“Allahu Akbar!”

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brian ross
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Re: “Allahu Akbar!”

Post by brian ross » Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:48 pm

The4thEstate wrote:
Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:43 pm
brian ross wrote:
Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:40 pm
No one willing to discuss the points I've raised?
Just did. You're 11 minutes late with your outdated harangue.
"Harangue"? Yes you did. Meh. As usual you merely looking for ways to discriminate against people who are different to yourself.

Tell me, 4E did you support civil rights movement in the 1960s?
Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. - Eric Blair

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Re: “Allahu Akbar!”

Post by Bogan » Sat Aug 24, 2019 6:36 pm

Brian Ross wrote

"Harangue"? Yes you did. Meh. As usual you merely looking for ways to discriminate against people who are different to yourself.
What's wrong with discriminating against a religion who's holy scriptures orders it's followers to maim, behead, crucify, and humiliate non Muslims, Brian?

Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, Alan Tudge, ("the Australian" newspaper, Opinions 6/4/18), says that Australia is "arguably the most successful multicultural nation in the world."

Hmmm. Lets see, Brian

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews stating public ally that "terrorism is part of contemporary Australia."

Australian citizens being shot down or knifed on streets and in coffee shops by "contemporary" Muslim terrorists.

"Diversity bollards" all over our cities to prevent Australian citizens from being mass murdered by cars and trucks driven by "contemporary" Muslim terrorists.

Australian soldiers, SES volunteers, ambulance personnel, and Fire Brigade officers advised to not wear their uniforms while not on duty, to minimise the risk of being attacked and even beheaded by "contemporary" Muslim terrorists.

Girls in bikinis on Sydney beaches having to put up with gangs of "contemporary" Muslim men wandering around the beaches making offensive remarks to them.

70 Australian girls gang raped by "contemporary" Muslim race hate rape packs in Sydney, at the time of the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

Public meetings of Muslim organisations enforcing gender segregation.

"Muslim only" days at public swimming pools enforcing gender segregation and racism against Australians within the Australian's own country.

Australia needing to change our own laws to allow the RAAF to drop bombs on "Australian" citizens fighting for ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

500 "Australian" Muslims so far prevented from sneaking out of the country to go on jihad and fight for ISIS, with the "moderate" Islamic Council of Australia letting slip that "thousands more want to go".

60 men in jail for terrorism offences, all of them Muslims.

White flight from multiculturalism causing monoculturalism within Australian city suburbs through ethnic ghettoisation. The overseas experience of this ongoing trend is that some of these ethnic enclaves will eventually turn into high crime, high welfare dependency No Go areas for the non ethnic majority in their own country.

Machines in even regional airports which see right through passengers clothing in order to prevent Muslim terrorists with bombs in their underpants, or in Barbie dolls, from blowing airliners out of the sky.

Former Muslim Imam Sheik al Hilaly demanding "Muslim only" seats in the NSW state Parliament.

Armed guards outside of newspaper offices and Jewish schools. The fortification of every vital government department with steel gates, diversity bollards, and armed security guards.

Demands from the "moderate" Australian Islamic Council for Sharia Law and for exemptions for Muslims from voting, as democracy is "against Islam."

The elected head of the "moderate" Australian Islamic Council telling Prime Minister Turnbull at a social dinner that homosexuals should be executed.

Demands by "moderate" Muslims and their AIC leaders for social exclusion in swimming pools, gender segregation in schools, and Muslim exemptions from the common law.

Specialist medical teams in Canterbury, Bankstown, and Fairfield hospitals to treat the consequences of female genital mutilation.

The "Muslim" suburb of Auburn now the recognised wife beating capitol of Australia.

Child brides, forced marriages, and "honour" killings.

Attacks on churches and synagogues.

The refusal by Muslim drivers to allow blind people with seeing eye dogs or passengers carrying alcohol to enter their cabs. An endless series of sexual assaults on lone female passengers in taxi cabs by Muslim drivers.

Six Sydney schools in the "troubled" (a NSW Education Department euphemism for "high incidence of Muslim students") Southwest of Sydney now have permanent security guards to protect teachers and students from violent students and parents. Relief teachers refusing to work in these "troubled" schools. High turnover rates of new teachers. Private school student numbers soaring as parents in Muslim areas protect their kids by getting them away from public schools full of violent Muslims boys. Oddly enough, this trend is noticeable even within Green voting inner city "progressive" electorates, where parents publically support multiculturalism while privately keeping their own kids out of the high ethnic proportion public school.

Ethnic crime so bad that the Australian Bureau of Statistics was ordered not to keep any records on ethnic crime in order to hide the true extent from the public. But ABS statistics on "Incarcerated Prisoners by Country of Birth" clearly displayed that some ethnicities are very disproportionately represented in serious criminal behaviour, such as acts of violence, drug trafficking, and sexual assault.

Immigration appeals boards routinely opposing the deportation of the worst types of foreign criminals. This is apparently so that these boards can give the Australian public, who pay their wages but whom they apparently despise, a two fingered salute.

African gangs in Dandenong out of control with numerous incidences of home invasions, armed robberies, muggings, riots, and carjacking, with the Victorian police in Dandenong advising residents to flee the African street gangs on sight. While simultaneously, the Victorian Premier, certain judges, and the Victorian Police Commissioner declaring publically and with straight faces that there is no African elephant in the room.

Aborigines in North Queensland and NSW declaring their tribal lands to be "sovereign states ". "Aboriginal courts" handing out "aboriginal punishments" to "aboriginals"(including spearings) Aboriginal leaders demanding "aboriginal only" seats in Federal parliament. The racist "aboriginal" flag flying alongside the Australian flag tacitly implying equal aboriginal national sovereignty.

Ethnic soccer clubs in Sydney being forced to change their ethnic descriptor names because soccer games in Sydney between ethnic rivals degenerated into full scale race riots.

The severe curtailment of our most cherished civil liberties through terrorism legislation. This includes habeas corpus, and search and seizure by police without a judicial warrant of any person's residence or motor vehicle. Severe curtailment of freedom of speech and freedom of the press through 18C, which is intended to prevent any criticism of privileged, protected minority groups. The prosecution of heretical journalists who question particular aspects of the holy scripture of multiculturalism, by publically funded Inquisitors.

Widespread rorting of student, skilled, and short term tourist visas. The loophole ridden 457 work visa system so rorted that it had to be scrapped altogether. Corruption charges within the Immigration Department. Underpaid and exploited workers in ethnic businesses so widespread it was labelled "systemic" by Migrant Worker Taskforce chief Alan Fels.

Slumlords targeting illegal immigrants and visa overstayers, providing them with filthy, overcrowded, unhygienic, and dangerous accommodation. "Short Term" job seekers flooding the Australian workforce taking jobs from Australians and driving down wages. Untold millions spent investigating immigration fraud, sham marriages, and tracking down illegal workers.

Domestic and sexual slavery involving the exploitation of foreign national domestic workers by people of their own ethnicity.

Foreign governments using their ethnic minorities within Australia to manipulate Australian government policies, promote their own interests, and influence elections. The shameless pork barrelling of ethnic communities by Australian politicians in order to secure their collective votes in ethnic majority electorates.

State Police sometimes armed with sub machine guns and assault rifles, wearing paratrooper boots and armour, looking more like storm troopers than traditional police.

Illegal immigration and visa rorting so widespread that job advertisements offering below award wages directed at illegal immigrants now being advertised in foreign newspapers.

An ever rising incidence of drug abuse within Australia with certain ethnicities clearly connected to particular types of drug importation, with other ethnicities more involved in sales and distribution.

Growing lack of trust between the public and their elected officials, their civil administrators, and the media, who have clearly adopted a three monkey approach to the glaring problems caused by multiculturalism.

Australian soldiers advised not to wear their nations military uniform while on the streets of their own country, for fear of being attacked by Muslims.

If Australia is the best, Minister Tudge and Brian Ross, then God help the worst.

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Black Orchid
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Re: “Allahu Akbar!”

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Aug 24, 2019 6:49 pm

Bogan wrote:
Sat Aug 24, 2019 6:36 pm
Brian Ross wrote

"Harangue"? Yes you did. Meh. As usual you merely looking for ways to discriminate against people who are different to yourself.
What's wrong with discriminating against a religion who's holy scriptures orders it's followers to maim, behead, crucify, and humiliate non Muslims, Brian?

Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, Alan Tudge, ("the Australian" newspaper, Opinions 6/4/18), says that Australia is "arguably the most successful multicultural nation in the world."

Hmmm. Lets see, Brian

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews stating public ally that "terrorism is part of contemporary Australia."

Australian citizens being shot down or knifed on streets and in coffee shops by "contemporary" Muslim terrorists.

"Diversity bollards" all over our cities to prevent Australian citizens from being mass murdered by cars and trucks driven by "contemporary" Muslim terrorists.

Australian soldiers, SES volunteers, ambulance personnel, and Fire Brigade officers advised to not wear their uniforms while not on duty, to minimise the risk of being attacked and even beheaded by "contemporary" Muslim terrorists.

Girls in bikinis on Sydney beaches having to put up with gangs of "contemporary" Muslim men wandering around the beaches making offensive remarks to them.

70 Australian girls gang raped by "contemporary" Muslim race hate rape packs in Sydney, at the time of the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

Public meetings of Muslim organisations enforcing gender segregation.

"Muslim only" days at public swimming pools enforcing gender segregation and racism against Australians within the Australian's own country.

Australia needing to change our own laws to allow the RAAF to drop bombs on "Australian" citizens fighting for ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

500 "Australian" Muslims so far prevented from sneaking out of the country to go on jihad and fight for ISIS, with the "moderate" Islamic Council of Australia letting slip that "thousands more want to go".

60 men in jail for terrorism offences, all of them Muslims.

White flight from multiculturalism causing monoculturalism within Australian city suburbs through ethnic ghettoisation. The overseas experience of this ongoing trend is that some of these ethnic enclaves will eventually turn into high crime, high welfare dependency No Go areas for the non ethnic majority in their own country.

Machines in even regional airports which see right through passengers clothing in order to prevent Muslim terrorists with bombs in their underpants, or in Barbie dolls, from blowing airliners out of the sky.

Former Muslim Imam Sheik al Hilaly demanding "Muslim only" seats in the NSW state Parliament.

Armed guards outside of newspaper offices and Jewish schools. The fortification of every vital government department with steel gates, diversity bollards, and armed security guards.

Demands from the "moderate" Australian Islamic Council for Sharia Law and for exemptions for Muslims from voting, as democracy is "against Islam."

The elected head of the "moderate" Australian Islamic Council telling Prime Minister Turnbull at a social dinner that homosexuals should be executed.

Demands by "moderate" Muslims and their AIC leaders for social exclusion in swimming pools, gender segregation in schools, and Muslim exemptions from the common law.

Specialist medical teams in Canterbury, Bankstown, and Fairfield hospitals to treat the consequences of female genital mutilation.

The "Muslim" suburb of Auburn now the recognised wife beating capitol of Australia.

Child brides, forced marriages, and "honour" killings.

Attacks on churches and synagogues.

The refusal by Muslim drivers to allow blind people with seeing eye dogs or passengers carrying alcohol to enter their cabs. An endless series of sexual assaults on lone female passengers in taxi cabs by Muslim drivers.

Six Sydney schools in the "troubled" (a NSW Education Department euphemism for "high incidence of Muslim students") Southwest of Sydney now have permanent security guards to protect teachers and students from violent students and parents. Relief teachers refusing to work in these "troubled" schools. High turnover rates of new teachers. Private school student numbers soaring as parents in Muslim areas protect their kids by getting them away from public schools full of violent Muslims boys. Oddly enough, this trend is noticeable even within Green voting inner city "progressive" electorates, where parents publically support multiculturalism while privately keeping their own kids out of the high ethnic proportion public school.

Ethnic crime so bad that the Australian Bureau of Statistics was ordered not to keep any records on ethnic crime in order to hide the true extent from the public. But ABS statistics on "Incarcerated Prisoners by Country of Birth" clearly displayed that some ethnicities are very disproportionately represented in serious criminal behaviour, such as acts of violence, drug trafficking, and sexual assault.

Immigration appeals boards routinely opposing the deportation of the worst types of foreign criminals. This is apparently so that these boards can give the Australian public, who pay their wages but whom they apparently despise, a two fingered salute.

African gangs in Dandenong out of control with numerous incidences of home invasions, armed robberies, muggings, riots, and carjacking, with the Victorian police in Dandenong advising residents to flee the African street gangs on sight. While simultaneously, the Victorian Premier, certain judges, and the Victorian Police Commissioner declaring publically and with straight faces that there is no African elephant in the room.

Aborigines in North Queensland and NSW declaring their tribal lands to be "sovereign states ". "Aboriginal courts" handing out "aboriginal punishments" to "aboriginals"(including spearings) Aboriginal leaders demanding "aboriginal only" seats in Federal parliament. The racist "aboriginal" flag flying alongside the Australian flag tacitly implying equal aboriginal national sovereignty.

Ethnic soccer clubs in Sydney being forced to change their ethnic descriptor names because soccer games in Sydney between ethnic rivals degenerated into full scale race riots.

The severe curtailment of our most cherished civil liberties through terrorism legislation. This includes habeas corpus, and search and seizure by police without a judicial warrant of any person's residence or motor vehicle. Severe curtailment of freedom of speech and freedom of the press through 18C, which is intended to prevent any criticism of privileged, protected minority groups. The prosecution of heretical journalists who question particular aspects of the holy scripture of multiculturalism, by publically funded Inquisitors.

Widespread rorting of student, skilled, and short term tourist visas. The loophole ridden 457 work visa system so rorted that it had to be scrapped altogether. Corruption charges within the Immigration Department. Underpaid and exploited workers in ethnic businesses so widespread it was labelled "systemic" by Migrant Worker Taskforce chief Alan Fels.

Slumlords targeting illegal immigrants and visa overstayers, providing them with filthy, overcrowded, unhygienic, and dangerous accommodation. "Short Term" job seekers flooding the Australian workforce taking jobs from Australians and driving down wages. Untold millions spent investigating immigration fraud, sham marriages, and tracking down illegal workers.

Domestic and sexual slavery involving the exploitation of foreign national domestic workers by people of their own ethnicity.

Foreign governments using their ethnic minorities within Australia to manipulate Australian government policies, promote their own interests, and influence elections. The shameless pork barrelling of ethnic communities by Australian politicians in order to secure their collective votes in ethnic majority electorates.

State Police sometimes armed with sub machine guns and assault rifles, wearing paratrooper boots and armour, looking more like storm troopers than traditional police.

Illegal immigration and visa rorting so widespread that job advertisements offering below award wages directed at illegal immigrants now being advertised in foreign newspapers.

An ever rising incidence of drug abuse within Australia with certain ethnicities clearly connected to particular types of drug importation, with other ethnicities more involved in sales and distribution.

Growing lack of trust between the public and their elected officials, their civil administrators, and the media, who have clearly adopted a three monkey approach to the glaring problems caused by multiculturalism.

Australian soldiers advised not to wear their nations military uniform while on the streets of their own country, for fear of being attacked by Muslims.

If Australia is the best, Minister Tudge and Brian Ross, then God help the worst.
Excellent post Bogan and welcome to PA!

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billy the kid
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Re: “Allahu Akbar!”

Post by billy the kid » Sat Aug 24, 2019 6:54 pm

My sentiments exactly.....
I don't think the average man/woman in the street knows much of this...
When its all put together......very worrying...
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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brian ross
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Re: “Allahu Akbar!”

Post by brian ross » Sat Aug 24, 2019 10:43 pm

Bogan wrote:
Sat Aug 24, 2019 6:36 pm
Brian Ross wrote

"Harangue"? Yes you did. Meh. As usual you merely looking for ways to discriminate against people who are different to yourself.
What's wrong with discriminating against a religion who's holy scriptures orders it's followers to maim, behead, crucify, and humiliate non Muslims, Brian?
You really shouldn't talk about discriminating against people on the basis of what their religious scripture suggests they should do. You might want to check out the Bible before answering... :roll:
Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. - Eric Blair

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Re: “Allahu Akbar!”

Post by Bogan » Sun Aug 25, 2019 6:27 am

It is funny how Islam seems to attract violent nutters, wife beaters, paedophiles, male supremacists, religious supremacists, slave traders, mutilators of female genitals, and western university undergraduates.

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Re: “Allahu Akbar!”

Post by Bogan » Sun Aug 25, 2019 6:29 am

So where in the Bible does Jesus order his followers to kill, maim and crucify non Christians, Brian?

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Re: “Allahu Akbar!”

Post by The4thEstate » Sun Aug 25, 2019 7:56 pm

brian ross wrote:
Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:48 pm
The4thEstate wrote:
Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:43 pm
brian ross wrote:
Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:40 pm
No one willing to discuss the points I've raised?
Just did. You're 11 minutes late with your outdated harangue.
"Harangue"? Yes you did. Meh. As usual you merely looking for ways to discriminate against people who are different to yourself.
Well y'know, "discriminate" is a funny word when applied to a religion whose members annually lead the world in massacring people who are -- wait for it! -- different from them. (Not to mention people who aren't.)

Worrying about their fate is kind of like boohooing that most of today's KKK members have ever participated in a lynching, so how could any compassionate person object to that new Klan family moving into the neighborhood?
brian ross wrote:
Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:48 pm
Tell me, 4E did you support civil rights movement in the 1960s?
Sure, since the group in question didn't contain at least 10 to 30 percent members who believed it would be groovy and godly to turn me and my loved ones into human confetti.

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brian ross
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Re: “Allahu Akbar!”

Post by brian ross » Sun Aug 25, 2019 8:49 pm

The4thEstate wrote:
Sun Aug 25, 2019 7:56 pm
brian ross wrote:
Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:48 pm
The4thEstate wrote:
Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:43 pm
brian ross wrote:
Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:40 pm
No one willing to discuss the points I've raised?
Just did. You're 11 minutes late with your outdated harangue.
"Harangue"? Yes you did. Meh. As usual you merely looking for ways to discriminate against people who are different to yourself.
Well y'know, "discriminate" is a funny word when applied to a religion whose members annually lead the world in massacring people who are -- wait for it! -- different from them. (Not to mention people who aren't.)
Problem with your views on who is discriminating against whom, you appear to believe all Muslims want to kill you. Why? I have no idea. I wonder, how many Muslims do you actually know? Any?

When you answer that question, I will talk further with you, 4E. :roll:
Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. - Eric Blair

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Re: “Allahu Akbar!”

Post by The4thEstate » Mon Aug 26, 2019 2:41 am

brian ross wrote:
Sun Aug 25, 2019 8:49 pm
The4thEstate wrote:
Sun Aug 25, 2019 7:56 pm
brian ross wrote:
Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:48 pm
The4thEstate wrote:
Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:43 pm
brian ross wrote:
Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:40 pm
No one willing to discuss the points I've raised?
Just did. You're 11 minutes late with your outdated harangue.
"Harangue"? Yes you did. Meh. As usual you merely looking for ways to discriminate against people who are different to yourself.
Well y'know, "discriminate" is a funny word when applied to a religion whose members annually lead the world in massacring people who are -- wait for it! -- different from them. (Not to mention people who aren't.)
Problem with your views on who is discriminating against whom, you appear to believe all Muslims want to kill you. Why? I have no idea. I wonder, how many Muslims do you actually know? Any?

When you answer that question, I will talk further with you, 4E. :roll:
Hmmm ... somebody wasn't paying attention. So I'll repeat the last sentence of my previous post, this time emphasizing the most relevant portions so you can follow along with the rest of the class.

You asked me if I supported the civil rights movement of the 1960s and I replied:

Sure, since the group in question didn't contain at least 10 to 30 percent members who believed it would be groovy and godly to turn me and my loved ones into human confetti.

Now see the two numbers? (They're the things in blue.) Which of them, if any, equals 100 percent (as in "I believe 100 percent of all Muslims want to kill me")?

Here, I'll give you a multiple choice to make it easier for you:
A. Both numbers equal 100 percent.
B. Only one of the numbers equals 100 percent.
C. Neither of the numbers equals 100 percent.

Take all the time you need.

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