Why the world is rooted.

America, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world
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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Wed May 06, 2020 11:37 am

https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/jus ... estruction
Germany is intending to introduce a "Coronavirus Immunity Card" as part of its infection protection law....
I see...
It will grant the authorities power to round up anyone suggested of being contagious and force them
into quarantine and forbid them from entering certain public places.
The Malaysian authorities have dispensed with such niceties, and are arresting migrant workers and refugees in so-called “Covid-19 red zones” and marching them off to God knows where.
I see...
I imagine to obtain a coronavirus immunity card, the peasants would have to have a test which would
clear them of the virus...does this suggest compulsory testing...
Don't forget to download that app folks.... :roll:
AND whatever you do...if youre out and about....dont IDLE...you might cop a fine...
AND dont forget to stand on the cross when you do your shopping...
Dont cough in public
Dont shake hands
Dont swim
Dont play golf
Dont go fishing
And if you need to take a piss....ring your local member and obtain permission first.....
Have a fabulous day everyone.... :rofl :rofl :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Wed May 06, 2020 4:17 pm

https://www.news.com.au/world/coronavir ... 14422b970b
This is going to get ugly....
A dossier has been released/discovered which outlines research in the Geelong CSIRO lab on bats carrying the
corona virus.....
We all know about this by now...…
The Chinese scientists have been working on this since 2014....
UNDER our noses.....
Is it any wonder why China is lashing out at Morrison for wanting an inquiry into the Wuhan lab....
What about an inquiry into the Geelong lab....
How long will it take our media whores to start asking Morrison questions as to why the Australian
Government funded/trained/employed Chinese scientists were permitted to study the corona virus in bats at the lab
in Geelong...…
Of course, our politicians have been kissing Chinas arse for years...and it seems that a lot of the kissing has been
occurring in Geelong.....
Over to you Scott....
As someone once said...….
"Please explain....." :roll:
AND Freakenberg has received death threats.....
The mind boggles.....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Thu May 07, 2020 11:04 am

https://www.zerohedge.com/health/what-w ... fter-covid
Can you imagine our illustrious leaders (both state and federal) sitting around a table
and maybe examining what is proposed for schools in Quebec...
Afterall Morrison has said that his policy during the pandemic was "we look...we observe..we react.."
In other words...we cant make any decisions ourselves without taking a lead from someone else...
We will examine what the rest of the world is doing and then we will apply what we think is necessary
in Australia...but of course each state will make their own decisions.....
Now lets look at what Quebec is doing in their schools....
Oh yes...I like that...no..dont like that...hhmm..well maybe....what about this...hhmm...no don't like that....
Get the picture.....
I was stunned when I read "kids to remain in their chairs all day, including lunch"
Play is the most important part of a childs life...
Play releases the stresses of learning...play is fun...we all know the value of activity...
I just hope this is fake news......
These are the experts in government running the planet....
Actually I think the schools in Quebec are being running by Colonel Klink....
Maybe Australia schools will soon be run by Sergeant Schultz....
The world is indeed rooted....
Im glad Im 72....
The young are fucked...... :roll:
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Fri May 08, 2020 11:33 am

https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/tex ... rks-packed
I find this article quite interesting.
Texas in some ways is no different to anywhere else.
Beaches and parks and malls opening...…
BUT people are going to the beach and the parks....
BUT not to the malls....
As Professor Julius Sumner Miller once said....
"Why is it so...."
Probably because people see that the parks and beaches are FREE
Probably because people don't want to TOUCH anything in the malls....
Probably because people have NO MONEY to spend in the malls....
Ive seen some shops opening here on the GC lately...but there's no-one in them....
I think everyones at the beach....
People are looking for a safe haven....
I often thought over the years that the golf course is probably the safest, quietest,
most peaceful place on the planet....
All you have is the birds and the bees...the flowers...the ducks in the lake...
Maybe even an occasional kangaroo...depending on where youre playing....
Aaah...such solitude....you...your mates...and your slice....
Occasionally if you listen closely, you might hear a car in the distance...barely...
So you took an 8 on that hole...so what...you might birdie the next hole....
Then maybe you might have another 8.... :roll:
Golf was once described to me as a peaceful walk in the park, punctuated by a form
of torture every time you hit a poor shot, took maybe three to get out of a bunker, and then realised
that youre still a hacker when you wrote down your score....or you ran out of balls......
BUT you cant play golf in VICTORIA.....
IT might kill you....
I dont think frustration will ever kill you...
Maybe if you get hit on the skull by an errant drive from the next fairway...
OR someone helicopters a club at you in anger...
BUT killed by coronavirus on the golf course....
I dont think so....
Have a fantastic day everyone....
AND dont IDLE.......... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Fri May 08, 2020 12:17 pm

Given the choice between the park and the mall I'll take the park any day. Screw the beach, I spent years on the beach and am paying for it now.

I'm not real keen on golf courses either. Last time I played I got smashed in the head with a club :roll:

Having said that I see no reason for golf courses to be closed. It's silly. Maybe the 19th hole but not the course.

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Fri May 08, 2020 1:11 pm

Many of us love the peace and tranquility of the golf course.
If you got smacked in the head with a club...someone has let you down badly...
Nothing is more peaceful than walking down the fairways early on a crisp cool winters
morning, looking back at the buggy tracks in the frost as you search for your white ball.....
….In white frost!!!!.....Yowani (Canberra) on a cool winters morning....wheres my overcoat... :lol:
The beach....aah yes the beach....
The sea was angry that day my friend....."
The bloody sun can get angry also....ouch...wheres my suncream……. :roll:
Gimme the golf course any day....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sat May 09, 2020 9:53 am

https://thedailybhttps://fromrome.info/ ... -covid-19/
https://thedailybulletin.net/covid19-is ... eland-now/
https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-fina ... e-any-time
Interesting isn't it...…
The first link from Ireland says that statistical fraud is occurring on covid 19
The second link from Ireland says that covid 19 is not a pandemic
The third link from America depicts the hatred and social unrest in the USA caused by the virus...
AND in Australia.....
Go out and go for a walk and all you see is struggling businesses attempting to open....'
Citizens walking around like stunned mullets....
OR should I say sheep....
AND all the while our media whores...or should I say most of them, treat our politicians
like Gods and bow down to them as though they are going to save us all....
We are a docile, dumbed down nation....
Please sir.....I want some more.....
Have a great day everyone...... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sun May 10, 2020 11:26 am

https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-ac ... 8c2ba966d5
Sad, isn't it.....
Sad how some people in this country are starting to protest against the tyrannical laws which have
been thrust upon us....
Well...is it sad really.....or just to be expected as people begin to crack....
This is an example of how the people can only accept so much...and then there is a breaking point...
The people will only comply with the law for a certain period of time before they crack....
We can debate the actions of the Police until the cows come home...
We can debate why the woman had her child there in the first place...
We can debate her rights to protest when everyone else is obeying the rules....
The bottom line is the lockdowns have gone on long enough, and the ludicrous, pathetic
way in which the government is lifting those lockdowns needs to be examined....
Everyone has an opinion...opinions are like arseholes....we all have one....
How can a business open up and only cater for say ten people...
Doesn't the business have an electricity bill to pay..
Does the business simply switch on the lights over in that corner for the ten customers..
And leave the rest of the premises in darkness... :roll:
Stock in a coolroom...is the entire coolroom operating...or just 10%.... :roll:
Staff....how many staff are needed for ten customers... :roll:
Does the business buy three avocadoes and two loaves of bread for maybe ten customers
per day...or twenty...or thirty... :roll:
Get my point.... :roll:
There will be more protests...'
More people will be arrested....
More people will crack...
More people will commit suicide...
The government is fucking this up...big time....
BUT they will continue to tell us that they are receiving advice from the experts...
Health experts...or economic experts....one says this...one says that..... :roll:
Are they really experts...I suppose they are...we are told they are... :roll:
Even today they cant even decide if we should wear masks or not...
AND some of the media whores are beginning to ask the same question...to mask or not to mask...
Im just glad I don't live in Texas where the governor has brought out the military and TANKS
to stop protesters....
TANKS....youre fkn kidding....
Gard bless America....
https://www.zerohedge.com/health/we-now ... should-end
Have a great day everyone....
AND whatever you do.....don't IDLE...... :rofl :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sun May 10, 2020 2:06 pm

Isnt it fantastic to see government tyranny at work....
Yesterday we were told that we should stay at home and get a covid19test if we have a cough..
Don't go to work....
Interesting...anyone want to have a sickie... :roll:
Today, one of the talking heads is telling us to "think outside the box" when it comes to
travelling to work....(if you have a job to go to I suppose....)
Travel, according to Professor Mark Stevenson should now include us foregoing
motor vehicles and public transport/buses and trains in general....
Instead we should, where possible, walk or cycle to work....to avoid transmission of the virus
I see...
The brainwashing continues....the Orwellian novel 1984 comes to mind....
We should also prepare ourselves for staggered start and finish times....
I suppose flexi time will be totally overhauled to fit in with the learned
Professors "expert opinions"
Cycling and walking will mean less space will be needed for roads, and more
for cycle paths....
I see.....
Taxis and rideshares get "pretty expensive" says the learned Professor...
BUT....people may even drive to work.....that is if theyre not working from home.....
He says staggering returns to offices and schools means not everyone goes to work/school at
the same time....maybe some kids can get to school at 5am...maybe others start at 6pm....yep...
Thatll work....
This is so as we don't overburden our public transport system....he says....
We could have schools start at different times. Maybe some services offer one or two days a week in the office while the rest work from home.....he says....
He says rolling out more public transport wont work....
WELL....heres the kicker....because of more carbon emissions....
READ no further...…
He's a climate change fuckwit......
These are the so called experts who our grubberment continually refers to for "expert" advice
on how to run the country and control the peasants.....
I wonder if this is just another "thought bubble" put out by the grubberment via one of their
goosestepping followers and supported in its entirety by the goosestepping media whores....
Whatever you do folks...…dont form your own opinion....
Just do as youre fkn told.....
AND be thankful for the few crumbs we throw you here and there....... :roll: :roll: :roll:
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sun May 10, 2020 4:20 pm

https://www.news.com.au/world/coronavir ... f1f32f3cad
More protests in Australia...this time in Melbourne against Herr Andrews and his grubberment lockdown....
Dear oh dear people...…
When will you ever learn...…
You are not entitled to form an opinion in Australia....
All you need to do is knuckle under...do as youre told...and eat your crumbs....
Who knows....maybe one day we might even let you have your job back...…
Then again....we might not...... :rofl
Dont forget...we have experts advising us how to treat peasants....
Now....BEHAVE...…OR ELSE..... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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