... -consulate
We can only assume that once "arrested", the brides and their children will be returned to Australia.
The media should be all over this....
ISIS brides and their children returning to the "homeland" has always been a controversial subject.
From memory, the Australian grubberment had adopted the policy that ISIS brides and their children
would not be allowed to return to Australia....original policy...then watered down.....
They are now being "arrested".....
Methinks that this is a "novel" way of "allowing" them to return to Australia...
How hypocritical is the Australian grubberment….
They were originally stating that no Australian lives would be placed in jeopardy whilst attempting
to repatriate ISIS brides and their children....I wonder if this jeopardy also included
the "Australian neighbourhood" where they were possibly relocated to.....
Now they are bringing them "home"...…
All seems a but underhanded to me....but that is to be expected from our grubberment…
Didn't Dutton once say that there was no question that the return of ISIS brides in Syria to Australia
would expose Australians to an increased risk of terrorism...…
I have absolutely no faith or trust in this grubberment…...
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...