Trump and Greenland

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Re: Trump and Greenland

Post by Nicole » Wed Aug 21, 2019 8:53 pm

Brian, this is what Trump has said on Facebook:
Denmark is a very special country with incredible people, but based on Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen’s comments, that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland, I will be postponing our meeting scheduled in two weeks for another time. The Prime Minister was able to save a great deal of expense and effort for both the United States and Denmark by being so direct. I thank her for that and look forward to rescheduling sometime in the future!
Only a rabid progressive lefty would make this non issue (Trump cancelling a meeting ffs) into an issue. Big deal :roll:

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Re: Trump and Greenland

Post by brian ross » Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:34 pm

Nicole wrote:
Wed Aug 21, 2019 8:53 pm
Brian, this is what Trump has said on Facebook:
Denmark is a very special country with incredible people, but based on Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen’s comments, that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland, I will be postponing our meeting scheduled in two weeks for another time. The Prime Minister was able to save a great deal of expense and effort for both the United States and Denmark by being so direct. I thank her for that and look forward to rescheduling sometime in the future!
Only a rabid progressive lefty would make this non issue (Trump cancelling a meeting ffs) into an issue. Big deal :roll:
What is being questioned is why he cancelled the meeting, "Nicole". As it appears the original meeting predates his interest in purchasing Greenland, well what can I say, hey? Keep making excuses for his poor behaviour. it is amusing. :roll:
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Re: Trump and Greenland

Post by Bogan » Sat Aug 24, 2019 8:19 pm

Trump's call to purchase Greenland was a brilliant idea. The US has previously purchased the Louisiana Territory from France, Alaska from Russia, and the US Virgin Islands from Denmark. Nobody from those places is complaining about that now. As a matter of fact, few people even know that the USA occupied Greenland during WW2 and transformed the place, building roads, bridges, airfields, and ports, a time the Greenlanders still call "the happy war."

While Brian Ross endlessly complains about the USA, two nations, Guam and Puerto Rico are breaking their necks to become the 51st and 52nd states of the USA. It must be so humiliating for Brian to see so many people who want to be Americans. It is a bit like the Islamic leaders trying to explain why their followers all want to live with the infidels than stay in their own sheethole Muslim states.

The only reason why trump cancelled his visit to Denmanrk is because the Danish Prime Minister undiplomatically made an ass of herself calling Trump's proposal "stupid." As Trump tweeted, nobody talks to the President of the USA like that and not expect retaliation.

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Re: Trump and Greenland

Post by brian ross » Sat Aug 24, 2019 10:37 pm


Someone who refuses to recognise that the world has changed since WWII. :roll:
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Re: Trump and Greenland

Post by Bogan » Sun Aug 25, 2019 6:22 am

When Brian Ross has to resort to meaningless sneery one liners instead of addressing the issues raised by his opponent, you know you have got him in a comer.

Too much observable reality that you know you can't challenge, eh Brian?

Wally Raffles
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Re: Trump and Greenland

Post by Wally Raffles » Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:30 pm

Bogan wrote:
Sat Aug 24, 2019 8:19 pm
Trump's call to purchase Greenland was a brilliant idea. The US has previously purchased the Louisiana Territory from France, Alaska from Russia, and the US Virgin Islands from Denmark. Nobody from those places is complaining about that now. As a matter of fact, few people even know that the USA occupied Greenland during WW2 and transformed the place, building roads, bridges, airfields, and ports, a time the Greenlanders still call "the happy war."

While Brian Ross endlessly complains about the USA, two nations, Guam and Puerto Rico are breaking their necks to become the 51st and 52nd states of the USA. It must be so humiliating for Brian to see so many people who want to be Americans. It is a bit like the Islamic leaders trying to explain why their followers all want to live with the infidels than stay in their own sheethole Muslim states.

The only reason why trump cancelled his visit to Denmanrk is because the Danish Prime Minister undiplomatically made an ass of herself calling Trump's proposal "stupid." As Trump tweeted, nobody talks to the President of the USA like that and not expect retaliation.
She referred to it as 'absurd,' not 'stupid.' It was absurd and stupid.

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Re: Trump and Greenland

Post by brian ross » Sun Aug 25, 2019 9:21 pm

Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. - Eric Blair

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Re: Trump and Greenland

Post by Bogan » Mon Aug 26, 2019 4:09 am

Brian Ross wrote

I am not offended by what Trump says or does. What annoys me (and there is a difference between the two) is that Trumpophiles ignore all the idiot things he does and continue to proclaim him to the "Great White Hope" of Politics.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the latest Democrat convention went from farce to tragedy, which only underlined why Trump won the election despite all of the Brian Ross clones predicting a win by Hillary Clinton. The Democratic convention featured a speech by a Democratic representative named Castro who pledged equality of opportunity to pregnant males. He made the speech to whoops of joy from the assembled Democrats which must have impressed American taxpayers no end. Ordinary Americans just love lefties talking about transgender toilets and rights for pregnant males while their kids can't get a job. Other speakers were constantly interrupted from the floor from people objecting to speakers using gender specific pronouns. With the Democrats so far to the left that according to most of the US electorate, they have dropped off the horizon of sanity. But Brian Ross still can't figure out why ordinary Americans voted for Trump.

Neither can the US Republican Party establishment which refused to endorse Trump as a candidate, only to have him win the nomination anyway. That must be the first time in US history that anyone achieved that creditable goal. What a remarkable man. Then we got Trump Derangement Syndrome where the Brian Ross clones just refuse to believe that Trump actually won. Next came two years of claiming that Trump was a Russian spy, a claim so laughable that only the Brian Ross clones in the Democrat Party could be stupid enough to believe it. Next came a couple of years of claiming that Trump "obstructed justice" resulting ain a $30 million dollar inquiry which found absolutely nothing except the laughable "Mueller report" which basically said that they had found nothing but Trump must be guilty of something, anyway. This "report was so ridiculous that when Mueller was grilled by Congress it was obvious that he had not even read what was supposedly his own report.

Brian, anyone can see that your leftist comrades have a hard on for finding anything to trash Trump and they are not going to let the facts get in the way of their fanciful conspiracy theories. This is becoming more and more obvious to the US electorate and I predict that Trump is going to win his next election handsomely. The fact that your lefties keep telling everybody that Trump is an idiot is greatly aiding his campaign because voters only have to look at the Democrats, Bernie Sanders and AOC to figure out who the real idiots are.

The only thing left for the lefties is to keep pushing for more third world immigration in the hope that importing more dumb voters with low IQ's will see them win eventually. This seems to have worked for the Dems in California but the only problem is that the whites are fleeing the state at the rate of 100,000 per year and they are taking their taxes with them. The Californian Dems will soon have no taxation funds with which to buy the votes of the Hispanics who are flooding over the border to mine the wealth of Californian welfare, and because their own non white countries are all sheetholes. They are sheetholes because there are too many dumb and ultra violent Hispanics in them.

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Re: Trump and Greenland

Post by The4thEstate » Mon Aug 26, 2019 1:40 pm

Bogan wrote:
Mon Aug 26, 2019 4:09 am
Brian Ross wrote

I am not offended by what Trump says or does. What annoys me (and there is a difference between the two) is that Trumpophiles ignore all the idiot things he does and continue to proclaim him to the "Great White Hope" of Politics.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the latest Democrat convention went from farce to tragedy, which only underlined why Trump won the election despite all of the Brian Ross clones predicting a win by Hillary Clinton. The Democratic convention featured a speech by a Democratic representative named Castro who pledged equality of opportunity to pregnant males. He made the speech to whoops of joy from the assembled Democrats which must have impressed American taxpayers no end. Ordinary Americans just love lefties talking about transgender toilets and rights for pregnant males while their kids can't get a job. Other speakers were constantly interrupted from the floor from people objecting to speakers using gender specific pronouns. With the Democrats so far to the left that according to most of the US electorate, they have dropped off the horizon of sanity. But Brian Ross still can't figure out why ordinary Americans voted for Trump.
What's really going to come back and haunt the Democratic presidential candidates is that moment during the debate when they were asked whether they supported health care for illegal immigrants ... and every one of them, including Clueless Joe Biden, raised their hand.

The audience may have cheered, but try selling that one in the American Heartland, where people are struggling to pay for the health insurance that the last Democratic president so generously bestowed. I'm sure they're just overjoyed at the prospect of seeing their tax money applied to the medical bills of millions of uninvited foreign nationals.

And isn't it somehow fitting that one of the Democratic presidential candidates is named Castro? Who would his running mate be -- a guy named Stalin?

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Re: Trump and Greenland

Post by Bogan » Mon Aug 26, 2019 5:57 pm

Hey 4E.

I read the book "Charlie Wilson's War" and I wondered if there are any patriotic, charismatic, practical minded Democrats like Charlie left?

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