Outlaw Yogi wrote:Warrior wrote:
I really do not understand why you let them get away with it?
'Coz most Ozzies are soft in the head and will put up with almost any $#!+ til crisis is sitting at the kitchen table.
The ALP has had a steering committee bent on prohibiting firearms to all Australians including farmers (but not authorities) since the 1970s.
Parts of this country are being overwhelmed with Muslims who despise us for the freedoms and welfare we give them. In the 1980s pollies realised sooner or later some of them would copy the European style assassination through a car window from the back of a bike, plus we had would be Jihadists from Lakemba mosque doing the Jihad training in Royal National Park (In Sydney's Sutherland Shire).
In the late 80s or early 90s (forget now) NSW Premier Neville Wran bowed out due to throat cancer.
The ALP moved Barry Unsworth from the NSW Legislative council [state level senate] to the Legislative assembly [state level parliament] and parachuted him in as Premier.
The first move Unsworth made was to outlaw semi-autos and pump action shotties.
The Libs promised if elected to repeal the gun bans. Horsley Park Gun Shop (biggest in southern hemisphere gave the Libs $2mil.
Nick Griener was elected NSW Lib Premier, and the 1st of his 86 broken promises was to "change his mind" on repealing the gun bans. So it all started from the NSW Labor party (who can't spell 'labour'). Victoria soon followed suit with its own gun bans. By the early 90s Qld and Tas were the only states you could buy and possess firearms snow flakes saw used by baddies in action movies, and demanded uniform national prohibitions.
Too many gun nuts (including me) weren't about to hand in their weapons for bureaucunts' dictates, so a PsyOp was required. ASIO couldn't be used because they'd bragged about supplying NSW Police special branch with the bomb targeting a CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads Of Government Meeting) at the Sydney Hilton Hotel in 1978, framing 3 vegetarian pacifist from a moonbat religious cult (Ananda Marga) for the bombing, and getting away with it. Despite the 3 frame vegos having their 16 year sentences quashed after 7 years and paid patsy compo.
Intel orgs have a history of using mentally ill (usually schizophrenics) individuals to do their dirty work, because it gives the agents plausible deniabilty. Somehow 2 firearms handed in during Victoria's gun bans
supposedly wound up the possession of an intellectually disabled youth (Martin Bryant). Which authorities claim he used to shoot 35 people at the Port Arthur historical site.
Bryant never had a trial. If you read the inquest findings they don't match the official story.
When the incident 1st hit the news an Australian Army general said "Whoever did this is one of the top 20 marksmen in the world, I know because I'm one of them".
During the rampage the shooter stole a BMW (but all we ever saw on TV was a yellow Volvo, 'coz Bryant had one) and while driving managed to shoot 5 people running. Apparently 11 ASIS operatives were shot that day. So my question is, if this was just some random event by a lunatic, why were the ASIS agents there in the 1st place?
What really happened, nobody except those involved really knows.
But anybody that believes a retard with no firearms training can shoot from the hip with a 98% accuracy rate is dumb as dog $#!+.