The bullshit thread

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It's such a fine line between stupid and clever. Random guest posting.
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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Mon Jul 22, 2019 5:40 pm

Part I
So theyre going to have a senate enquiry into Bishop and Pyne….
What a load of bullshit.....Ill take bets that nothing comes out of it....a mickey mouse enquiry....
We are being asked to trust the integrity of these morons not to pass on inside information...
Why would any of us trust any of these bastards....
A claytons enquiry...not worth a penneth of piss....

Part II
A record amount of drugs has been seized at the Byron Bay Music/Drug festival....
Why am I not surprised....
But but but...if we test them all..everythings going to be ok....
Let them take the drugs I say....let them die...…
The Police at these festivals are just glorified baby sitters....
We have to get these drink drivers off the road...but lets protect the little snowflakes
and test their party drugs for them....why the different approach to breaking the law...
Oh I forgot.....the loony left is at work...lets test their drugs...lets look after our children....
I say let them take their drugs...and if they die....too bad....
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brian ross
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by brian ross » Mon Jul 22, 2019 8:34 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Sun Jul 21, 2019 9:02 pm
brian ross wrote:
Sun Jul 21, 2019 7:57 pm
billy the kid wrote:
Sun Jul 21, 2019 5:49 pm
Transferred to ordanance after 12 months....couldnt handle being a grunt...too fkn hard...became a fkn pogue guts....
Actually, I found being a grunt too easy and rather boring. I got fed up walking for kilometres through the bush, carrying out numerous contact and ambush drills and staying up half the night digging another position I knew I'd have to fill in, in the morning. Ordnance (note the spelling you ignorant fool), offered me a real challenge and a real sense of a job well done.

Now, Billy, what was your military experience? Any at all? No, I didn't think so. Like Black Orchid you love to criticise but like her you do it from a position of ignorance. So, bugger off. Get back to us when you have actually done some military service. Tsk, tsk. :roll:
Gutless pogue.... :rofl :rofl :rofl
Spoken like a true basement warrior, hey, Billy? :roll:
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by The4thEstate » Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:32 pm

brian ross wrote:
Sun Jul 21, 2019 2:58 pm
Oh, I agree. Few of America's military adventures have been worth while. 4E, very few. My own brother had his number pulled but opted to serve for six years in the CMF (roughly equivalent to your National Guard) on our father's advice. My entire family didn't believe Vietnam was worth the cost in human lives and lucre.
I would have gone for a college deferment, and perhaps enlisted in the National Guard. But I know of one National Guard unit from my state that was actually deployed in Vietnam, so even that was no guarantee.

Again, some military campaigns are worth serving in -- World Wars I and II, as well as Afghanistan after 9/11 (but only to destroy as much of Al Qaeda and the Taliban as possible, not to nation-build), for instance. But Vietnam? No way. Fortunately, I was in the final draft "class," and by that time we knew the war was winding down.
The4thEstate wrote:
Sun Jul 21, 2019 12:55 am
Anyway, I just think it's pathetically amusing how current left-wing politically correct culture has convinced so many fair-minded females to do things against their own best interests.
brian ross wrote:
Sun Jul 21, 2019 2:58 pm
That is your opinion. I disagree with it. I do not believe anybody is pressured to do anything, 4E. Maybe in the US but not here in Australia.
Indeed, there is a lot of pressure by the prevalent PC culture in America (which is rampant in the media, on college campuses, etc.) to buy into the notion that every new "advancement" in the realm of identity politics is beneficial to one and all.

When in fact, some examples of "greater diversity" are simply stupid, such as allowing men who identify as women to enter women's restrooms, locker rooms and shower rooms. If we're going to have laws against raincoat-wearing pervs flashing their junk at little girls on school playgrounds, we shouldn't allow grown biological men to mingle with underage females in shower rooms.
brian ross wrote:
Sat Jul 20, 2019 4:18 pm
Like anything there were exceptions to the rules. Indigenous Australians did serve as far back as the 2nd Boer War, in WWI and WWII and after. Indeed, I served with an aged WO who had served in Korea with the first indigenous commissioned officer. While they were exempt, that didn't many that many didn't serve. The experience was good for both groups, most particularly the white soldiers who encountered all too often, indigenous Australians for the first time. Unlike the US, black Austalians have always been a tiny minority of the total population.
Perhaps it's more comparable to the Native Americans (American Indians) who served in World War II, particularly the renowned Navajo Code Talkers.
brian ross wrote:
Sat Jul 20, 2019 4:18 pm
You are focusng on one sentence in isolation, whereas the surrounding sentences refute it, 4E. I was there, women served often unofficially in ECNs which were reserved exclusively for men. They did an excellent job usually as good as and occasionally better than men. The problem is all too often that women are thought of as shy, retiring creatures, weak physically and mentally. Reality is somewhat different. A great deal of the world's economy relies on strong, forward women to undertake hard, physical labour. Not all women are able to compete in Ms. America contests, nor do they want to. Not all men are Mr. Universe material either. What is required is for enlistees to be trained to have their bodies built up and then to be tested.
I have no problem with women serving in the military in a variety of capacities. I do think it's disingenuous to bend or eliminate physical fitness rules so that more women can qualify -- for instance, this from the Marine Times: ... for-women/
"The Marine Corps' longstanding tradition of having two-tiered fitness requirements for men and women aims to ensure fairness, but a growing chorus of critics say it creates a double standard and implies that female Marines are not as physically capable as men."

It's the same with firefighters -- if they're going to have to carry a 200-pound adult down a staircase, I wouldn't want someone (male or female) whose knees buckle at 100 pounds.

Wally Raffles
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Wally Raffles » Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:16 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Mon Jul 22, 2019 5:40 pm
Part I
So theyre going to have a senate enquiry into Bishop and Pyne….
What a load of bullshit.....Ill take bets that nothing comes out of it....a mickey mouse enquiry....
We are being asked to trust the integrity of these morons not to pass on inside information...
Why would any of us trust any of these bastards....
A claytons enquiry...not worth a penneth of piss....

Part II
A record amount of drugs has been seized at the Byron Bay Music/Drug festival....
Why am I not surprised....
But but but...if we test them all..everythings going to be ok....
Let them take the drugs I say....let them die...…
The Police at these festivals are just glorified baby sitters....
We have to get these drink drivers off the road...but lets protect the little snowflakes
and test their party drugs for them....why the different approach to breaking the law...
Oh I forgot.....the loony left is at work...lets test their drugs...lets look after our children....
I say let them take their drugs...and if they die....too bad....
Are you saying Pyne and Bishop have done the right thing?

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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:25 pm

No...Im suggesting that the enquiry by their cohorts will whitewash them both...
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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Tue Jul 23, 2019 1:27 pm

Interesting to see that no-one wants to touch pill testing....
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Neferti » Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:47 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2019 1:27 pm
Interesting to see that no-one wants to touch pill testing....
Are "party" drugs legal or illegal? :roll:

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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Tue Jul 23, 2019 3:04 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:47 pm
billy the kid wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2019 1:27 pm
Interesting to see that no-one wants to touch pill testing....
Are "party" drugs legal or illegal? :roll:
Illegal....... ... rty-drugs/
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Neferti » Tue Jul 23, 2019 3:19 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2019 3:04 pm
Neferti~ wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:47 pm
billy the kid wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2019 1:27 pm
Interesting to see that no-one wants to touch pill testing....
Are "party" drugs legal or illegal? :roll:
Illegal....... ... rty-drugs/
So why are they "allowed" at music festivals, provided they are "tested"? Isn't that sending the wrong information to kids?

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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Tue Jul 23, 2019 5:55 pm

That's exactly my argument against testing...
The pushers/dealers are arrested..the drugs are seized....the crims are charged/fined/sentenced....
...and the snowflakes are set free...even though they are guilty of possession.....
The looney left want the pills tested to protect the snowflakes..who will continue
to ingest the pills....
The whole purpose of pill testing is to protect the snowflakes/coneheads from purchasing pills
from a pusher that are "impure" of soappowder/whatever....
The looney left don't seem to realise that a percentage of the snowflakes will still die from
ingesting the "pure" pill....
People seem to forget that the test is a test of the scraping of the pill from the exterior
circumference of the my knowledge, the pill is not crushed and the entire pill tested....
Therefore the test to my understanding, is misleading....
In any understanding is that the snowflakes ingest the pills as quickly as possible to avoid detection
by Police.
Id be interested to know just how many pills are actually tested at the average music/drugs festival....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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