Why the world is rooted.

America, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world
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Black Orchid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:53 am

billy the kid wrote:
Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:20 am
When I was a teenager, I would walk a couple of blocks home from my workplace for lunch every day.
During those days morning tea consisted of a cup of tea, a biscuit, and a chat with the boss about what
I was doing right and wrong...I had to make his tea of course....and serve it to him in his office.....
Lunch consisted of a very light salad.....two minutes tops...to eat....
On my way back from lunch I would stop and buy a pie and peas from the pie cart if I was still hungry.
The cart was located opposite a pub and did a roaring trade.
A year or so later, the TAB opened up about 200 metres down the street...the pie mans turnover trebled as
every punter ensured, even if he lost on the day, he had enough coin in his pocket to grab a pie....and a beer....
My point is this....
How will Australia come out of the covid 19 enforced recession/depression....
These days, many workplaces are visited by the "smoko chic"...a usually well endowed young lass
who attracts workers like bees to a honeypot with her obvious assets...
Of course no-one seems to worry about paying the arm and a leg she charges for a large Gatorade, a
bacon and egg roll, a packet of salt and vinegar chips and a Mars bar....maybe ten bucks all up....

Then she comes back at lunch time and does it all over again....very costly if youre a pervert.... :lol:
Will the workers be able to afford this when restrictions are lifted and some peasants are lucky
enough to go back to work....or will they just take a couple of homemade sandwiches to work, and
accompany them with a glass of tapwater…..
Will Mrs Bloggs still get her hair done every fortnight at seventy bucks a pop...
Will Mr Bloggs pay a mechanic to do an oil change on the family jalopy or change the plugs..or will he do this himself...
What about the Pizza shop down on the corner, or the MacDonalds shop...will they remain, or will
Mum just make her own pizzas at home for the kids on a Friday night....
Will Mr and Mrs Average go out for the night at the Club or just buy a six pack and a bottle
of cheap wine and stay at home, watching reruns of Seinfeld, or their favourite movie....
Will the millennials still buy their seven dollar coffee avocados.....every day....
Will the peasants ride their bicycle to work to save petrol...…
Will the kids play expensive, organized sport, or will they just pay touch footy up at the
park in the drizzling rain and mud...….like I did...and loved every minute of it....
Times will change.....businesses will not open again....people will keep their money
in their wallet...if they have any...
The false economy of Australia will be well and truly exposed...….
No soup for you...…. :shock:
Have a fantastic day everyone..... :thumb

More like $20 and up but I get the drift. :thumb

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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:58 am

Black Orchid wrote:
Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:53 am
billy the kid wrote:
Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:20 am
When I was a teenager, I would walk a couple of blocks home from my workplace for lunch every day.
During those days morning tea consisted of a cup of tea, a biscuit, and a chat with the boss about what
I was doing right and wrong...I had to make his tea of course....and serve it to him in his office.....
Lunch consisted of a very light salad.....two minutes tops...to eat....
On my way back from lunch I would stop and buy a pie and peas from the pie cart if I was still hungry.
The cart was located opposite a pub and did a roaring trade.
A year or so later, the TAB opened up about 200 metres down the street...the pie mans turnover trebled as
every punter ensured, even if he lost on the day, he had enough coin in his pocket to grab a pie....and a beer....
My point is this....
How will Australia come out of the covid 19 enforced recession/depression....
These days, many workplaces are visited by the "smoko chic"...a usually well endowed young lass
who attracts workers like bees to a honeypot with her obvious assets...
Of course no-one seems to worry about paying the arm and a leg she charges for a large Gatorade, a
bacon and egg roll, a packet of salt and vinegar chips and a Mars bar....maybe ten bucks all up....

Then she comes back at lunch time and does it all over again....very costly if youre a pervert.... :lol:
Will the workers be able to afford this when restrictions are lifted and some peasants are lucky
enough to go back to work....or will they just take a couple of homemade sandwiches to work, and
accompany them with a glass of tapwater…..
Will Mrs Bloggs still get her hair done every fortnight at seventy bucks a pop...
Will Mr Bloggs pay a mechanic to do an oil change on the family jalopy or change the plugs..or will he do this himself...
What about the Pizza shop down on the corner, or the MacDonalds shop...will they remain, or will
Mum just make her own pizzas at home for the kids on a Friday night....
Will Mr and Mrs Average go out for the night at the Club or just buy a six pack and a bottle
of cheap wine and stay at home, watching reruns of Seinfeld, or their favourite movie....
Will the millennials still buy their seven dollar coffee avocados.....every day....
Will the peasants ride their bicycle to work to save petrol...…
Will the kids play expensive, organized sport, or will they just pay touch footy up at the
park in the drizzling rain and mud...….like I did...and loved every minute of it....
Times will change.....businesses will not open again....people will keep their money
in their wallet...if they have any...
The false economy of Australia will be well and truly exposed...….
No soup for you...…. :shock:
Have a fantastic day everyone..... :thumb

More like $20 and up but I get the drift. :thumb
Bacon might be more expensive in your neck of the woods..... :rofl
Or maybe the smoko chic is a part time whore and a full time skank....
Or is it the other way around..... :rofl ...depends on the number of tats shes got....
Im terrible, arent I...... :lol:
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Redneck » Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:01 pm

I like your posts Billy!

Always well thought out!


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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:01 pm

To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Tue Apr 21, 2020 10:11 am

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-20/ ... s/12166418
Well, it could only happen in Victoria, couldn't it.....
The most fucked up state in Australia has decided to cancel on a temporary basis all reporting to police stations
by persons out on bail....to protect the police during the covid 19 pandemic...
Apparently there are 40,000 visits per month to police stations by bailees who are required under the terms
of their bail to report to police on a regular basis....40,000....
These offenders have been granted bail with extremely strict conditions.
This means that the court, probably on the request of the police, has deemed it necessary to impose
strict bail conditions on the offenders.
Why else would the reporting condition be imposed...these people are criminals.....
Of course, this is the state which has had a totally fucked legal system for years...
"Victoria Police will conduct individual risk assessments on those granted bail and if necessary will develop a special plan for increased monitoring, such as more frequent checks at their homes."...
I see...does this mean less trips by crims...but more trips by police.....fkn brilliant....
I need not remind everyone of the Jill Meagher case where a criminal was on parole and committed
murder...and other similar cases.....
More recently we had the fiasco of Cardinal Pell being charged 26 times by police without conviction...
We all know about lawyer X....and various allegations....
We all know about the african crime gangs that police tell us don't exist.
We all know about the terrorist attacks by offenders who are just suffering from a mental condition.
If this is such a great idea, why the fuck isn't it happening all over the world....
Can you imagine New York offenders being told not to bother about reporting to police every day.....
Why isn't it happening in all other Australian states....
But you still cant play golf and sunbake down on the beach....
For fucks sake....this is all getting fkn ridiculous...…. :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:12 pm

https://wolfstreet.com/2020/03/22/austr ... -covid-19/
Ooops….Australia couldn't build its way out of a shithouse....
Do some googling as to how much effort went into public works programmes in Australia
after the 1929 Depression....ZERO....how much will go into PW programmes this time....
Would you believe.... ZERO...…
If it takes two years to build a roundabout on the Gold Coast, how long would it take our grubberments
to plan any type of public works programmes….
Maybe we could get the mob that built Mascot Towers to build us out of the Depression...
What a horses arse that turned out to be....
All infrastructure projects throughout Australia will have to be brought forward, employing
thousands upon thousands of workers.....providing the projects are going to be profitable
for the grubberment involved...…
AND a few more will have to be created.....but don't hold your breath on that one....
Whats the chance of getting a railroad built from Woop-Woop to Mannangatang….
servicing everything from mining to the beef industry.....and everything in between....
Probably buckleys……. :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:44 pm

They'll sell the projects out to China which will then either foundationally crack and crumble or burn down in years to come from their shoddy workmanship and materials.

That's worked out well so far :thumb :roll:

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Neferti » Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:31 pm

Australia really needs a manufacturing industry. Here IN Australia .... and we should not be importing stuff from China, etc. Give those on the Dole some experience in a factory or whatever. Surely some of our Billionaires can spare a few dollars to start up some manufacturing and give people jobs?

A list of Australian Companies here - surely we can add some real manufacturing to it?

Just a thought.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_c ... _Australia

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:09 pm

I agree that manufacturing will create jobs for those who needs jobs.
My other concern is the government will only be able to pay down their debt by creating infrastructure
from which THEY profit....
Its all very well to have grandiose plans to create jobs...that helps the peasants...great...
BUT what about the national debt.... it doesn't come down...
Its like building a football stadium over there or building a cannery or a brewery...whatever...
It creates jobs...but the government gets zilch out of it...…
Our manufacturing today is that inefficient that
The Harvard of Economic Complexity Index rates Australia 93rd, behind such countries as
Uganda and Senegal....
Makes you proud, doesn't it...to be behind such shitholes as Uganda and Senegal.... :?
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Neferti » Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:28 pm

So what infrastructure do you think should be built?

Apart from our manufacturing being so inefficient, wages are too high so anything that gets manufactured in Australia costs far too much, so ....so we import cheap stuff from China, etc. Back in the day, we manufactured clothing and it was well made and great stuff but .... then they were forced to close down and we imported cheap clothes from China and so forth.

We still manufacture some stuff but much of those Companies are now owned by America or China.

Ah well. Maybe get the Dole bludgers to use a shovel and wheelbarrow and earn their way.


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