This is the islam people defend.

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Black Orchid
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Re: This is the islam people defend.

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:39 pm

The law will only apply to those who wear the burqa and not to all muslim women then won't it? So banning the burqa is hardly persecuting all muslims.

Oh and btw a mantilla is usually only worn in church, at a ceremony or in the presence of the blessed sacrament :roll:

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billy the kid
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Re: This is the islam people defend.

Post by billy the kid » Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:50 pm

Hopefully people will realize very quickly that the burka is just part of the problem...
The problem really is the stone age cult known as islam....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Re: This is the islam people defend.

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:06 pm

Whenever they catch potential terrorists here in Sydney there is inevitably a mother/sister wailing and screeching outside the courthouse in a burqa. There is a connection here. It is not a symbol of tradition or religion. It is a symbol of oppression, segregation and intolerance because some animals cannot control their sexual urges if even a female ankle is showing.

As I have said a thousand times, I have no problem with veils but those who wish to cover themselves from head to toe will never assimilate into western society and should seek to live elsewhere.

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Re: This is the islam people defend.

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:14 pm

Associate Professor Elham Manea, a Swiss-Yemeni citizen and the author of Women and Sharia Law, argues it is naïve — even racist — to regard the wearing of a burka as a sincere act of faith.

"The burka is not Islamic," she told the Religion and Ethics Report.

"It's a tradition that comes from the heart of Saudi Arabia, a region called Nejd."

Dr Manea says the veiled garment was not worn by women outside of Nejd until Saudi Arabia's Wahabi regime came to power in the late 1970s.

"The re-Islamisation of Saudi Arabia according to the Wahabi Salafi fundamentalist principles led to the mainstreaming of the burka," she said.

"With Gulf money you had a promotion of this ideology and a reading of Islam that turned the burka into an 'Islamic' tradition."

The Koran calls for both men and women to "cover and be modest", but this reference is open to interpretation.

In Australia, few Muslim women wear burkas, though many wear other kinds of hijab or head coverings.

Dr Manea, a member of the University of Zurich's political science institute and a former advisor to the Swiss government, believes conversations around the validity and religiosity of the burka are essential.

"To tell me that by talking about the burka we are hurting the feelings of the Muslims is not only inaccurate, with all due respect, it's almost racist," she said.

Though she was careful not to align her views with those of Senator Hanson, Dr Manea did agree with one of the politician's points: the burka is not a religious requirement.

"[The burka] is a sign of segregation, separation, rejection of the values we see all around us — values of acceptance and tolerance and otherness," she said.

"[It reflects] a culture that treats woman as a sexualised object that has to be covered. ... ar/8843916

How the progressive left and new wave feminists can continue to support the oppression of women is astounding.

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Re: This is the islam people defend.

Post by sprintcyclist » Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:30 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:06 pm
Whenever they catch potential terrorists here in Sydney there is inevitably a mother/sister wailing and screeching outside the courthouse in a burqa. There is a connection here. It is not a symbol of tradition or religion. It is a symbol of oppression, segregation and intolerance because some animals cannot control their sexual urges if even a female ankle is showing.

As I have said a thousand times, I have no problem with veils but those who wish to cover themselves from head to toe will never assimilate into western society and should seek to live elsewhere.
Right Wing is the Natural Progression.

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billy the kid
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Re: This is the islam people defend.

Post by billy the kid » Wed May 01, 2019 7:59 pm ... eir-youth/

Goodness me...Id totally forgotten about the muslim Rotherham rape gangs....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Re: This is the islam people defend.

Post by billy the kid » Wed May 01, 2019 8:12 pm

Oops...lets not forget about Huddersfield.... ... as-twelve/
...and Telford..... ... ube-video/

Must be difficult for the dregs of humanity to attempt to be human whilst theyre raping everyone......
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Re: This is the islam people defend.

Post by Black Orchid » Thu May 02, 2019 5:20 pm

List of Killings in the Name of Islam: 2019

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by Most of these incidents are terror attacks. A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 569 Islamic attacks in 37 countries, in which 3237 people were killed and 3689 injured. ... px?Yr=2019

Whilst Christchurch was a shocking and sad thing why does it have so much more prominence? It was ONE amongst hundreds that apparently don't bear mentioning for obvious reasons.

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Re: This is the islam people defend.

Post by billy the kid » Fri May 03, 2019 9:48 am ... ic-school-

Isnt islam beautiful...all those kiddies learning how to hate and kill....just beautiful....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Re: This is the islam people defend.

Post by Nicole » Sun May 05, 2019 11:30 pm

I just dug up this old post from a guy called John Kaye’s. He lived in Sydney, was an electrician, and run rings around the educated, chattering classes. Between John and 4E, Brian nearly ended up in the asylum. Enjoy billy and others.

John Kaye’s, 2016:

Well, the importation of Muslims into Australia has seen the reaction......

A very high rate of violent crime among Muslim men, especially in the areas of drug trafficking, firearms offences, and the sexual assault of women.

A very high incidence of welfare dependency, especially among those Muslims most strident in their demands that Australia must become an Islamic republic. The Romans did a lot of dumb things before the fall of the Roman empire, but they were not stupid enough to invite Alaric and his Visigoths into Rome, and direct them them towards Centrelink.

Demands for social exclusion and exemptions from the common law.

Demands from the "moderate" Muslim organisation, the Australian Islamic Council, for Sharia Law, and exemptions for Muslims from voting, as democracy is (their words) "against Islam."

Attacks on churches and synagogues.


The "Muslim" suburb of Auburn now the wife beating capitol of Australia.

The phenomenon of “white flight” from areas of high Muslim infestation where ordinary Australians no longer feel safe. Non Muslims fleeing Muslim areas because of violent intimidation by Muslims is a world wide phenomenon. In 1900, 20% of the populations of the Middle East was Christian. Today it is 5% and declining fast. Within European countries, the intimidation of non Muslims has seen entire suburbs become almost exclusively Muslim. This appears to be a deliberate policy of intimidation by the Muslims. Australian women driving through the Sydney suburb of Auburn are insulted by Muslim men calling out to them "whores!". European, Asian women and schoolgirls wearing short summer skirts are sexually attacked, spat upon, or called "whore!' to their faces. Women who have not got the message that Islam is dangerous, who think that Muslims are civilised, and who think that they retaliate by verbally abusing the Muslims who are harassing them, get punched in the face, knocked to the ground, and kicked while on the ground.

The idea is to create Muslim only ghettoes and to then insist that these areas must comply with Sharia Law. Overseas, "Muslim patrols" in "Muslim" areas police female modesty and demand the right to inspect people's bags to prevent them from carrying alcohol. These areas turn into "Muslim No-Go" areas, where the rule of law of the host nation does not apply (except, of course, the provision of welfare payments). And representatives of the government in uniform, the police, fire brigades, and ambulance personnel, are routinely attacked. Amusingly, even members of the left wing press who support the Islamic terrorist religion are also attacked. Us racists would call that phenomenon "poetic justice." French police are demanding armoured cars to patrol "Muslim" areas, and the head of French security recently made a public statement that France is heading towards a civil war.

The refusal of many teachers (especially female teachers) to work in schools with high Muslim student numbers because of the violent and misogynistic behaviour of Muslim boys.

The provision of security guards in Sydney's public schools to protect staff and other students from violent Muslim boys.

Private school student numbers soaring as parents in Muslim areas protect their kids by getting them away from public schools full of violent Muslims boys.

The refusal by Muslim taxi drivers all over the civilised (read non Muslim) world, to allow blind people with seeing eye dogs, or passengers carrying alcohol to enter their cabs.

The fortification of every vital government department with steel gates and security guards. The provision of armed security guards in media offices to prevent Muslim terrorism against journalists who criticise the Islamic terrorist religion.

Passengers on domestic flights having their bags checked for bombs. Soon it will be their shoes and their underpants.

Girls in bikinis on Sydney beaches having to put up with mobs of Muslim men wandering around the beaches making offensive remarks to them.

The necessity for armed guards on Jewish schools.

The serious reduction in civil liberties caused by th absolute necessity of our law enforcement services and security services trying to prevent religious nutters who want to mass murder on the non Muslim people into who's country and society they clamoured to enter.

The repeal of the sacred principle of Freedom of Speech in Australia because former Attorney general Nicola Roxon was worried about Muslims going crazy and killing someone because they criticised their violent terrorist religion.

Calls from the elected leader of the "moderate" Australian Islamic Council for homosexuals to be executed.

The recent public statement by the present Imam of Australia hinting that "Australian" Muslim youths will become terrorists unless the government gives Muslims in Australia the right to define their own laws under Sharia. That looks to me like a direct threat from the leader of the Islamic terrorist religion in Australia to our political leaders to give Muslims anything they want, or suffer the consequences.

Australian soldiers advised not to wear their nations military uniform while on the streets of their own country, for fear of being attacked by Muslims.

Public meetings of Muslim organisations enforcing gender segregation.

The homophobic random murder of a homosexual man outside of a homosexual club in the Sydney suburb of Rydalmere, by Muslim men who were videoed praying to Allah immediately before the attack.

"Muslim only" days at public swimming pools enforcing gender segregation and racism against Australians within the Australian's own country.

More "Australian" Muslims killed fighting for ISIS than there are Muslims present as personnel within the Australian Armed forces.

500 "Australian" Muslims so far prevented from sneaking out of the country to go on jihad and fight for ISIS, with the "moderate" Islamic Council of Australia letting slip that "thousands more want to go".

21 men in jail for terrorism offences, all of them Muslims.

Islamophobia basically means a "fear of Islam." Is there anything to be scared about with Islam? You bet.

Let's start with the London underground, then New York 9/11, Bali, Mali, Mumbai, Madrid, Sudan, Nigeria, Paris, Nice, Boston, Fort Hood, Belgium, Sydney, Cronulla and Los Angeles. Wherever the Islamic terrorist religion goes, so to goes terrorism and the intimidation of non Muslims.

People have a justified fear of the Islamic terrorist religion, not just because of it's rampant promotion of terrorism to advance Islam, but also because of it's unacceptable cultural practices which are clearly incompatible within a western secular democracy. These include

Child marriages
Female circumcision
Amputations for crime
Death sentences for adultery, homosexuality, apostasy, and blasphemy
Gender discrimination
Beheadings, stoning to death, and throwing homosexuals off buildings.
Muslim patrols in east London telling indigenous Europeans that they re entering Sharia controlled areas, and harassing them for not conforming to Islamic values in the European's own countries,
Schoolgirls being shot in the head for supporting female education
Unequal weight of testimony in Sharia
The decapitation of a British soldier in London
The concept that woman are minors, and the property of men
Bombs in airliners
High rates of criminality and rape committed by Muslims in western countries
Marriages not requiring the consent of the bride.
Honour killings
Raped women being punished. This punishment was even enforced on a raped blind girl in Pakistan.
Muslim citizens or western countries caught fighting for terrorist organisations.
Muslim riots and murders over freedom of speech.
Young women having their noses and ears cut off for fleeing their brutal husbands.
Muslim women having acid thrown in their faces for refusing to marry
Gender segregation
The murder of people who criticise Islam
Passages in the Koran which stress that Muslims must be violent towards non Muslims, and that captured women "that your right hand does possess" can be used sex slaves.
Muslim religious leaders publically stating that democracy is incompatible with Islam.

The cause of "Islamophobia" is the actions, attitudes and behaviours of Muslims around the world.

The Islamic terrorist religion is definitely not a religion of peace. It has no place in Australia. Sooner or later, devotees from this terrorist religion will be forbidden from entering European countries. This will come either before or after a civil war. The portents for civil war are already becoming manifest.

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