Transgender Wins Women's Cycling

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Black Orchid
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Transgender Wins Women's Cycling

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:21 pm

A biological male who identifies as a transgender woman won a women’s world championship cycling event on Sunday.

Rachel McKinnon, a professor at the College of Charleston, won the women’s 35-39 age bracket at the 2018 UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Los Angeles.

McKinnon, representing Canada, bested Carolien Van Herrikhuyzen of the Netherlands and American cyclist Jennifer Wagner to take home the gold.

McKinnon celebrated the victory on Twitter, writing: “First transgender woman world champion…ever.”

Allowing biological males who identify as transgender women to compete in women’s athletic events has been a controversial subject, as critics have argued that it puts the female competitors at an inherent disadvantage.

“Focusing on performance advantage is largely irrelevant because this is a rights issue. We shouldn’t be worried about trans people taking over the Olympics. We should be worried about their fairness and human rights instead.”

McKinnon also compared restrictions on biological males competing in women’s events to racial segregation.

“This is bigger than sports, and it’s about human rights,” McKinnon said to USA Today.

“By catering to cisgender people’s views, that furthers transgender people’s oppression. When it comes to extending rights to a minority population, why would we ask the majority? I bet a lot of white people were pissed off when we desegregated sports racially and allowed black people. But they had to deal with it.”
What a load of hogwash that it is about human rights. It's about weak and cowardly men who are too scared to compete against their own sex and want to dominate womens' sport instead.

They ALL should be forced to have their dicks cut off before they are considered but even dickless THEY ARE NOT WOMEN! This makes me so mad! :mad
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Re: Transgender Wins Women's Cycling

Post by sprintcyclist » Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:34 pm

I am with you Black Orchid.

This is unjust.
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Re: Transgender Wins Women's Cycling

Post by BigP » Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:38 pm

The chick on the left has a bigger dick than he does ?

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Re: Transgender Wins Women's Cycling

Post by cods » Tue Oct 16, 2018 10:04 am

its up to the women not to compete in those races that include wont happen until they make a stand at the Olympics....if you look at their bone way are they in the same class as females...

it isnt a level playing field for sure.....can you see one of them competing in womens Gymnastics..????

ballroom dancing?>..just a thought.

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Re: Transgender Wins Women's Cycling

Post by Rorschach » Tue Oct 16, 2018 10:04 am

They will never be women...




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Re: Transgender Wins Women's Cycling

Post by Bobby » Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:05 pm

It's sickening and further proof of the End Times.

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Re: Transgender Wins Women's Cycling

Post by Neferti » Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:58 pm

For Cods.

People (usually males) who like to dress up in female clothes are called TRANSVESTITES ... they don't have a problem with their gender, and are not "gay", just that "cross dressing" excites them, or something.

TRANSGENDER are those who are in the process of changing their gender.

TRANSSEXUALS are those who have gone through the "procedure".

In a few years we will undoubtedly see "news" about somebody REVERTING to what he/she was born as. At the moment it appears it is a FAD.

Little boys who like to draw and dance are "gay" and should have hormone treatment? Little girls who like to play cricket and climb trees (used to be called Tomboys) want to be male?

Parents who go along with this stupidity are ABUSING their kids. A child often lives in a fantasy world and wants to be all sorts of things. Stupid parents who want a son and make their daughter go through this should be persecuted ... ditto those parents with a son and want a daughter.

Leftard bullshit. Oh, and the Greens are in on it too. :roll

The Greens should have stuck with The Environment.

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Re: Transgender Wins Women's Cycling

Post by BigP » Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:48 pm

I find it intersting that not many woman appear to be interested in competing in mens sports , or is it only men that wana become woman ?

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Re: Transgender Wins Women's Cycling

Post by cods » Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:58 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:58 pm
For Cods.

People (usually males) who like to dress up in female clothes are called TRANSVESTITES ... they don't have a problem with their gender, and are not "gay", just that "cross dressing" excites them, or something.

TRANSGENDER are those who are in the process of changing their gender.

TRANSSEXUALS are those who have gone through the "procedure".

In a few years we will undoubtedly see "news" about somebody REVERTING to what he/she was born as. At the moment it appears it is a FAD.

Little boys who like to draw and dance are "gay" and should have hormone treatment? Little girls who like to play cricket and climb trees (used to be called Tomboys) want to be male?

Parents who go along with this stupidity are ABUSING their kids. A child often lives in a fantasy world and wants to be all sorts of things. Stupid parents who want a son and make their daughter go through this should be persecuted ... ditto those parents with a son and want a daughter.

Leftard bullshit. Oh, and the Greens are in on it too. :roll

The Greens should have stuck with The Environment.

thanks nef I do understand that how ever how do those who are expected to play against them to know that?????>.we have one or two here in ACT every time you see them they are dressed as females...they still shave and look very masculine .. well to me they do....

who decided they are females???... what exactly is the criteria ?...

I am just wondering what Serina would do if she was ever confronted by a tranny on the other side of the net in the US Open final..

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Re: Transgender Wins Women's Cycling

Post by cods » Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:59 pm

BigP wrote:
Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:48 pm
I find it intersting that not many woman appear to be interested in competing in mens sports , or is it only men that wana become woman ?

thats the point they would get smashed and I doubt they would ever be allowed to....

now is that sexism????..

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