New virus from shithole China

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by BigP » Tue Jan 28, 2020 6:13 am

Dont panic Bobby, It still has a ways to go to reach the flu stats,,

""The CDC estimates that as many as 56,000 people die from the flu or flu-like illness each year.""

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by The Reboot » Tue Jan 28, 2020 11:44 am

Here is the WHO's excuse for not declaring a international emergency:

World Health Organization Responds To Coronavirus


Staying on the topic of the coronavirus outbreak, the outbreak is believed to have started in Wuhan, China. And in response, the Chinese government has put entire cities on lockdown, and a number of travel bans are in place. But despite the growing number of infections and deaths, the World Health Organization decided to hold off on declaring this an emergency of international concern.

And this made us wonder about how the World Health Organization determines what counts as an emergency. And we also wondered whether powerful countries like China are able to influence these policies and procedures. So we've called on Kelley Lee to help us understand what's going on. She is a professor of global health governance at Simon Fraser University in Canada. She has worked as a consultant for the World Health Organization.

Professor Lee, thank you so much for joining us.

KELLEY LEE: Pleasure.

MARTIN: So, before we get into the specifics of the coronavirus, can you tell us what you make of the World Health Organization's decision to not declare this as an emergency of global concern? Does that seem right to you?

LEE: It does to me. I know a lot of people are disagreeing with that decision. It's a very important decision. When the World Health Organization declares a public health emergency of international concern, there's lots of implications in terms of resources, in terms of the level of support that WHO provides to the country and just generally, you know, the international community's response.

But there's also a lot of economic implications. So when an emergency is declared, one can imagine that the country's economic system takes a battering because people don't want to travel to the country. Trade slows down. The business community gets very, very nervous, as we've seen. So there's a lot of economic ripples that happen. So I think WHO is trying to balance the severity of the outbreak, where it is occurring, the patterns of infection, all these things against also the larger implications for the country, for the world economy.

MARTIN: Over a decade ago, China went through another outbreak with SARS. And we know that China's global influence has drastically grown since then. But there are questions about how forthcoming the government was about the severity of the outbreak then. Just based on your experience, I mean, how did they interact with the World Health Organization then? And is it different from how China is working with the WHO today?

LEE: The SARS outbreak occurred at a time when China was beginning to transition to more of a middle-income country. So, as we know, their economy experienced double-digit growth year upon year and so on. What didn't happen, though, was that there wasn't a lot of investment in public health infrastructure during that time.

So when the SARS outbreak occurred, this exposed this lack of investment, and that slowed their response. They were concerned about, you know, how people would view the country. They didn't want people to be fearful in terms of investment, travel to China and so on. So that's kind of reminiscent of what we're seeing now, is this kind of fearfulness, this closed kind of lack of sharing of information when we really do need as much accurate information as possible.

MARTIN: We get the sense that this story is going to be with us for a while. What are some of the things that you will be watching for as this story develops?

LEE: First, like many public health people, we need to know more about this specific disease. So, as you, you know, mentioned, a lot of people are looking at this and trying to figure out things like how severe the illness is, what's the case fatality rate. But I think more fundamentally and trickier in many ways, I'll be following how this outbreak leads to how we seek to strengthen global health governance.

MARTIN: That is Kelley Lee. She is a professor of global health governance at Simon Fraser University in Canada.

Professor Lee, thank you so much for talking with us. I hope we'll talk again.

LEE: Thank you very much.


I suppose their inaction is to be expected, when they are part of the UN :giggle

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Jan 28, 2020 6:16 pm


The number of infected people has risen to slightly over three million and the death toll now stands at a MINIMUM of 156,000.

Armored Vehicles are on the streets as more and more videos emerge of infected citizens dropping-dead as they walk!

Never before in the modern history of human existence, have 46 Million people been Quarantined; yet that is exactly what is taking place in China today.
As of 5:30 PM eastern US time Friday, January 24, 2020, about 46 MILLION people in 16 cities in China, are under LOCKDOWN Quarantine, as a new virus spreads like wildfire, killing HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS. No one can enter or leave the cities involved.

The Chinese Army has deployed 50,000 troops to surround Wuhan, with orders "SHOOT TO KILL" anyone trying to escape as hundreds are trying to flee the cities-- ON FOOT -- because there is NO FOOD.
On Friday, Covert Intelligence sources inside China confirmed that the troops have been given orders to "SHOOT TO KILL" anyone trying to escape a Quarantine area!

Now ask yourself a question: If this outbreak was merely a "novel coronavirus" why would 46 Million people be under Quarantine, blockaded in by mounds of dirt, surrounded by troops with orders to shoot to kill?

Maybe this isn't what China says it is. Maybe China knows EXACTLY what this is and they know they HAVE to do these things to prevent this "sickness" from going any farther.

What if this is not a "novel coronavirus" but a Bio-Weapon that got out by mistake?

The world needs to start asking.
Believe or disbelieve the source but the videos are disturbing. There are quite a few short videos in the link. ... f-supplies

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Bobby » Tue Jan 28, 2020 6:30 pm

The corona virus is a bio weapons accident. ... y-lab.html

There is a level-4 biosafety laboratory in Wuhan, China, where microbiologists study and develop genetically engineered biological weapons. And in 2017, the science journal Nature warned the world about “pathogens escaping” and infecting the world. It now appears that scenario has unfolded exactly as feared.

“Some scientists outside China worry about pathogens escaping, and the addition of a biological dimension to geopolitical tensions between China and other nations,” warned NATURE in a February, 2017 article. “But Chinese microbiologists are celebrating their entrance to the elite cadre empowered to wrestle with the world’s greatest biological threats.”


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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by brian ross » Tue Jan 28, 2020 7:05 pm

*SIGH*, so many conspiracies to choose from, hey, Bobby? :roll
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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Gordon » Tue Jan 28, 2020 7:09 pm

I've got a head cold. RIP me.

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by BigP » Tue Jan 28, 2020 7:38 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Tue Jan 28, 2020 6:16 pm

The number of infected people has risen to slightly over three million and the death toll now stands at a MINIMUM of 156,000.

Armored Vehicles are on the streets as more and more videos emerge of infected citizens dropping-dead as they walk!

Never before in the modern history of human existence, have 46 Million people been Quarantined; yet that is exactly what is taking place in China today.
As of 5:30 PM eastern US time Friday, January 24, 2020, about 46 MILLION people in 16 cities in China, are under LOCKDOWN Quarantine, as a new virus spreads like wildfire, killing HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS. No one can enter or leave the cities involved.

The Chinese Army has deployed 50,000 troops to surround Wuhan, with orders "SHOOT TO KILL" anyone trying to escape as hundreds are trying to flee the cities-- ON FOOT -- because there is NO FOOD.
On Friday, Covert Intelligence sources inside China confirmed that the troops have been given orders to "SHOOT TO KILL" anyone trying to escape a Quarantine area!

Now ask yourself a question: If this outbreak was merely a "novel coronavirus" why would 46 Million people be under Quarantine, blockaded in by mounds of dirt, surrounded by troops with orders to shoot to kill?

Maybe this isn't what China says it is. Maybe China knows EXACTLY what this is and they know they HAVE to do these things to prevent this "sickness" from going any farther.

What if this is not a "novel coronavirus" but a Bio-Weapon that got out by mistake?

The world needs to start asking.
Believe or disbelieve the source but the videos are disturbing. There are quite a few short videos in the link. ... f-supplies
Crock of shit would be my opinion

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by BigP » Tue Jan 28, 2020 7:39 pm

Gordon wrote:
Tue Jan 28, 2020 7:09 pm
I've got a head cold. RIP me.
It was nice knowin ya mate , RIP

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by BigP » Tue Jan 28, 2020 7:40 pm

brian ross wrote:
Tue Jan 28, 2020 7:05 pm
*SIGH*, so many conspiracies to choose from, hey, Bobby? :roll
Give us a hug Brian, looks like there is only you and I left,, :buddy

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Black Orchid
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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Jan 28, 2020 8:02 pm

Bodies on the floor of hospitals and just covered with a sheet has to make one think along with military trucks rolling down the streets. If you think the Chinese can be trusted to relay the truth you're dreaming.

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