Why the world is rooted.

America, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world
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Black Orchid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:34 pm

The4thEstate wrote:
Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:30 pm
Black Orchid wrote:
Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:12 pm
I don't fly Qantas anyway. My last experience with them was horrific and definitely my last.
Well, Dustin Hoffman is a fan!
Yes but he's nuts!

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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Wed Apr 15, 2020 5:28 pm

https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ ... ss-society
Nothing to see here folks.... move along....
.....peasants in that line...sheeple in that line...muppets in that line....
Hay....do as youre told young fella... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:33 pm

The pennies just dropped.....
The media whores are all beginning to bleat about when the government is going to commence
lifting restrictions caused by the covid 19 virus....
The NRL is planning to start their football competition on the 28th May, 2020, but may not
get to first base because of state lockdowns etc....
Schools are open in some states, but politicians are all giving mixed messages as to whether
kids should go to school, or stay at home...
And the list goes on as to whether we can go for a swim, go for a game of golf, go fishing....
...and so on and so on..
The pennies just dropped....
The federal government has done the heavy lifting...they have given authority to all the
states to impose these restrictions.....
EACH state is now sitting back waiting for another state to bite the bullet and begin lifting
restrictions......not wanting to be first and fuck it up...
WELL Western Australia is the first...they are talking about a discussion on lifting social distancing restrictions...
...such discussion to occur at about the end of April...in two weeks time...
In other words...no state wants to gamble without watching another state do it first...
There is no magic formula...or number...that the federal government is waiting for....
They are simply letting the state governments make their own decisions....
OR take a punt......so to speak....
Bit like Texas Holdem....waiting for the river card.....and hoping....
ONLY in this game the state governments are gambling with human lives....
BIG STAKES...... :roll: :roll: :roll:
As they said in the classics...."thats a big gamble with a forty million dollar plane Lieutenant...." :roll:
Have a sensational day/nite everyone...... :roll:
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by The4thEstate » Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:00 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:33 pm
The pennies just dropped.....
The media whores are all beginning to bleat about when the government is going to commence
lifting restrictions caused by the covid 19 virus....
The NRL is planning to start their football competition on the 28th May, 2020, but may not
get to first base because of state lockdowns etc....
Schools are open in some states, but politicians are all giving mixed messages as to whether
kids should go to school, or stay at home...
And the list goes on as to whether we can go for a swim, go for a game of golf, go fishing....
...and so on and so on..
The pennies just dropped....
The federal government has done the heavy lifting...they have given authority to all the
states to impose these restrictions.....
EACH state is now sitting back waiting for another state to bite the bullet and begin lifting
restrictions......not wanting to be first and fuck it up...
WELL Western Australia is the first...they are talking about a discussion on lifting social distancing restrictions...
...such discussion to occur at about the end of April...in two weeks time...
In other words...no state wants to gamble without watching another state do it first...
There is no magic formula...or number...that the federal government is waiting for....
They are simply letting the state governments make their own decisions....
OR take a punt......so to speak....
Bit like Texas Holdem....waiting for the river card.....and hoping....
ONLY in this game the state governments are gambling with human lives....
BIG STAKES...... :roll: :roll: :roll:
As they said in the classics...."thats a big gamble with a forty million dollar plane Lieutenant...." :roll:
Have a sensational day/nite everyone...... :roll:
It's the same in the U.S. -- in this presidential election year, the Democrats and the media (pardon the redundancy) want to concoct a narrative that claims Trump (who imposed a ban on Chinese airline arrivals at the end of January) was somehow slow in his response to the virus.

Well, Trump is wisely leaving it to the governors of the 50 states (many of whom are Democrats) to decide when and how to reopen each state.

That's always the greatest response to a critic: "Could you do better?" And we can't keep the country shut down for the next year without destroying the economy.

So ... go ahead and make the call for your respective states, Democrats! As John Lennon once sang, "We'd all love to see the plan."

And if your decision proves premature, you get to wear the "blood on your hands" label that you're forever trying to pin on Trump.

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Apr 16, 2020 11:31 am

https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ ... -shutdowns
I laugh every time I watch the Australian TV whores attempt to spruik how and when Australia's
economy is going to recover after the virus is defeated...
Mainly because its all bullshit, lies and paid content....
People who are in the business of selling optimistic advice...telling us various sectors, such as
real estate prices are going to go through the roof...and the time to buy a house is now....
(By the way...you can make an appointment to see me for advice by ringing this number....Ill
be happy to sit down and have a friendly chat to you.....)...yeah right...snakeoil salesman to sucker...… :lol:
"As soon as the shutdowns end, it will be obvious that the world economy is in worse condition than
it was before the shutdowns. The longer the shutdowns last, the worse shape the world economy will be in.
Thus, when businesses are re-started, we can expect more protests and more divisive politics. Some
governments will be overthrown, or they may collapse without being pushed. I fear that the world
economy will be further down the road toward overall collapse."
My opinion has always been that car sales are the predominant factor in determining the state
of a countries economy....
Do some googling.....
Have a fantastic day everyone..... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Fri Apr 17, 2020 9:25 am

https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ ... depression
"Will it be a deflationary or inflationary depression?"
Please...please...please...whatever you do...don't ask Morrison or Freakenberg this
question....they would stare at each other like stunned mullets, and automatically say
to each other...."would you like to answer that question..."
We cant even fkn decide whether to send our kids to school or not....
We have women running some of our states who could be better employed by baking
scones in the kitchen...we have a moronic Victorian premier running a state which has
been in total chaos for years...if not decades...
We have yet to decide if we support China or the USA....
As the worldwide economic reset begins, Australia is thrown around like a cork in the
Our politicians and our media whores are pounding their chests, telling us that we've beaten the
virus....well done Australia...we have shown the world how to do it.....
Yeah right....at what cost... :roll:
Australian peasants are on the bones of their arses...unemployment is tipped to
reach 10%....lies...it will be 15%....remembering that government stats are rubbery
at best..you only have to work for one hour per week and youre not considered
as unemployed...we have a false economy...been false for decades.....
Blind Freddie can see that to pay for our economic stimuli, taxes (GST) and government
charges will go through the roof...
Morrison reminds me of that Dolly Parton line in the movie "The Best Little Whorehouse
in Texas"...
"Youre just a chickenshit sheriff in a chickenshit town..."
To which the sheriff replies..."Yep but its better than being a whore..."
Well..Australian politicians kiss every countries arse...don't whores do that....
Australia is just a cork in the ocean...
And the cork is waterlogged and sinking fast.....
Have a fantastic day everyone...... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sat Apr 18, 2020 9:41 am

Some of us will be familiar with Okuns Laws...some wont...
Briefly, Okuns Law is as follows....
For every 1% the unemployment rate goes up, the GDP goes down by 2%.
These stats have been "created" for the USA...however, we could ball park the figures
for any country on the planet designated as "western civilization"...well almost any country...
Lets apply Okuns Law to Australia....just for the hell of it...
Lets say that our current unemployment rate is 5% and our GDP is currently 2%....
We have to start somewhere...lets start there....
This means, by using simple mathematics, if our unemployment rate "officially"
increases to say 11%...our GDP figure will reduce to -10%
Conversely, if our unemployment rate goes to say 15% our GDP goes down to -18%
Starting to look a bit sick isn't it...…
How then, can Scotty from marketing say that we will "recover" from the problems
created by covid 19...with growth...…he did say that...didn't he...??
I see....
And HOW LONG will it take to reduce the unemployment rate back down to say 5%...
This is a snow job by the government...
OR as they say in horse racing...."a boatrace"...….a con.....
Unless the government suddenly "creates" thousands upon thousands of jobs, and
everyone whose business has closed down, suddenly re-opens and re-employs everyone...…
We're fucked...…..
Don't forget, we still have interest rates heading towards negative....we still
have cash ban legislation pending....we are heading towards a cashless society, with the banks
totally in control....(if they don't collapse)…..and our government still has to kiss every countries arse….
Not forgetting of course, the sinister government spin offs from the virus the governments
of the world will perpetrate upon the peasants.....
Someone tell me something positive about Australias future....
Have a fantastic day people...…. :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Black Orchid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Apr 18, 2020 10:52 am

If we take back our manufacturing from China that would be a good start in creating more jobs.

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:36 am

Black Orchid wrote:
Sat Apr 18, 2020 10:52 am
If we take back our manufacturing from China that would be a good start in creating more jobs.
I think the Morrison government together with our state governments are now in an extremely difficult position regarding our
contact with China. We rely heavily on Chinese tourism and Chinese students... Chinese investment etc etc to prop up our false economy....China once bought all our rocks...we are continually told by our governments that our biggest trading partner is China...
We have contributed almost $700 million to the Chinese Infrastructure Bank, for which we receive little or nothing
in return.... Our governments may continue to kiss China's arse….
Yet, at the same time, the entire world has already commenced divorce proceedings with China....
Difficult balancing act....China has indeed become a poisoned chalice.....
Would I partake of the contents which I KNEW were from a poisoned chalice....NO WAY... :twisted:
Australia must participate in the worldwide divorce from China....
No more arse kissing.....full stop... ;)
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:20 am

When I was a teenager, I would walk a couple of blocks home from my workplace for lunch every day.
During those days morning tea consisted of a cup of tea, a biscuit, and a chat with the boss about what
I was doing right and wrong...I had to make his tea of course....and serve it to him in his office.....
Lunch consisted of a very light salad.....two minutes tops...to eat....
On my way back from lunch I would stop and buy a pie and peas from the pie cart if I was still hungry.
The cart was located opposite a pub and did a roaring trade.
A year or so later, the TAB opened up about 200 metres down the street...the pie mans turnover trebled as
every punter ensured, even if he lost on the day, he had enough coin in his pocket to grab a pie....and a beer....
My point is this....
How will Australia come out of the covid 19 enforced recession/depression....
These days, many workplaces are visited by the "smoko chic"...a usually well endowed young lass
who attracts workers like bees to a honeypot with her obvious assets...
Of course no-one seems to worry about paying the arm and a leg she charges for a large Gatorade, a
bacon and egg roll, a packet of salt and vinegar chips and a Mars bar....maybe ten bucks all up....
Then she comes back at lunch time and does it all over again....very costly if youre a pervert.... :lol:
Will the workers be able to afford this when restrictions are lifted and some peasants are lucky
enough to go back to work....or will they just take a couple of homemade sandwiches to work, and
accompany them with a glass of tapwater…..
Will Mrs Bloggs still get her hair done every fortnight at seventy bucks a pop...
Will Mr Bloggs pay a mechanic to do an oil change on the family jalopy or change the plugs..or will he do this himself...
What about the Pizza shop down on the corner, or the MacDonalds shop...will they remain, or will
Mum just make her own pizzas at home for the kids on a Friday night....
Will Mr and Mrs Average go out for the night at the Club or just buy a six pack and a bottle
of cheap wine and stay at home, watching reruns of Seinfeld, or their favourite movie....
Will the millennials still buy their seven dollar coffee avocados.....every day....
Will the peasants ride their bicycle to work to save petrol...…
Will the kids play expensive, organized sport, or will they just pay touch footy up at the
park in the drizzling rain and mud...….like I did...and loved every minute of it....
Times will change.....businesses will not open again....people will keep their money
in their wallet...if they have any...
The false economy of Australia will be well and truly exposed...….
No soup for you...…. :shock:
Have a fantastic day everyone..... :thumb
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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