Government CV App

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Black Orchid
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Government CV App

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:02 am

Early figures on downloads of the government's new coronavirus tracking app suggest the hoped-for numbers can be achieved, despite some technical and design flaws.

CovidSafe went live at 6pm on Sunday and has now been downloaded a million times, in a promising start as many Australians accepted the government's campaign to use the app as a prerequisite to swiftly end strict lockdown measures.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison had said 40 per cent of the population needed to install the app for it to be effective.

The app uses Bluetooth technology to track users who come in close contact with people who have tested positive to COVID-19.

Some people who tried to download the app reported there were issues getting confirmation emails, in having their phone numbers recognised, and that the app ceased sending a Bluetooth signal when the phone went into low power mode.

Others were alarmed and confused by a message telling them that they had contracted coronavirus, despite not being tested.

'You have tested positive for COVID-19,' the message read.

'Unless you consent, your contact information will not be uploaded.

'If you consent, your contact information will be uploaded and shared with State or Territory health officials for contact tracing purposes.'

The message flashes up if the user hits the button which ways 'Upload my Information' on the home screen of the app.

However that button is below text which reads 'Has a health worker asked you to upload your information?' and should only be pressed if the user has actually been diagnosed with coronavirus.

Spokesman for Government Services Minister Stuart Robert said that message was not a flaw, and the app was working as intended.

'You don't upload if you haven't tested positive, that's the whole point of the app,' they told Daily Mail Australia.

'You're only supposed to push that button if you've been asked to by a health official if you've tested positive.'

However, users said they were concerned at receiving the alarming message after having mistakenly pressed the 'Upload my Information' button.

'There was a split second of panic before I realised I hadn't even been tested and couldn't be sick,' one alarmed user said. ... t-app.html

Clear as mud! :rofl

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Re: Government CV App

Post by billy the kid » Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:22 am

A Canberra firm...Delv...developed the app....maybe we should all ring them and have a moan.....
1300 463 358
29/8 Trevillian Quay, Kingston..ACT...
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Re: Government CV App

Post by billy the kid » Fri May 01, 2020 1:52 pm

By now we all now about this new YOUBEAUT gizmo called the covid19 app.....
Maybe Im dumb...but let me talk about this for a second...…
From what I can gather, the app will allow you to be notified if you have been in contact
with someone else who has the virus…….
Question 1
If you have covid 19...why would you be in a public place...
Question 2
If you have covid 19, why would you be within four feet (1.5 metres)
of someone else for any reason...isn't that being just a tad irresponsible....
AND shouldn't you be self isolating...or in hospital.....
Question 3
If you have covid 19, why would you spend 15 minutes or more with someone else....
Repeat comment for Q2
Question 4
What if you only spend say 10 minutes with someone and you have the virus...
Does that mean everyones safe...…
Question 5
What if, like some people, you don't carry your phone with you everywhere you go
as though you were born with it attached to your hip....
Question 6
What if you are separated from your leave it on a table whilst
you go for a swim...or a walk....or play golf...or sunbake...or you are simply at work
in the workplace....
In other words does the app only work if someone elses phone is physically within
4 feet of your phone....
At the moment Australian states and territories are averaging 1.5 new infections
per state per day...…
Read that sentence again...1.5.....
ISNT the app a tad of overkill...
OR could it be that its being introduced for some other reason....
Dearie me...Im being silly...….. :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: Government CV App

Post by Black Orchid » Fri May 01, 2020 2:06 pm

At first I thought it was going to be introduced to track those who have been diagnosed with CV to make sure they were self isolating and I am all for that. If you are sick and contagious STAY HOME or suffer the consequences.

Now I'm not really convinced about it at all.

I had a long chat with my Doctor the other day (by phone) and she says, from all the information that she has and has seen, that you don't have to be in contact with someone for 15 minutes. You can get infected just in passing.

Who stands around for 15 minutes talking at random when they are out and about at the moment anyway?


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Re: Government CV App

Post by billy the kid » Fri May 01, 2020 2:16 pm

I have only been able to count six other countries which are going to or are using a similar app
One country has an app which allows you to enter your symptoms if you suddenly feel ill..
and action is then taken for you to be tested...but wouldn't you do that anyway, without\even a need to have an app....
Many countries are not using an app due to privacy laws....
Australians are sheeple....
We believe everything the grubberment wants us to believe...….
Six other countries.....
Morrison is on the idiot box again today this very minute pumping the app again...
This constant jibbering about the app is beginning to raise my suspicions....
Im waiting for him to use the old worn out sales spiel..."Ive got one myself"
Of course he is praising everyone at the moment...
"Our government has done a fabulous job protecting you people....."
All the talking heads are at the moment kissing each others arse...telling us all
what a great job they've done......
Yeah right...….
Someone tell me when 60 countries have the app...….
AND all those countries are in Asia....
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Re: Government CV App

Post by Black Orchid » Fri May 01, 2020 2:22 pm

If I was out and about every day amongst lots of people I might consider it, but I'm not. It's driving me a little mad but I am going out as infrequently as possible and I don't stand around chatting to people. I have a phone for that.

If things change though I will consider it further.

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Re: Government CV App

Post by billy the kid » Fri May 01, 2020 2:36 pm

I go out every day.....I didn't two weeks ago....
Traffic volume on the GC has increased noticeably recently.
People (about 6/8 are sitting down in the mall chatting...)...not a group..
just spasmodic couples.....
No social distancing...I think they are past caring....a coffee shop in the mall nearby often had about
30 folk sitting and chatting before the pandemic....those tables are no longer provided.....
There are many people on the beach and walking around...not as many as normal...
BUT the numbers are increasing....
People I think have had enough....
Two weeks is about the limit for most folk....
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Re: Government CV App

Post by Black Orchid » Fri May 01, 2020 2:46 pm

When I was out late last week cars and people were everywhere but I got most of what I needed. Then a few days later Gladys bellows that my area is one of the new hotspots lol.

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Re: Government CV App

Post by Valkie » Fri May 01, 2020 6:50 pm

Apparently, one of the conditions the grubberment want before they relax our incarceration.

It that the number of people downloading the virus virus app, must be over some vague number.

If you don't do what we tell you to,

We will punish you for not doing what we tell you to do.

Trust the Australian grubberment?...............when hell freezes over.......twice.
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Re: Government CV App

Post by sprintcyclist » Fri May 01, 2020 10:35 pm

My understanding is the covid app does not know your location.
It senses when another app is nearby for 15 minutes . It does not know where you are, just that that other phone was nearby.
So in 5 days from then if either of you test positive to the virus you or her can easily be traced .
It is not a weird control/power thingie. It is a medical issue.
When there are more outbreaks, they can be hopefully controlled better.

If few get the app and everyone does 'whatever' they want, the results will be bad.
People will die, we will be back where we were 3 weeks ago

We have it very easy compared to almost every other country.
This is a small, sensible medical action.

I have the app. It is selfish to not get it.
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