When in Rome, do as the Roman's do?

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Do you agree with the statement, "When in Rome, do as the Roman's do?"

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Re: When in Rome, do as the Roman's do?

Post by cods » Tue Aug 14, 2018 3:14 pm

well thats good to know... never have quite figured out what is left and what is right..

as for being in the centre.......mmmmmmmmm......

I dont consider myself extreme on anything but I am sure others will say different..

I am a righty but one that wont vote for Turnbull...

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Re: When in Rome, do as the Roman's do?

Post by Nicole » Tue Aug 14, 2018 7:18 pm

@ Yogi
Well Nicki you're probably not going to like me .. too bad, so sad ;) - because I grew up with all that left wing shit it appears you believe in, and if I was dictator all you destroyer of Western civilisation commies would be in a purpose built concentration camp in Antarctica. I was signed up to the ALP against my will in one of my mother's branch stacking efforts at age 16, and in my 30s was a delegate to Qld greens state council and state conference for 5 years running, so I know all your ilk's language and agendas.
Cheers for that anecdotal history, paired with false assumptions.
Now it just so happens one of my ancestors was a Pashtun camel driver brought to OZ by the Brits from northern India (now Pakistan) who was a Muslim (meaning I'm distantly related to the Taliban). The Pashtuns known as Afgans were not trusted by those in OZ at that time but were accepted because they served a purpose (transporting food to remote outback communities by camel).
More anecdotal history that has nothing to do with the topic but I'm beside myself with excitement of knowing the familial details of an unknown persona.

I'm a 6th gen Aussie and my ancestors hailed from Cornwall. We were free settlers. Fascinating, eh?
I grew up believing in giving everyone a fair go in a place (Engadine)) with no ethnic dramas because we had very few ethnics at all. I worked with Muslim employees of my father and had a mag wheel repair business where roughly half my customers were Lebanese Muslims, and that has given me the opinion that Islam should be prohibited in OZ and all its devotees deported - just a bunch of sleazy inbred trouble makers.
I agree with you. So what?
Growing up in the 80s OZ seemed like a nice and reasonably safe place ... now its cities are dog eat dog and ridiculously over crowded ... I saw it coming so moved to the bush thinking "it'll take 30 years for civilisation to move in on me out here" ... but now our pro mass migration govts are encouraging these anti-Australian blow ins to move to the towns and regional cities I have to go to get supplies from, so now the wog problems are everywhere.
I agree with you. So what?
I don't mind if you don't wear rubber thongs and eat meat pies but if you want to wreck my country, you should be prepared for a public fascist backlash, not unlike how Hitler came to power. So to Australianise 'When in Rome do as the Romans do' the phrase "Australia - Love it or leave" seems quite apt here.
*sigh* You've made your point already mate.
When the Brits came here and took over the local inhabitants got the best deal going of a world awash with colonisation (which has been going on forever)
I agree with you, but they still got a shit deal. As far as it going on forever, you've just made the best point of your post. The history of humankind is a battle for resources, and we've been doing it since two tribes fought over a waterhole. Hence, I am anti non-western immigration, because we'll be served the same deal as aboriginal people in 1788. The only trouble is, we seem to have trouble accepting the history of aboriginal Australia and make hypocrites of ourselves in doing so. Fit in or fuck off? When in Rome do as the Romans do? Your minimisation of the mistreatment of aboriginal people by the Brits whilst saying Islam should be excluded from Oz is mind-blowing.

Got it now fucktard, or do you still think I'm a communist?

I'll leave Raven to respond to the post you erroneously attributed to me.

Have a lovely evening.

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Re: When in Rome, do as the Roman's do?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:40 pm

Mistress Nicole wrote:
Tue Aug 14, 2018 7:18 pm

I'm a 6th gen Aussie and my ancestors hailed from Cornwall.
So a white girl slagging off 'Whiteys' hey?

Seems I was spot on about the self loathing commy part, hey?

Q: You know why those of you who parrot your left wing programming get pretty much everything wrong and think it's OK to lie for the cause?
A: Because you wouldn't know shit from clay if you smeared it on your face, dingbat!
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: When in Rome, do as the Roman's do?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:43 pm

Mistress Nicole wrote:
Tue Aug 14, 2018 7:18 pm

Got it now fucktard, or do you still think I'm a communist?

I know you're a commy because you spruik commy rhetoric.
Failure to recognise one's own identity still makes you the commy's useful idiot.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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brian ross
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Re: When in Rome, do as the Roman's do?

Post by brian ross » Sat Aug 18, 2018 11:34 pm

Mistress Nicole wrote:
Sun Aug 05, 2018 1:58 pm
Cod's mentioned that she firmly believes "When in Rome, do as the Roman's do".

Do you agree with this statement, and why?
Generally, I believe such "rules" should be applied with caution. Ancient Rome was a brutal civilisation, which condoned slavery, human sacrifice and other unsavoury practices. If you believe it is good to practice such things, well, I don't. I believe we should act decently towards one another, respect one another's beliefs, culture, etc. It cuts both ways. You can enjoy your culture, just don't force it on me and I won't force my culture on you. The overwhelming majority of Immigrants to Australia understand this and accept it. Of course there are some troublemakers but is it fair to label all members of a particular religious or cultural group as believing in what the troublemakers believe in? Not in my opinion. I haver served with, studied with, worked with numerous members of different cultures. The overwhelming majority are good people. The most trouble I have seen has come from generally White Australians resenting people who are more successful than they are. Funny that.
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Re: When in Rome, do as the Roman's do?

Post by cods » Sun Aug 19, 2018 12:58 pm

brian ross wrote:
Sat Aug 18, 2018 11:34 pm
Mistress Nicole wrote:
Sun Aug 05, 2018 1:58 pm
Cod's mentioned that she firmly believes "When in Rome, do as the Roman's do".

Do you agree with this statement, and why?
Generally, I believe such "rules" should be applied with caution. Ancient Rome was a brutal civilisation, which condoned slavery, human sacrifice and other unsavoury practices. If you believe it is good to practice such things, well, I don't. I believe we should act decently towards one another, respect one another's beliefs, culture, etc. It cuts both ways. You can enjoy your culture, just don't force it on me and I won't force my culture on you. The overwhelming majority of Immigrants to Australia understand this and accept it. Of course there are some troublemakers but is it fair to label all members of a particular religious or cultural group as believing in what the troublemakers believe in? Not in my opinion. I haver served with, studied with, worked with numerous members of different cultures. The overwhelming majority are good people. The most trouble I have seen has come from generally White Australians resenting people who are more successful than they are. Funny that.

seriously Brian no one suggests we go back to feeding the Christians to the Lions..... :roll: :roll:

it means present day..

if we all ran around naked in OZ those who choose to come here should also run around naked.....

they know what they are coming in to..we have been doing what we are doing for over 200 years.....its not a secret....

if someone wants to wear a burqa there are many coun tries that are comfortable with them doping just that.....dont bring it here....

that is what I am saying.....if an American owns a dozen guns living in America is it ok for him to bring them here?????????????????

I dont think so....

I am unhappy with people being armed to the teeth........and its the same with wearing full face cover.........it doesnt belong in OZ>..

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brian ross
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Re: When in Rome, do as the Roman's do?

Post by brian ross » Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:15 pm

cods wrote:
Sun Aug 19, 2018 12:58 pm
brian ross wrote:
Sat Aug 18, 2018 11:34 pm
Mistress Nicole wrote:
Sun Aug 05, 2018 1:58 pm
Cod's mentioned that she firmly believes "When in Rome, do as the Roman's do".

Do you agree with this statement, and why?
Generally, I believe such "rules" should be applied with caution. Ancient Rome was a brutal civilisation, which condoned slavery, human sacrifice and other unsavoury practices. If you believe it is good to practice such things, well, I don't. I believe we should act decently towards one another, respect one another's beliefs, culture, etc. It cuts both ways. You can enjoy your culture, just don't force it on me and I won't force my culture on you. The overwhelming majority of Immigrants to Australia understand this and accept it. Of course there are some troublemakers but is it fair to label all members of a particular religious or cultural group as believing in what the troublemakers believe in? Not in my opinion. I haver served with, studied with, worked with numerous members of different cultures. The overwhelming majority are good people. The most trouble I have seen has come from generally White Australians resenting people who are more successful than they are. Funny that.
seriously Brian no one suggests we go back to feeding the Christians to the Lions..... :roll: :roll:

it means present day..

if we all ran around naked in OZ those who choose to come here should also run around naked.....

they know what they are coming in to..we have been doing what we are doing for over 200 years.....its not a secret....

if someone wants to wear a burqa there are many coun tries that are comfortable with them doping just that.....dont bring it here....

that is what I am saying.....if an American owns a dozen guns living in America is it ok for him to bring them here?????????????????

I dont think so....

I am unhappy with people being armed to the teeth........and its the same with wearing full face cover.........it doesnt belong in OZ>..
The point, Cods, is that the concept of "freedom" is that people are well, free. They can wear as little or as much as they like, they can say what they like and they can live how they like. No on has appeared suggesting that all White, Anglo-Saxon/Celtic Australians must convert to Druidism immediately and put people into Wicker-Men and burn them alive, now have they? Nope. A few people have arrived on our shores who believe that Catholics are not Christians and that they worship the Pope. Quite a few, in fact. The Government fixed that by deciding that the Catholic Church did a fine job educating half the population and gave them money to buy Science Blocks for their High Schools. Worked a treat. That secetarian divide has disappeared. Muslims will be next. I'm sure the people in Government are preparing plans to give their schools nice new Science Blocks as we speak.

The problem is that Muslims are only 2% of the total population. Not all Australians have met a Muslim. Oh, the media has been playing the "we should all hate Muslims" mantra film clips pretty well non-stop since 2001. What a shame that so few Muslims deserve to be hated. The overwhelming majority of Muslims who have arrived in Australia came 'cause they didn't like what was happening in their home countries 'cause of the crazies who believed that there was only one way to live. Rather like the crazies here, actually. Tsk, tsk.

If you want an excuse to hate someone, Cods, I'm sure you can discover one, under some rock, if you search hard enough. Me? I'll get on with my workmates who are Muslims just fine and invite them for a Coffee and a chat after work. If you want to hate Muslims, go for it. Me, I'll just get along with them and everybody else who is decent.
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Re: When in Rome, do as the Roman's do?

Post by BigP » Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:18 pm

""Generally, I believe such "rules" should be applied with caution. Ancient Rome was a brutal civilisation, which condoned slavery, human sacrifice and other unsavoury practices""

Brian , all cultures were ruthless back then , a lot of them more so than the Romans. Peeps understand what it means ,,

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Re: When in Rome, do as the Roman's do?

Post by Black Orchid » Sun Aug 19, 2018 6:10 pm

If you wish to live in the 7th Century go live in the ME and leave Australia the way it is. Simples!

BTW we aren't ancient Rome either. :roll:

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Re: When in Rome, do as the Roman's do?

Post by brian ross » Sun Aug 19, 2018 6:38 pm

BigP wrote:
Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:18 pm
""Generally, I believe such "rules" should be applied with caution. Ancient Rome was a brutal civilisation, which condoned slavery, human sacrifice and other unsavoury practices""

Brian , all cultures were ruthless back then , a lot of them more so than the Romans. Peeps understand what it means ,,
Yes they were but none carried to the height that the Romans did. No one else built massive arenas where men slaughtered one another, where animals slaughtered men, women and children, now did they? Only the Aztecs exceeded the blood spent by the Romans on satisfying their bloodlust.

However, that is all in the past. As I suggested, I believe such "rules" should be applied lightly and with fairness, not universally and with an iron hand, as it appears all too often many here seek to. The Romans were remarkably liberal in allowing people to dress how they liked, speak in the languages they wanted to (although, obviously Latin was the lingua franca that was used between the various groups), eat what they wanted and to practise what ever religion they wanted. Something which those who seek to force immigrants to Australia to become "Australian" (without of course ever defining what being "Australian" is, of course). Immigrants will assimilate, just as will the host culture, to accept the attributes which both groups are comfortable with. Without the Italians introducing fine coffee, fine food, eating out doors, without the Greeks introducing fine sea food, a love of Wine and drinking outdoors, the Australia we enjoy today would not exist. The flow of culture must be both ways. Muslims will become more liberal, the dominant culture will become well, perhaps we'll learn to love sweet foods?
Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. - Eric Blair

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