Where did I suggest I have a problem with that, BO?Black Orchid wrote:You have a problem with immigrants being required to understand and speak English, Brian?
My problem is that we are forcing people to learn something they will discover they need to know, once they become a part of our society.
Many older Greeks and Italians have forgotten their English skills. Do we penalise them? And before you scoff, it is why we have specialised retirement homes for Greek and Italian senior citizens.
As I would. However, many English migrants to France and Italy never bother to learn French or Italian. Why? 'cause many people know English. Funny that, hey?If you went to live in France or Germany would you not feel the need to learn their language? I know I would.
I suppose I could always just shout a lot, like many English people are portrayed as doing.
In reality, people learn a language because they have to. How do you think migrants to Australia are going to function if they don't learn English? Mmmm?