The Unions in Australia

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Re: The Unions in Australia

Post by Bogan » Tue Jan 07, 2020 6:56 pm

Briney wrote

…...most of them are neo-Nazis who are attempting to rewrite the history of the Holocaust.
You have just made an implication which stereotyped a group of people you call neo Nazis as being unreliable and untruthful when writing history.

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: The Unions in Australia

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:18 pm

brian ross wrote:
Mon Jan 06, 2020 1:21 pm

Now, Bogan has made a claim that the Unions worked actively against the war effort during WWII.
This is as far as I got in your post BR, so I don't know the book or Bogan's specific claim/s, but the text stating:
Unions worked actively against the war effort during WWII
... is absolutely correct.

A Nazi agent/spy infiltrated the communist movement in Australia and gained enough influence to get the Water side Workers Union to strike - refuse to load essential supplies required by Australian troops in the Pacific.
Reservists and troops in what was called the Home Guard were brought in to load the ships.

Later on this was Robert Menzies motive for the Outlawing Communism Referendum, which failed.

Meanwhile my step grandfather was fighting the Japanese in New Guinea. He didn't know at the time it was commy unionists influenced by a Nazi infiltrator preventing resupply, he thought is was our govt letting them down.

His exact words were "If it wasn't for the Yanks (doing aerial food drops) we would have starved".

BR I know you don't like scrutiny of the Left's appalling behaviour seeing the light of day, but as someone who knows ALL the Left's shit (grew up with it) I have no problem telling you ALL lefties are 5th column saboteurs hell bent on destroying the Westernised world, and it's inciting a fascist backlash that's going to get the lot of you lynched.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: The Unions in Australia

Post by brian ross » Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:37 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2020 5:54 pm
brian ross wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2020 1:37 pm
cods wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2020 6:58 am
In historiography, the term historical revisionism identifies the re-interpretation of the historical record. ... The revision of the historical record can reflect new discoveries of fact, evidence, and interpretation, which then provokes a revised history.

it sells books remember bri!
Oh, I know that, Cods. However, it is how history is written. You however appear to believe it is something which should not be attempted because it is somehow "dirty" to question the status quo. Tsk, tsk. I have several books on historical revision. Unfortunately, most of them are neo-Nazis who are attempting to rewrite the history of the Holocaust. Peter Stanley has attempted to make Australians question what they know about history by presenting alternative evidence. He has done a good job in that regard. :Hi
You have several books on history? I am amazed!
No, I have several books on historical revisionism, Neferti.
Have you done any research into YOUR FAMILY HISTORY? What did you find?
Nope. My brother however has. He has discovered many things. I am descended on my mother's side from a Highway Man (and interestingly, a hairdresser of the period) who was transported to Western Australia. On my father's side, I am descended from a West Indian officer in the British Army who fought in the Maori wars. I have also an ex-Speaker of the South Australian Parliament in my ancestry. My father was an illegitimate son of that man. How about you, Neferti? Anyone of interest in your family ancestry?
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Re: The Unions in Australia

Post by Juliar » Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:44 pm

But looking forward for a change - how much longer will the unions even exist as they have no members anymore and would be bankrupt if they couldn't pilfer from members' industrial super funds ?

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brian ross
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Re: The Unions in Australia

Post by brian ross » Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:49 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:18 pm
brian ross wrote:
Mon Jan 06, 2020 1:21 pm

Now, Bogan has made a claim that the Unions worked actively against the war effort during WWII.
This is as far as I got in your post BR, so I don't know the book or Bogan's specific claim/s, but the text stating:
Unions worked actively against the war effort during WWII
... is absolutely correct.

A Nazi agent/spy infiltrated the communist movement in Australia and gained enough influence to get the Water side Workers Union to strike - refuse to load essential supplies required by Australian troops in the Pacific.
Reservists and troops in what was called the Home Guard were brought in to load the ships.

Later on this was Robert Menzies motive for the Outlawing Communism Referendum, which failed.

Meanwhile my step grandfather was fighting the Japanese in New Guinea. He didn't know at the time it was commy unionists influenced by a Nazi infiltrator preventing resupply, he thought is was our govt letting them down.

His exact words were "If it wasn't for the Yanks (doing aerial food drops) we would have starved".

BR I know you don't like scrutiny of the Left's appalling behaviour seeing the light of day, but as someone who knows ALL the Left's shit (grew up with it) I have no problem telling you ALL lefties are 5th column saboteurs hell bent on destroying the Westernised world, and it's inciting a fascist backlash that's going to get the lot of you lynched.
Three points:

1) I would suggest that you do a little more examination of what caused your step-grandfather to not have sufficient supplies fighting across the Owen Stanley ranges. I think you'll find it was because of a shortage of porters, rather than anything that occurred in Australia. The Australians, like the Japanese, were running rather short of porters upon whose shoulders they both relied on for resupply in the jungles of the Owen Stanleys. The Japanese because of their brutality and their treatment of the natives as "untermensch" to borrow a term from their Axis allies, the Germans. The Australians because they would not understand the inter-tribal relations as they fought across tribal boundaries.

2) I would also suggest that you may believe what you desire, despite it being rather wrong. I doubt a Nazi agent would get much thrift with a Communist controlled union. The Communists were acting under orders from Moscow to deny supplies to allied forces fighting the Axis forces. However, once the Axis invaded the fUSSR, the Communists became enthusiastic supporters for the most part of the Allied war effort.

3) I have no problems examining the Left or the Right's "appalling behaviour". Perhaps we should look at how Bob Menzies sold scrap iron quite happily to the Japanese just before the outbreak of war with them - which was stopped BTW, by those same nasty "5th column saboteurs". Indeed, your characterisation of "ALL Lefties" as such shows your own unwillingness to accept your fellow Australians as your fellow citizens. Tsk, tsk. :roll :roll :roll
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brian ross
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Re: The Unions in Australia

Post by brian ross » Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:51 pm

Bogan wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2020 6:56 pm
Briney wrote

…...most of them are neo-Nazis who are attempting to rewrite the history of the Holocaust.
You have just made an implication which stereotyped a group of people you call neo Nazis as being unreliable and untruthful when writing history.
OK, perhaps not all neo-Nazis engage in historical revisionism, Bogan but I've yet to meet one who doesn't believe the Nazis were innocent of the Holocaust. :roll :roll :roll
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Re: The Unions in Australia

Post by cods » Tue Jan 07, 2020 10:57 pm

tell us bri why are you bring this up NOW?....

what are you trying to prove?.....the wharfies were all goodies??? whats your point?...

I doubt very much there is a person alive who was involved in those times.....

so really anyone can write anything... it wasnt as if Australia would have been bragging about the waterfront during those years.

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brian ross
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Re: The Unions in Australia

Post by brian ross » Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:10 pm

cods wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2020 10:57 pm
tell us bri why are you bring this up NOW?....

what are you trying to prove?.....the wharfies were all goodies??? whats your point?...

I doubt very much there is a person alive who was involved in those times.....

so really anyone can write anything... it wasnt as if Australia would have been bragging about the waterfront during those years.
Why ask me? Bogan brought the topic up, Cods. :roll
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Re: The Unions in Australia

Post by cods » Wed Jan 08, 2020 6:52 am

brian ross wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:10 pm
cods wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2020 10:57 pm
tell us bri why are you bring this up NOW?....

what are you trying to prove?.....the wharfies were all goodies??? whats your point?...

I doubt very much there is a person alive who was involved in those times.....

so really anyone can write anything... it wasnt as if Australia would have been bragging about the waterfront during those years.
Why ask me? Bogan brought the topic up, Cods. :roll
oh I worded that wrong sorry I am replying to your op......they are long winded so I dont read every word.....

so why are you hitting back in another thread then?...]

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Re: The Unions in Australia

Post by Bogan » Wed Jan 08, 2020 8:05 am

Briney wrote

OK, perhaps not all neo-Nazis engage in historical revisionism, Bogan but I've yet to meet one who doesn't believe the Nazis were innocent of the Holocaust
And I have never met a Muslim who does not believe that Sharia law should over rule civil law, which, using the same standards of judgement that you are using, makes them unfit immigrants into western democracies.

If the wharf labourers in Australia during WW2 had been national socialists, and they were causing serious disruptions to our war effort, would you be now going into mental gymnastic trying to defend them like you are with the Marxist socialist wharf labourers in Australia during WW2?

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