The bullshit thread

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It's such a fine line between stupid and clever. Random guest posting.
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Black Orchid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Aug 27, 2019 6:24 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Tue Aug 27, 2019 6:11 pm
Black Orchid wrote:
Tue Aug 27, 2019 5:48 pm
I don't know the particular ad but I do tend to tune out to most of them but such things are a fact of life lol.

The ones that particularly annoy me and the ones using precocious children to try to sell products to adults.

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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Fri Aug 30, 2019 10:09 am ... applicants

Can anyone explain this bullshit to me..
Adjusting female ATAR scores to get more women into engineering....
Does that mean dumbing down our female engineers...
I thought engineering needed people of high intellect...
This is just equality gone stark raving mad....
I knew a bloke once that had to go to uni to improve his ATAR to get into took him twelve months...before he started his engineering degree.....
Now theyre reducing the score for women to get women in....
This is not an example of reducing physical standards for women just to get them
into the Police etc...which is plain stupid....this is the reduction of an intellectual score....
Or is it just another underhanded way of appeasing the chinese, to get more chinese into
our universities....
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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:05 pm

Laughable to see in the Horn/Zerafa fight last night that a protest group caused the promoter to
replace the female ring card girls with MEN.
The promoter stated that four women would be fighting on the card, wearing less than the ring
card girls...
What a load of bullshit from the "feminist movement"....
Personally, I think these protests are doing more harm than good for the "feminist movement"
AND yet the protest movement says nothing about women belting the crap out of each other
in fights and MMA events...I suppose thats equality isnt it.... but cant have female ring card people....
Thats sexism....load of bullshit.....
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Fri Sep 06, 2019 6:07 pm ... ar-AAGTkHI
No investigation.....of course not....why did she buy the property....failed to declare a conflict of interest...
A fkn disgrace....
One rule for rule for us...….
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Black Orchid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Sep 06, 2019 6:45 pm

I am not familiar with most of them in Queensland but what I do hear isn't good. Something in the water up there?

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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Fri Sep 06, 2019 9:25 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Fri Sep 06, 2019 6:45 pm
I am not familiar with most of them in Queensland but what I do hear isn't good. Something in the water up there?
Well, not really...I tend to think that the politicians in every state/federal government are as corrupt as each other...
What irks me is that the moronic premier takes the Cross River Rail project off her, and the corruption watchdog makes
recommendations for a higher degree of integrity in government.
Why does this happen if Trad did nothing wrong...??
The whole system is corrupt from top to bottom....
Its almost as though Palletcheck is saying..."well, I know she's guilty of something...Ill just make it look
like Im doing something and take this gig off her...."
Oh and BTW the moronic premier is on an overseas gig next week, and guess who acts as premier
in her absence......
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:41 pm

I see that Frydenberg and Lowe are sniping at each other about the economy and whos to blame etc etc...
Blatantly obvious that the RBA has been sitting on their hands forever and a day.....whilst the grubberment doesn't want
to spend any money and plays the blame game, blaming the RBA for not keeping the economy growing....
....therefore they both continue to play ducks and drakes....
Tends to remind me of someone called Nero......
I wont post the link as its as boring as batshit...... I'll just label the exchange as "typical"....

PS Of course Frydenberg conveniently forgets that the entire planet is heading towards a global reset...
One which Australia will not avoid this time......
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The Reboot
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by The Reboot » Wed Sep 11, 2019 12:35 pm

This is "news" apparently. :roll:

Woman dumped for putting on weight after Tinder Date
A woman who spent $160 travelling to a date before being dumped for ‘putting on weight’ is now fundraising to earn back the money spent.

UK woman Jade Savage, 28, who is an AU clothing size 16, spent the sum getting from Leicester to Peterborough to meet a man she had first met online.

The round trip took the mum-of-one a total of three and a half hours to complete – and was made worse by the fact she missed her initial form of transportation, a coach.

But when she was picked up at the station by her date, he allegedly called her fat – which lead to an argument.

Five minutes later, the man – whom Jade had already been on a date with four weeks earlier – dropped her back at the station.

“Date called me fat and got offended when I told him he was rude and acting like a pr***,” she explains on the page, which is entitled: “Want my £90 (AU$160) back because my date called me fat.”

“So took me back to the train station 5 minutes later.”

“He then offered to give me the £90 travel money back and blocked me when I said yeah,” she adds.
Claiming it back

Explaining the motivation behind her GoFundMe page, Jade says: “Just want to make my £90 travel money back so I can buy wine and sticks of lard.”

She has already raised AU$1,400, well over her desired amount, at time of writing.

Jade provided further context to The Sun, saying, “I was chatting to him on the phone when I got to the train station, waiting for him to pick me up.

“That’s when he said, ‘F*** me, you have put some weight on haven’t you?’ I was like, ‘No, you can’t say that.’

“It was clear he wanted to call the whole thing off but I still hoped we could have a nice time so we went to his car.”

With an hour to go until the next train home, Jade set up a GoFundMe page to cover her costs, which included:

Taxi to Leicester and back - $27

Missed coach - $21

Train to Peterborough - $41

Wine at station - $9

Train back to Leicester - $27

Taxi home - $27

The care support worker says she has since been able to see the funny side: “My mates were laughing with me, saying, ‘You’ve paid £90 to go to Peterborough, be called fat and then get sent home.’

“It was the worst and shortest date I’ve been on.”
What a waste of space. There's people out there dying of cancer and other diseases who can't afford the cost of treatments and what not.. yet this bitch gets people to crowdfund her cause her date called her fat :roll:

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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Wed Sep 11, 2019 1:18 pm

The Reboot wrote:
Wed Sep 11, 2019 12:35 pm
This is "news" apparently. :roll:

Woman dumped for putting on weight after Tinder Date
A woman who spent $160 travelling to a date before being dumped for ‘putting on weight’ is now fundraising to earn back the money spent.

UK woman Jade Savage, 28, who is an AU clothing size 16, spent the sum getting from Leicester to Peterborough to meet a man she had first met online.

The round trip took the mum-of-one a total of three and a half hours to complete – and was made worse by the fact she missed her initial form of transportation, a coach.

But when she was picked up at the station by her date, he allegedly called her fat – which lead to an argument.

Five minutes later, the man – whom Jade had already been on a date with four weeks earlier – dropped her back at the station.

“Date called me fat and got offended when I told him he was rude and acting like a pr***,” she explains on the page, which is entitled: “Want my £90 (AU$160) back because my date called me fat.”

“So took me back to the train station 5 minutes later.”

“He then offered to give me the £90 travel money back and blocked me when I said yeah,” she adds.
Claiming it back

Explaining the motivation behind her GoFundMe page, Jade says: “Just want to make my £90 travel money back so I can buy wine and sticks of lard.”

She has already raised AU$1,400, well over her desired amount, at time of writing.

Jade provided further context to The Sun, saying, “I was chatting to him on the phone when I got to the train station, waiting for him to pick me up.

“That’s when he said, ‘F*** me, you have put some weight on haven’t you?’ I was like, ‘No, you can’t say that.’

“It was clear he wanted to call the whole thing off but I still hoped we could have a nice time so we went to his car.”

With an hour to go until the next train home, Jade set up a GoFundMe page to cover her costs, which included:

Taxi to Leicester and back - $27

Missed coach - $21

Train to Peterborough - $41

Wine at station - $9

Train back to Leicester - $27

Taxi home - $27

The care support worker says she has since been able to see the funny side: “My mates were laughing with me, saying, ‘You’ve paid £90 to go to Peterborough, be called fat and then get sent home.’

“It was the worst and shortest date I’ve been on.”
What a waste of space. There's people out there dying of cancer and other diseases who can't afford the cost of treatments and what not.. yet this bitch gets people to crowdfund her cause her date called her fat :roll:
Shoosh....wash your mouth out with soap....we cant call women fat.....thats being misogynistic...
But seriously...I agree with you entirely....why would anyone have the hide to plead for the money back from total strangers...
...and they cough up 1400 bucks...theres a sucker born every minute....
Maybe she'll spend the money at Jenny Craigs.....maybe she wont....
My bet is on a few big macs......and fries.....
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Black Orchid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:33 pm

She's a grub but you can't blame her for trying I guess. The people who give money to these grubs are just idiots and even bigger grubs.

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