... ss-america
Things are crook in we say in Ostraya...when beds are being rented out in the Fragmented States
of America as "pods" due to a housing shortage...$1200/$1300 per month.....hell...that's great value...
$300 a week to rent a bed....I presume the dunnies are at the end of the bonking allowed either....
Sensational value.....
Who'd want to be a millennial these days...up to your bottom lip in student loans/car loans/living with
mum and dad...working for peanuts....never able to own a house/flat/unit/condo/suv…
But but but....I think Ill get a full length arm tattoo...maybe have a holiday in the Caribbean for a few weeks....
I suppose if the elites keep all the peasants in debt until the year dot...why not get a tattoo...maybe a butterfly
on your arse...who knows..with a bit of luck (bad luck) you might get knocked up and have twins...
Then you'll have to rent baby pods...can you get baby pods....
If you have twins, youd have two peas in a pod......fuck Im funny......
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...