaply.

China will impose a massive 80 per cent tariff on Australian barley imports from today, saying the product has been imported against trade rules.

The import tax will remain in place for five years, and is expected to wipe out Australian sales into the lucrative market.

Typically, at least half of Australia’s barley exports would be bound for China, trade that was estimated to be worth $1.5 billion in 2018 but due to drought fell to $600 million in 2019. ... ore-116615
Im guess the moral of the story is Julie, piss off China at your own peril, :scare

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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by Bobby » Wed May 20, 2020 11:45 am

China is not our friend.
They want to destroy our economy because we asked for an enquiry -
that most other countries also want and China has agreed to anyway.
I guess we'll just have to grow something else instead of barley?

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