Hating on Christmas

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Black Orchid
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Hating on Christmas

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Dec 19, 2018 8:23 pm

A hardline Muslim has declared that anyone who celebrates Christmas will burn in hell for committing a crime against Islam that is worse than sin.

Nassim Abdi, a Western Sydney preacher from the Saudi-funded Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah Association, said commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ was more egregious than having sex outside of marriage or drinking alcohol.

The Salafist fundamentalist, who follows a seventh-century version of Sunni Islam, used the Arabic term for polytheism, shirk, to describe the idea of acknowledging Christianity.

He said doing this would see someone go to hell, using another Arabic term to highlight how he regarded this as the most serious of crimes against Islam.

'Shirk is much worse than committing a sin. A person believes in Christmas, he goes to Jahannam for eternity,' he said in February.

The preacher told Muslims at an Auburn mosque that acknowledging Christmas was even worse than drinking alcohol, which is prohibited in Islam, and having premarital sex, known as zina.

'For you to celebrate Christmas is worse than for you to drink alcohol and commit zina,' he said.

Mr Abdi isn't the only ASWJ leader speaking ill of the Christian holy day, with Wollongong-based sheik Jamil El Biza telling his Facebook followers on Christmas Day last year they should avoid wishing Christians a Merry Christmas to please Allah.

'I'd rather be resurrected on the day of judgement, with the fact I made a few hundred million unhappy with me because I refuse to say "Merry Christmas", rather than being brought forward before Allah and having to explain to him why I congratulated a Christian who worships Jesus as lord,' he said.

Sheikh Feiz Muhammad, a senior leader of the ASWJ in Australia, has previously told Muslims it was sinful to observe non-Muslim events, such as the Easter Show in Sydney.

'Is it part of the sharia? Are we allowed to entertain ourselves with celebrations that are built on non-Muslim concepts?,' he said.

'If you go on the belief, 'I just want to join in and have the fun, you know, just have a night out, and enjoy myself but I don't believe in all this nonsense', that's a major sin.

'It's a what? It's a major sin.'

The video was produced in December 2016, telling Muslims that celebrating Christmas or New Year would be the work of the devil.

Nassim Abdi was condemned by New South Wales government ministers Mark Speakman and Pru Goward in September for declaring wives had a duty to provide sex for their husbands.

He has also previously said it was sinful for women to show their ears in public and for Muslims to let their children hear music in the car or be allowed to dance to it.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... rZZE4PHDlQ

I truly am sick to death of these @holes. Go live in an islamic country you cretins and take your 7th century ways with you. Can you believe it is sinful for a woman to show her ears? :b

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Re: Hating on Christmas

Post by Bobby » Wed Dec 19, 2018 8:39 pm

Xmas in Islam?

Apparently the name of Jesus appears all throughout the Koran.
It's about time that stupid preacher read his own silly old book.

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Re: Hating on Christmas

Post by Valkie » Wed Dec 19, 2018 8:52 pm

But it's ok to screw goats?

What a weird cult?
I have a dream
A world free from the plague of Islam
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Re: Hating on Christmas

Post by cods » Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:43 am

I think we all have a very good idea

if a Catholic priest made the same comments about Ramadan in a Muslim country.....

what the sentencing would be..

its amazing how tolerant we are.....

how do these people get into this country?

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Re: Hating on Christmas

Post by sprintcyclist » Thu Dec 20, 2018 11:01 am

cods wrote:
Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:43 am
I think we all have a very good idea

if a Catholic priest made the same comments about Ramadan in a Muslim country.....

what the sentencing would be..

its amazing how tolerant we are.....

how do these people get into this country?
true, we are fools and treated as such
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Re: Hating on Christmas

Post by Valkie » Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:40 pm

You can't expect better from the cult of death

After all they follow a pig f#$ker who was a self confessed pedophile, a sociopath, a murderer, a coward and a lying bastards who told people about watching the sun set in a muddy hole and about donkeys flying.

Only a certified retards woukd belong to a cult as lame as this one

And once they have you, they murder you if you try to leave.

Sick, twisted, barbaric, primitive monkeys, that's all they are.
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A world free from the plague of Islam
A world that has never known the horrors of the cult of death.
My hope is that in time, Islam will be nothing but a bad dream

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Re: Hating on Christmas

Post by Neferti » Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:39 pm

CHRISTMAS is the Annual trek "home" to eat food and mix with brothers and sisters, and other family members, that you dislike, because you want to "do the right thing" for your parents, while they are still alive! :mrgreen:

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Re: Hating on Christmas

Post by Valkie » Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:52 pm

Hey.......I'm the parent.

This year we have the in-laws coming to our place.
The eldest daughter will be putting on Xmas dinner
The youngest and her new beau will be there
My beautiful granddaughter and us.

My son couldn't make it
So I miss out on the grandsons.
Until new years day when we will be delivering presents.

My parents died many years ago
Its a shame they missed out on this joy.
But they will be there in spirit if not in person.

Merry Christmas everyone
And a happy New year.
I have a dream
A world free from the plague of Islam
A world that has never known the horrors of the cult of death.
My hope is that in time, Islam will be nothing but a bad dream

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Re: Hating on Christmas

Post by Neferti » Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:56 pm

I am a parent and grandparent too. I am no longer my parents' kid ... they died many years ago.

When my parents were alive, myself and my 3 sisters would "trek" to "be there at 12.30 SHARP" as that was when Christmas lunch was to be served ... got there and NOTHING had been done ... we girls ended up doing most of it ...

Then .... the pathetic "childhood" crap .... you said, no you said, no I didn't and so forth.

Nope, Christmas is not something I remember with groups of rellies all having a bunch of "fun".

My daughter and 3 grand-daughters live nearby me, so they will be over on Christmas morning .... my sisters live in Melbourne.

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Re: Hating on Christmas

Post by cods » Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:36 pm

I trust you will all enjoy this Xmas all the same....

make it whats its meant to be... by next year a lot can have changed..

anyone on the road drive with care its only fair..

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