NORWEGIANS are sick in the brain! Literally.

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Re: NORWEGIANS are sick in the brain! Literally.

Post by FLEKTARN » Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:33 pm

Valkyrie, you continuing to speak about "muzzles" when Barnevernet is evidently WAY MORE evil than "muzzles", I don't know, you're progressively losing all of your credibility to me!
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Re: NORWEGIANS are sick in the brain! Literally.

Post by FLEKTARN » Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:35 pm

And let's not forget about this one, the biggest mass killer of Europe, again, NORWEGIAN. Ten years after the massacre, he's still doing his stupid Nazi salutation. And that moron is doing that in front of the Judge :bgrin

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Re: NORWEGIANS are sick in the brain! Literally.

Post by FLEKTARN » Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:41 pm

Here is more sick shit AGAIN from Norway

The one that says the least can often have a very different perspective and hold the answer. The least qualified person may hold the most wisdom. When you don’t have knowledge or experience blocking your perspective, you can see problems and solutions.

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brian ross
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Re: NORWEGIANS are sick in the brain! Literally.

Post by brian ross » Thu Jun 20, 2019 9:27 am

Valkie wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2019 5:44 am
brian ross wrote:
Tue Jun 18, 2019 10:57 pm
Valkie wrote:
Tue Jun 18, 2019 9:18 pm
Tue Jun 18, 2019 6:32 pm
I would not protect pedos and sickos. One cool Norwegian doesn't immediately make all of them "okay"! That's a sure way to become a sicko and a pedo myself.
Don't know enough of them or of them at all.

So I reserve my opinion until otherwise .
What an interesting comment. How many Muslims, Indigenous Australians do you know, Valkie which allows you to comment on either of those groups? Appears incongruous that you're unwilling to pronounce judgement on Norwegians simply because you "don't know enough of them..." :roll:
It may surprise you to know, I in fact know, have worked with, been to countries riddled with and seen the evil side of the CULT of DEATH.
I to have seen Muslims, I've served with Muslims, studied with Muslims, worked with Muslims and I've never assumed that Islam is a "cult" or that all Muslims are evil. Why? Perhaps it's because I have seen them as individuals. Sure, there may be some Muslims who are evil but I have yet to meet any. Valkie. They are just people. People who are the usual mix of smart, ignorant, good, bad, etc. You appear to enjoy stereotyping them as all members of the Borg - all knowing, all seeing, all understanding. You are the problem, Valkie, you fly your own ignorance and hatred like a flag and attack innocent people who have committed no crime simply because they are different. You are a Fascist and it shows in nearly all your posts. :roll:
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Re: NORWEGIANS are sick in the brain! Literally.

Post by Valkie » Thu Jun 20, 2019 7:41 pm

I to have seen Muslims, I've served with Muslims, studied with Muslims, worked with Muslims and I've never assumed that Islam is a "cult" or that all Muslims are evil. Why? Perhaps it's because I have seen them as individuals. Sure, there may be some Muslims who are evil but I have yet to meet any. Valkie. They are just people. People who are the usual mix of smart, ignorant, good, bad, etc. You appear to enjoy stereotyping them as all members of the Borg - all knowing, all seeing, all understanding. You are the problem, Valkie, you fly your own ignorance and hatred like a flag and attack innocent people who have committed no crime simply because they are different. You are a Fascist and it shows in nearly all your posts. :roll:
You have, most obviously, never been to a country where muzzos rule.
They are barbarians, murderers, twisted people.
They would turn in their neighbour's in an instant if they thought they could get something out of it.
They have no morals, no COMPASSION other than for killing in the most horrific manner.

You have worked with and studied with muzzos who are simply putting on a false face to lull you into passivity.

But once they get enough of them, they take over and the first thing on the agenda is the most barbaric laws imaginable SHARIA law.

The rulers, leaders, imrans are power hungry, morally corrupt mongrels.
They use their overlords to punish everyone into subservience, the only result of protest is DEATH.

No muzzo can leave this CULT of DEATH.
To leave is to be murdered, because if they allow even 1 freedom, many many more will follow. Ending in the total disintegration of the CULT.

Read the post about infidels, it says it all.

They make their way to heaven by murder of innocents " infidels"

This CULT has no place in civilized society
It is the "AIDS" of civilization
Hiding in plain sight until there is enough to destroy all that is good.
I have a dream
A world free from the plague of Islam
A world that has never known the horrors of the cult of death.
My hope is that in time, Islam will be nothing but a bad dream

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brian ross
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Re: NORWEGIANS are sick in the brain! Literally.

Post by brian ross » Fri Jun 21, 2019 1:12 pm

Valkie wrote:
Thu Jun 20, 2019 7:41 pm
I to have seen Muslims, I've served with Muslims, studied with Muslims, worked with Muslims and I've never assumed that Islam is a "cult" or that all Muslims are evil. Why? Perhaps it's because I have seen them as individuals. Sure, there may be some Muslims who are evil but I have yet to meet any. Valkie. They are just people. People who are the usual mix of smart, ignorant, good, bad, etc. You appear to enjoy stereotyping them as all members of the Borg - all knowing, all seeing, all understanding. You are the problem, Valkie, you fly your own ignorance and hatred like a flag and attack innocent people who have committed no crime simply because they are different. You are a Fascist and it shows in nearly all your posts. :roll:
You have, most obviously, never been to a country where muzzos rule.
Wrong. I have visited Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan. Never had a problem there, either. I was welcomed as a visitor and left alone. :roll:
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Re: NORWEGIANS are sick in the brain! Literally.

Post by FLEKTARN » Fri Jun 21, 2019 4:22 pm

I want to remind you - this topic is not about Muslims. It is about Norwegians. Stay on topic, please. Enough threads about Muslims already. I won't report posts to BO, but I want things here to be specifically about Norwegians. Not Indonesians, not about Bangladeshians or whatever.
The one that says the least can often have a very different perspective and hold the answer. The least qualified person may hold the most wisdom. When you don’t have knowledge or experience blocking your perspective, you can see problems and solutions.

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Re: NORWEGIANS are sick in the brain! Literally.

Post by Valkie » Fri Jun 21, 2019 4:39 pm

Fri Jun 21, 2019 4:22 pm
I want to remind you - this topic is not about Muslims. It is about Norwegians. Stay on topic, please. Enough threads about Muslims already. I won't report posts to BO, but I want things here to be specifically about Norwegians. Not Indonesians, not about Bangladeshians or whatever.
I don't think I know any Norwegians.

Don't know enough of them or of them.

Cannot comment on them.

But i bet they are nicer than muzzos.
I have a dream
A world free from the plague of Islam
A world that has never known the horrors of the cult of death.
My hope is that in time, Islam will be nothing but a bad dream

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Re: NORWEGIANS are sick in the brain! Literally.

Post by Valkie » Fri Jun 21, 2019 4:40 pm

brian ross wrote:
Fri Jun 21, 2019 1:12 pm
Valkie wrote:
Thu Jun 20, 2019 7:41 pm
I to have seen Muslims, I've served with Muslims, studied with Muslims, worked with Muslims and I've never assumed that Islam is a "cult" or that all Muslims are evil. Why? Perhaps it's because I have seen them as individuals. Sure, there may be some Muslims who are evil but I have yet to meet any. Valkie. They are just people. People who are the usual mix of smart, ignorant, good, bad, etc. You appear to enjoy stereotyping them as all members of the Borg - all knowing, all seeing, all understanding. You are the problem, Valkie, you fly your own ignorance and hatred like a flag and attack innocent people who have committed no crime simply because they are different. You are a Fascist and it shows in nearly all your posts. :roll:
You have, most obviously, never been to a country where muzzos rule.
Wrong. I have visited Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan. Never had a problem there, either. I was welcomed as a visitor and left alone. :roll:
Of course they will be nice to you there, they want your money.
I have a dream
A world free from the plague of Islam
A world that has never known the horrors of the cult of death.
My hope is that in time, Islam will be nothing but a bad dream

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