Morrison berates WHO and China

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billy the kid
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Re: Morrison berates WHO and China

Post by billy the kid » Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:20 am

Local manufacturing will perhaps increase....
BUT whos going to buy locally made gizmos for $20 each if we can buy
the same gizmo imported from Chile for $5....
Australian politicians will be conned, as usual, into overseas trade agreements because
we are so far from the rest of the world and we need overseas trade....
Therefore our politicians will scrap tariffs and locally produced gizmos will always remain
far more expensive...
Nothing will change...the economic hitmen from overseas countries will sell our
politicians a dump as they usually do, and the Australian sheeple will continue to
be treated like......sheeple.....
I never buy Australian products if I can buy a cheaper overseas food....
Why not.....because Im not a fkn charity...... :rofl :rofl :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Re: Morrison berates WHO and China

Post by Redneck » Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:29 am

Black Orchid wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:18 am
Redneck wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:12 am
Black Orchid wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:55 am
Redneck wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:32 am
Black Orchid wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:55 am

And that would make us weak, hypocritical and cowardly and something we certainly don't want to be unless we want to keep kissing China's communist butt. No thanks.

I see bought and paid for Kevin Rudd (ex leftist Prime Minister for those who don't know) is out on his shoddy Chinese soapbox criticising ScoMo for standing up to the Chinese. Now where did Rudd's wife make all her money? Hmmm! Let me think a minute. CHINA! :roll:
We can all bullshit on how tough we are on a forum, but I suspect Morriscum will tone it down.
What's it got to do with being tough on a forum and what does Trump have to do with it? Trump will lead the way and look after Americans but it's our government who needs to look after us.

In case you haven't noticed it's people like Rudd (your leftist hero) who is trying to bow to China, not Morrison.

During the CV outbreak in February China also had/has an outbreak of the deadly H5N1 virus. Would you like that here too? I certainly wouldn't and an independent enquiry is absolutely necessary for world safety.

For someone who likes to call everyone a moron you sure .... :roll
You are the idiot acting all tough when in reality you would be kissing there arse like Morisson ultimately will!

Trump has a big enough country that isnt as reliant on China as Oz is, so he can fight the fight if he wants to, which is another question based on his unpredictability.

Rudd like Bob Carr is a yesterdays man nobody so who gives a rats what he says.

I would also like to see an enquiry but I suspect China will give it the single finger treatment.

Would you like to lay money on tough guy Morrison not quietening it down.
Ahhh poor Smithy or is it Red? It's really hard to tell you apart. You are kissing ass not me. Nothing I have ever said could ever be interpreted or construed as kissing China's ass. Not once! Not ever!

I don't know what Morrison will do but if he backs down he will be spitting in the face of dead Australians imo.
Not kissing arse just facing reality,

you on the other hand are a pretend forum super hero, acting all tough when you dont really have to do anything, but would be kissing arse like the best of them faced with it in reality!

:rofl :rofl :rofl

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Re: Morrison berates WHO and China

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:30 am

*shakes head*

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Re: Morrison berates WHO and China

Post by Redneck » Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:31 am

billy the kid wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:00 am
In reality...we all know what will happen....
Morrison and his cohorts will whinge and moan like sick children for a few weeks...or months.....whatever...
Then they will go back to kissing Chinese arse…..
If you look closely at Morrison, Payne, Frydenberg and all the rest of them, you will see great
big jewfish lips on all of them...…
Perfect for arse kissing..... :rofl :rofl :rofl
Yep you are on the money Billy !

Butt kicker BO is all talk hiding behind her keyboard !


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Re: Morrison berates WHO and China

Post by billy the kid » Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:33 am

To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Black Orchid
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Re: Morrison berates WHO and China

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:37 am

So hoping Morrison will not back down is talking tough behind a keyboard?

I suspect he will back down with the rhetoric but I hope he doesn't back down on supporting a world wide independent enquiry.

How tough of me to say that :rofl

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Re: Morrison berates WHO and China

Post by Juliar » Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:51 am

Hard Core lefty Reddy is trying to infect here with the Socialist VIRUS from the Socialist Swill over in OZ and spread the OZ Socialist HATE here.

It is wonderful to see how ScoMo and Trumpy are putting China back in its place.

Meanwhile Union and Greeny puppet AnAl (who ?) is still dribbling on about the Greenies' Climate Change SCAM and his silly Sports Rort rubbish.

Looks as if Scott Morrison has had enough of China.

Has Australia got itself its own Trump?

Australia's economy should be 'self-sufficient as possible': PM

Speaking on China's boycott threats, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Australia "should always seek to be having an economy that is self-sufficient as possible". ... s/12197040

Wow!!! ScoMo is now a cert to win the next election in a landslide!!!

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Re: Morrison berates WHO and China

Post by Redneck » Thu Apr 30, 2020 11:12 am

Black Orchid wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:37 am
So hoping Morrison will not back down is talking tough behind a keyboard?

I suspect he will back down with the rhetoric but I hope he doesn't back down on supporting a world wide independent enquiry.

How tough of me to say that :rofl
He will be kowtowing to them as you would in his position keyboard warrior!

I too support an independent enquiry as I have stated,

Morisson's and Co's waffle may have achieved something in getting other nations to speak up, that is my only hope!

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Re: Morrison berates WHO and China

Post by Juliar » Thu Apr 30, 2020 11:57 am

Reject Lefty Reddy just keeps on burbling his OZ Socialist HATE. He wants to create the seething OZ Socialist Swill here!!!!

It is now a competition between OZ and Munk's Swizzle to the bottom.

But back to reality and something much more interesting. Advance Australia Fair!!!! Down with the Socialists!!!!

By Viv Forbes -April 23, 2020

Checkpoint Charlie socialist failure

In order to kill Corona-wasps in the ceiling, politicians have knocked our economic house down. Now they dream of rebuilding the house by driving at full speed into the borrow-and-spend swamp.

National Cabinet will soon find that Australia-after-Corona can’t afford a bloated public service, an overmanned and overpaid academia, throngs of able-bodied people on long-term welfare, too many tax-exempt foundations, endless donations to worthless UN fiefdoms and talk-fests, and a huge import bill to pay for all the things we once made here.

Nor can we afford all the resources being wasted on dysfunctional submarines designed in Canberra, power systems mandated by the UN, Snowy 2 Green elephants, climate alarmism, emissions targets and green energy molly-coddling.

We must re-build economic muscle not flab.

Start with a couple of clean, modern reliable coal-fired power stations. This cheap reliable electricity may restart some defunct processing and manufacturing industries. Then build our submarines as they were designed – nuclear powered.

Already there are no surpluses to spend on subsidising every struggling consumer and failing business. And a tidal wave of borrow-and-spend will just destroy the currency.

As in post-war Germany, recovery can only come if governments slash taxes, repeal useless red and green tape, remove all barriers to new dams, railways, roads, power stations, mines and exploration, and encourage science and engineering education. They must doze the road blocks and then keep out of the way.

Since the days of the First Fleet, Australia has relied on our great primary industries – farming, mining, forestry and fishing.

The pioneers started exporting wool, hides, tallow and timber; then came the gold rushes and great finds of silver, copper, lead-zinc and tin; our meat, cereals, sugar, butter and eggs fed allied soldiers through two world wars; and a bonanza of coal, oil, gas, iron and aluminium financed the baby boomers and the extravagant politicians of that era.

When mining had a recession, farmers came to the rescue and vice versa. They also helped finance a continent of roads, railways, power stations, and dams and provided productive jobs for a growing population and a flood of migrants.

If they were not so hampered by taxes, regulations and employment barriers, our farmers, foresters, fishers, engineers, explorers, miners, metallurgists, tradesmen and workers can pull us out of this hole too. They could even rebuild some of the great secondary industries lost because of our uncompetitive electricity and overheads. ... this-mess/

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Re: Morrison berates WHO and China

Post by Juliar » Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:17 pm

China could be the ultimate victim of their virus!
AMM 30.04.20.

VIDEO: The Legendary Alan Jones tackles China:-

Chinese Communist Party ‘could be the ultimate victim of COVID-19.

Sky News host Graham Richardson says “this crowd in Beijing, they will kill, they will imprison, they will do everything they can that’s rotten and evil to maintain their jobs” within the Communist regime.

It comes as fellow Sky News host Alan Jones said the Chinese Ambassador Cheng Jingye engaged in “belligerent behaviour” and has “dished out all sorts of threats” simply because Scott Morrison called for an inquiry into the origins of COVID-19.

A feud with Beijing over calls for an international inquiry into coronavirus has escalated after the Chinese embassy leaked details of a private phone call with Australian officials.

Chinese ambassador Cheng had leaked details of a phone call with Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Secretary Frances Adamson in which the ambassador flatly rejected the need for an investigation and urged Australia to put aside ideological bias and stop political games.

Mr Jones spoke of a recent article penned in The Sydney Morning Herald by Peter Hartcher who discussed the issue in detail.

Mr Jones said, “China has brought the western economies into a dark place” as a result of the implications felt from the deadly coronavirus pandemic.

“But the irony may be that the ultimate victim will be the Chinese Communist Party” if its citizens begin to resist the regime in the future.

Discussing that notion, Mr Richardson said he didn’t “think it will happen”.

DANGER!!! Leftist media saturates the news. Fight back. Send articles to your friends, politicians, local media, and facebook. ... ore-115815

Now some clever COMMENTS

Muphin 30/04/2020, 7:49 am
These two video clips are a MUST to watch.

DT 30/04/2020, 7:50 am
Apart from wanting to impress and frighten other countries the CCP military and police have a huge task keeping the people under complete control.

Popular Front 30/04/2020, 8:07 am
THAT is their primary function DT, the repression of their own population.
History has shown us repeatedly what happens in China without iron-fisted central control; the descent into warlord states constantly battling each other.
History also shows us what happens when the Chinese get too stroppy with their neighbours; they usually get their arses kicked. Mongolia did it, so did Korea long ago, the Japanese have done it a few times and as recently as 1979 Vietnam belted them too.

DT 30/04/2020, 8:16 am
There is a more recent threat to the CCP in my opinion, their controlled and managed capitalists have become extremely wealthy and have developed a taste for developed democratic nations lifestyles.

CCP infiltration of developed nations by sending indoctrinated students and others to those countries ignores the objectives of the wealthy who seek a safe haven (property and the right to visit and stay and investment in a politically stable nation, not only Australia) and who only suffer the CCP to survive and keep extended family members safe.

John 30/04/2020, 8:11 am
They have and they have, DT. When you have enough surveillance to be able to video monitor almost the entire population, when by the time a sports stadium fills with 80,000 people and the CCP knows every single attendee and their contacts, when Drs can vanish without trace for warning of a virus the game is over.
When you have an iron grip of someone by the balls, their mind follows.
That be about right, Adam Bandt?.

DT 30/04/2020, 8:19 am
Population of China 2020:- 1.44 billion people, 18.5% of the world’s population.

Disgruntled 30/04/2020, 8:35 am
D T. A hell of a lot of people! The CCP must be really working “overtime” to control the whole lot of em.
Just wait till they get here with our piddling few; It’s gonna be a piece of cake!!!
is it really 55000 times more then us??

Albert 30/04/2020, 8:46 am
Something fishy is going on and it has a stench about it.
This mornings news is that Scott Morrison announced that Australian Intelligence Agencies have reported that they cannot find any evidence that the virus came out of Wuhan.
Is this a back down by Morrison after the Chinese threats?

Pensioner Pete 30/04/2020, 9:13 am
Albert: It seems ScoMo is crumbling as expected by many. He is simply not up to the task, hence my preference is for Peter Dutton at the helm.

DT 30/04/2020, 9:23 am
It does not matter what your preference is, or mine, only the Liberal Party MPs can decide who will lead them, and that is Scott Morrison who defeated Peter Dutton, and I doubt that any MP is in the mood now for another leadership battle. And noting the PM’s popularity.
By the way, last published poll a few days ago: Greens 12%, PHON 4%.

Pensioner Pete 30/04/2020, 10:45 am
DT: I didn’t realise you actually believe polls. Oh well, I suppose, everyone to their own.

Disgruntled 30/04/2020, 12:56 pm
PP. I don’t think he really likes O.N.

Lorraine 30/04/2020, 9:08 am
Australians have made up their minds in regards to what we think and what we do about China, we quietly walk away, we take our business every which way other than to China. No song or dance will effect the little shits, so we turn our backs and we walk. AND we hope our Government backs us all the way to a new dawn , and we build stuff here in our own land. America has made China sell back a port they have owned for 30 years, we need to say our land ,our assets ,you get out and our Government demands the very same…Security is the catch word.

Penguinite 30/04/2020, 9:14 am
All, overtly oppressive, regimes crumble in the end. Those that don’t modify. China could easily dissolve into several States. That’s why CCP is keen to rein-in Hong Kong and Taiwan. They have, perhaps too cleverly, created little outposts around the world via their “Belt and Road” schemes as guaranteed support in organisations like the UN. The love of money (and power) is the root of all evil!

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