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Black Orchid
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Post by Black Orchid » Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:20 am

Apparently Shorten finally grew a backbone and called for Dastyari to resign from "key parliamentary positions".

Key parliamentary positions? Shouldn't that be ALL parliamentary positions? There is absolutely no room in parliament for traitors. He should be kicked out and his pension should be dust.

All foreign political donations should cease as well. Period. For all parties. These clowns we have in parliament on both sides are making a mockery of Australia and Australians. What an embarrassment we are.

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Black Orchid
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Re: Dastyari

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:22 am

Did Dastyari have a finger in the 'lease' of Port Darwin to the Chinese? Was he remotely anywhere near that pathetically stupid deal?

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Re: Dastyari

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:57 am

Law of Treason in Australia ...

Section 80.1 of the Criminal Code, contained in the schedule of the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995,[4] defines treason as follows:

A person commits an offence, called treason, if the person:

(a) causes the death of the Sovereign, the heir apparent of the Sovereign, the consort of the Sovereign, the Governor-General or the Prime Minister; or

(b) causes harm to the Sovereign, the Governor-General or the Prime Minister resulting in the death of the Sovereign, the Governor-General or the Prime Minister; or

(c) causes harm to the Sovereign, the Governor-General or the Prime Minister, or imprisons or restrains the Sovereign, the Governor-General or the Prime Minister; or

(d) levies war, or does any act preparatory to levying war, against the Commonwealth; or

(e) engages in conduct that assists by any means whatever, with intent to assist, an enemy:

(i) at war with the Commonwealth, whether or not the existence of a state of war has been declared; and

(ii) specified by Proclamation made for the purpose of this paragraph to be an enemy at war with the Commonwealth; or

(f) engages in conduct that assists by any means whatever, with intent to assist:

(i) another country
; or

(ii) an organisation; that is engaged in armed hostilities against the Australian Defence Force; or

(g) instigates a person who is not an Australian citizen to make an armed invasion of the Commonwealth or a Territory of the Commonwealth; or

(h) forms an intention to do any act referred to in a preceding paragraph and manifests that intention by an overt act.
A person is not guilty of treason under paragraphs (e), (f) or (h) if their assistance or intended assistance is purely humanitarian in nature.

The only permissible penalty for treason is life imprisonment. Section 24AA of the Crimes Act 1914 creates the related offence of treachery.[5]

Does Section 80.1 (f) apply to Dastyari? His 'assistance' to wealthy Chinese 'businessman' Huang Xiangmo is treasonous. He has done more than the "wrong thing" as it is being referred to by the ALP. Should he be made an example of? He lied to the public. He lied to parliament. He acted against national security. He knew full well that Huang was under investigation by ASIO over his links to the Chinese government and he is blaming the US government for his previous scandal.
"I find the inferences that I am anything but a patriotic Australian deeply hurtful," Senator Dastyari told the Senate.

Senator Dastyari says the past few days have been very difficult for his children who have had to endure taunts in the playground.

But he is not quitting the Labor Party or the Senate.
He should leave both the Senate and the Party. He should never get a pension!! His loyalty does not lie with Australia nor with the Australian people. He should be jailed and should be grateful that he probably will not be.

Personally I think he should be made an example of and maybe other politicians will then think twice before putting their back pockets before the best interests of Australia. Only then will we begin to attract a better quality of politician.

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Re: Dastyari

Post by cods » Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:56 pm

of course he should leave the senate nothing less will do....I would trust a person with dual citz before I would trust a person who takes money from China and then passes on secret govt information.....one wonders what else he has passed on....
dont forget black orchid.. he alone raised $400.000 for lefty coffers....

how can anyone believe they just found him warm and fuzzy....so handed over that huge donation...while he is allowed to sit in the senate
he will hang bull shiit for sure.

I think it shows how weak BS is...

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Re: Dastyari

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Nov 30, 2017 6:02 pm

Wonderful! ... now the gay muslim can use his halal snack pack as a SSM butt plug the next time he exits a public toilet used for anonymous poo jabbing.

Bill Shorten has sacked Sam Dastyari less than 24 hours after giving him a 'last chance'
https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/bill- ... 22887.html

Simon Thomsen

Business Insider
29 November 2017

Just 18 months ago Labor senator Sam Dastyari's Chinese connections cost him his frontbench job.

Today history repeated with Opposition leader Bill Shorten sacking him as the party's Senate deputy whip and removing him as a senate committee chair
after damning audio emerged of Dastyari contradicting Labor policy on China at a media conference last year.

Shorten told Dastyari to resign last night, issuing a statement saying he expects the senator "will learn from this experience".

Yesterday Shorten yellow carded the halal snack pack advocate over claims that he'd warned a Chinese donor he was under surveillance.
Within 12 hours Shorten was forced to dismiss Dastyari after the recording emerged.

"I told Senator Dastyari that his mischaracterisation of how he came to make comments contradicting Labor policy made his position untenable,"
Shorten said this morning.

"I also told him that while I accept his word that he never had, nor disclosed, any classified information,
his handling of these matters showed a lack of judgment."

When doubts were raised about his comments last year after they first appeared in a Chinese-language newspaper in Sydney,
Dastyari attempted a lost in translation defence. But the audio reveals he said the "role Australia should be playing as a friend is to know that,
with the several thousand years of history … where it is and isn't our place to be involved."

His comment aligns with the ruling Communist Party's position of the South China Sea territorial dispute and contradicts both Australian foreign policy,
and Labor's policy.

It's a position China reiterated last week following the release of Australia's foreign policy white paper.

Dastyari annnounced his resignation from Labor's leadership team in the Senate this morning saying he was "shocked" by the recording,
and claims that he was "anything but a patriotic Australian deeply hurtful".

He denied passing on classified information saying he'd never had any in his possession.

Here's part of what he said:

In June last year, I held a press conference where I made comments that were in breach of Labor Party policy. I have never denied this.

The price I paid for that was high but appropriate. More recently, my characterisation of that press conference was called into question.
A recent audio recording shocked me as it did not match my recollection of events. I take responsibility for the subsequent mischaracterisation.

Dastyari's comments also put the media-savvy former general secretary of the ALP's NSW branch, who parachuted into the Senate in 2013,
in danger of being expelled from the party. Shorten stopped short of asking him to resign from the Senate.

This morning Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said he should resign from Parliament.

"Sam Dastyari should get out of the Senate, fullstop. That’s his duty. If his statement is not a statement of resignation, then he is letting everybody
down and Bill Shorten has to take responsibility for this. All of this merely-mouthed 'He’s on his last warning'. That is nonsense. This is not a lapse of judgment,
this is a failure of loyalty," he said.

Last year, Dastyari resigned from the ALP's shadow ministry in the wake of a scandal over a getting an education company with close links to the ruling
Chinese communist government to pay his travel expenses.

In recent months, Australia's first Iranian-born politician was running a slick redemption campaign off the back of the 34-year-old's autobiography
"One halal of a story".

Things started to go awry for Dastyari yet again yesterday when Fairfax Media detailed a visit to a Chinese businessmen and political donor, Huang Xiangmo,
at his Sydney home to warn him that his phone was being tapped by governments, including the US.

Fairfax alleges Dastyari gave Huang counter-surveillance advice, telling him to leave their phones inside while they spoke outside.

Dastyari denied the claims.

Attorney-General George Brandis said Dastyari's position was "untenable" if the allegations were true,
adding he "was acting against Australia's national interest", although a photo of Huang standing beside foreign minister
Julie Bishop began circulating soon after and Brandis defended the Liberals accepting donations from the Sydney-based Chinese businessman.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Dastyari

Post by 762NATO » Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:11 pm

Sam is not finished yet.....

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Re: Dastyari

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Dec 01, 2017 8:03 am

Outlaw Yogi wrote:Bill Shorten has sacked Sam Dastyari less than 24 hours after giving him a 'last chance'
Fake news dutifully running the ALP protection racket propaganda lines

The grubby little grease stain hasn't been sacked at all.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Dastyari

Post by Rorschach » Sat Dec 02, 2017 11:48 pm

Dastyari should resign or the ALP should get some union thugs to bump him off, if I never see or here from him ever again it will be too soon.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Black Orchid
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Re: Dastyari

Post by Black Orchid » Sun Dec 03, 2017 12:44 pm

With NO PENSION!!! I cannot stress that strongly enough. Why pay a traitor a pension for life at tax payers' expense? It certainly doesn't discourage others. It just gives them open slather to do what they want and to serve themselves and not the people of Australia all the while knowing they are set financially for life.

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Re: Dastyari

Post by Bobby » Sun Dec 03, 2017 1:04 pm

We need a Royal Commission into Un-Australian activities.

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