More LGBTIQ related crap....

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Re: More LGBTIQ related crap....

Post by sprintcyclist » Mon Sep 11, 2017 12:05 pm

................ A ‘Ministry of Equalities’ press release, explicitly announced, that the proposals were designed to: ‘build on the progress’ of same-sex marriage.
Guardian journalist Roz Kaveney boasted that changing your gender is now: ‘Almost as simple as changing your name by statutory declaration’...............
it makes me sick
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Re: More LGBTIQ related crap....

Post by Super Nova » Mon Sep 11, 2017 1:46 pm

Growing up in a homophobic country town I was taught all gays were dirty perverted. I went into the world thinking this. Moved to Sydney at 18 and saw a new world. Met gays. Had friends who were gay. Party animals to the extreme.

Have seen what happens in other parts of the world when it is illegal to be gay and where sex is controlled by the rules of the state. Probation doesn't work. The state has no place in control sex or sexuality. I have seen cultures in Asia that just don't care and accept it as that is who the person is. Very zen.

Today I just think, "Let them do what they like to each other provided they are all adults".

So let them marry, let them be themselves, let them be. Give them NO special status.

As long as they get no special rights just because they are in a minority beyond the right to be free in their sexuality.

So I don't care anymore. I have no opinion beyond everyone is free to choose who they screw and how they do it within the age of consent constraints.

I have only 2 issues really:
1. If we spend extra money from the state to support them then, I have an issue.
2. I do have an issue with gays promoting their behavior as normal and seek to change how sex and sexuality is taught and if they promote their lifestyle to the young.
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Re: More LGBTIQ related crap....

Post by Rorschach » Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:09 pm

Thank you SN for your very shallow thinking on the subject.
Did you not read what has happened elsewhere?
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Re: More LGBTIQ related crap....

Post by Neferti » Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:19 pm

I saw the ACT Rainbow coloured bus today. My daughter was with me and said it is the only bus in Canberra depicting "marriage equality".

Gave me the opportunity to ask and she said her vote will be in the negative, as will her husband's. They are married, unlike some of her friends who have "partners" of the opposite sex.

Like me, she doesn't care what homosexuals do in the privacy of their own homes, and we know couples who are "gay" and they aren't interested in getting married. They are happy the way it is.

So it isn't just the Baby Boomers who will be voting NO .... young people will too.

It definitely is not a matter of just let them get married if they want to .... it is all the other stuff that will come afterwards.

Do you want to be called a "person" instead of a man or woman? Do you want to be referred to as the "legal parent" rather than "natural parent" of your children? Do you want your children taught that it is OK to change from a girl to a boy or boy to a girl? Do you want your Primary school children taught how to masturbate?

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Re: More LGBTIQ related crap....

Post by Super Nova » Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:53 pm

Rorschach wrote:Thank you SN for your very shallow thinking on the subject.
Did you not read what has happened elsewhere?
My pleasure to see you value my opinion, however shallow.

I cannot open that link, it requires signing up and I will not do that.

For the opening post link I get this message.

I'm outside of Australia. Why can't I watch 9Now?

I don't see what there is to care about really.
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Re: More LGBTIQ related crap....

Post by Neferti » Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:13 pm

Super Nova wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Thank you SN for your very shallow thinking on the subject.
Did you not read what has happened elsewhere?
My pleasure to see you value my opinion, however shallow.

I cannot open that link, it requires signing up and I will not do that.

For the opening post link I get this message.

I'm outside of Australia. Why can't I watch 9Now?

I don't see what there is to care about really.
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Re: More LGBTIQ related crap....

Post by Rorschach » Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:23 pm

As YOU can see or maybe not SN, you don't need to look at links just read the text thoughtfully provided.
Again... SHALLOW thinking is not helpful.
Rorschach wrote:Well they don't have the Safe Schools Program for starters.
But as with most things the Progs ignore things and some things take time to actually manifest. Here is one opinion from the UK.
In the United Kingdom, it has become abundantly clear that redefinition has affected many people, across many spheres. At first glance, these spheres appeared distinct from marriage redefinition. However, subsequent changes, have proved that they are entirely intertwined.

Gender: Current Conservative Prime Minister, Theresa May, has revealed proposals to abolish the need for any medical consultation before gender reassignment. Simply filling out an official form will be sufficient. A ‘Ministry of Equalities’ press release, explicitly announced, that the proposals were designed to: ‘build on the progress’ of same-sex marriage. Guardian journalist Roz Kaveney boasted that changing your gender is now: ‘Almost as simple as changing your name by statutory declaration’.

Manifestations of the ‘British gender revolution’ are not difficult to find. Transport for London, have prohibited the use of the ‘heteronormative’ words, such as ladies and gentlemen. Meanwhile, universities across the nation are threatening to ‘mark down’ students, who continue to use the words ‘he’ and ‘she’. Instead, ‘gender neutral pronouns’ such as ‘ze’, must be uniformly applied.

Such gender-theory radicalism has delighted Stonewall, the UK’s largest LGBT lobby. Their Orwellian tagline: ‘Acceptance without exception’, can be seen plastered on posters and adverts. Politicians, attempt to ‘out-radical’ one another, in the race to be an original champion, in the next emancipatory front of ‘Trans-rights’.

Freedom of religion: Much was made in the UK, about supposed exemptions, designed to ensure that believers would always be allowed to stay true to their convictions.

Four years later, the very same people who made ‘heartfelt promises’, now work tirelessly to undermine them.

Equalities minister Justine Greening, has insisted that churches must be made to: ‘Keep up with modern attitudes’. Likewise, the Speaker of the House of Commons, a position supposedly defined by its political neutrality, had this to say: I feel we’ll only have proper equal marriage when you can bloody well get married in a church if you want to do so, without having to fight the church for the equality that should be your right’.

It became clear, during this year’s general election, just how militant the LGBT lobby have become, following marriage redefinition. The primary target was Tim Farron, leader of England’s third largest political party, the Liberal Democrats. High-profile journalists had heard that Farron was a practising Christian. In every single interview thereafter, they demanded to know. Did he personally believe homosexual sex to be a sin? He practically begged the commentariat, to allow him to keep his personal faith and legislative convictions separate. For decades, he pointed out, he had out vocally and legislatively supported the LGBT Lobby. Likewise, he had long backed same-sex marriage, voting for it enthusiastically. This simply was no longer enough.

Shortly after the election campaign, Farron resigned. He stated that it was now impossible, for a believing Christian to hold a prominent position in British politics.

In a heartbreaking development and in spite of Britain’s ‘foster crisis’, aspiring foster parents who identify as religious, face interrogation. Those who are deemed unlikely to ‘celebrate’ homosexuality, have had their dreams of parenthood scuppered. This month, Britain’s High Court, ruled that a Pentecostal couple were ineligible parents. While the court recognised their successful and loving record of adoption, they decreed that above all else: ‘The equality provisions concerning sexual orientation should take precedence’. How has Great Britain become so twisted? Practicing Jews, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs, who want to stay true to their religious teachings, can no longer adopt children.
Freedom of speech: In the lead-up to the Parliamentary vote, we witnessed almost incomprehensible bullying. David Burrows MP, a mild-mannered supporter of the ‘Coalition for Marriage’, had excrement thrown at his house. His children received death threats and their school address was published online. Similarly, ‘Conservative’ broadcaster Iain Dale promised to, ‘publicly out’ gay MP’s, who did not vote for redefinition.

Many hardworking Brits have lost their jobs. Consider Adrian Smith, sacked by a Manchester Housing Trust, for suggesting that the state: ‘shouldn’t impose its rules on places of faith and conscience’. Or Richard Page, fired for gross misconduct after articulating, that children might enjoy better outcomes, were they to be adopted by heterosexual couples.

Simultaneously, contrary to ‘steadfast’ government assurances, small businesses have been consistently targeted. Courts in Northern Ireland ruled that the Asher’s Family bakery had acted unlawfully. What crime committed by this tiny business? Politely declining to decorate a cake with a political message in support of same-sex marriage. The courts maintained that business owners must be compelled to promote the LGBT cause, irrespective of personal convictions.

Even the National Trust, a British institution with over 4.2 million members, has decided to join the bullying LGBT crusade. A message went out. Each of the Trust’s 62,000 volunteers, would be required to wear a compulsory same-sex rainbow badge. Those who said they’d rather not were told they would be ‘moved out of sight’until they were prepared to publicly demonstrate inclusive tolerance.

In retrospect, the silent majority in Britain remained silent for too long. Reflecting on redefinition, Ben Harris-Quinney, Chairman of the Bow Group think tank pondered that:‘Same-sex marriage was promoted in the UK, as an issue of supposed tolerance and equality. What we have seen, is the most unequal and intolerant outcomes of any political issue in recent history’.

Children: Across the UK, ‘sex education’ has been transformed and disfigured. TV programmes, aimed at children as young as three, promote ‘gender fluidity’, as an enabler of thoughtfulness and individuality.

At the same time, Ministers have denied worried parents the right to withdraw their children from primary school classes. Meanwhile, ‘outside educators’ teach children about sex positions, ‘satisfying’ pornography consumption and how to masturbate. Concerns regarding STI’s and Promiscuity, are derided as ‘old-fashioned’.

Independent religious schools are under intense scrutiny. Dame Louise Casey, a senior government advisor, recently insisted that it is now: ‘Not Ok for Catholic schools to be homophobic and anti-gay marriage’.
Ofsted, the body responsible for school-assessment, has been wildly politicised. In 2013, Prior to the redefinition of marriage, Ofsted visited Vishnitz Jewish Girls School. They passed the school with flying colours. In fact, they went out of their way to highlight the committed and attentive approach to student welfare and development. Four years later, Ofsted returned. This time, they failed the school on one issue alone. While again, noting that students were ‘confident in thinking for themselves‘, their report, pointed to the inadequate promotion of homosexuality and gender reassignment. As such, it was failing to ensure: ‘a full understanding of fundamental British values’. It is one of an initial seven faith schools that face closure.

I mentioned that I was writing this article to a good friend in the Conservative Party, back at home. He expressed his genuine concern. Had I not considered the consequences? Did I not realise that what I said in Australia could be found when I returned to the UK? ‘LGBT progress is an unstoppable tide’. He assured me, that it was ok for me to ‘privately’ believe that marriage was between one man and one woman. He even privately agreed, that the stuff being taught in primary schools was too much.

But to say it out loud? To actually have it in print? It would blight my career and my personal relationships.

Good God. How much more important the institution of marriage and freedom of thought, religion and speech. How much more important the future of our children, than any naïve career ambitions I might harbour.

I urge every Aussie to examine the evidence, analysis the results and be clear about what you’re voting for. If it was solely marriage, it would worth preserving.

It’s infinitely more.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: More LGBTIQ related crap....

Post by Super Nova » Tue Sep 12, 2017 4:46 am

Dear Roach,

My comments in SN: Blue

Well they don't have the Safe Schools Program for starters.
But as with most things the Progs ignore things and some things take time to actually manifest. Here is one opinion from the UK.

[quote]In the United Kingdom, it has become abundantly clear that redefinition has affected many people, across many spheres. At first glance, these spheres appeared distinct from marriage redefinition. However, subsequent changes, have proved that they are entirely intertwined.

Gender: Current Conservative Prime Minister, Theresa May, has revealed proposals to abolish the need for any medical consultation before gender reassignment. Simply filling out an official form will be sufficient. A ‘Ministry of Equalities’ press release, explicitly announced, that the proposals were designed to: ‘build on the progress’ of same-sex marriage. Guardian journalist Roz Kaveney boasted that changing your gender is now: ‘Almost as simple as changing your name by statutory declaration’.
SN: No big deal. Who cares. Normally they would need a psych evaluation but if they want it, let them do it.

Manifestations of the ‘British gender revolution’ are not difficult to find. Transport for London, have prohibited the use of the ‘heteronormative’ words, such as ladies and gentlemen. Meanwhile, universities across the nation are threatening to ‘mark down’ students, who continue to use the words ‘he’ and ‘she’. Instead, ‘gender neutral pronouns’ such as ‘ze’, must be uniformly applied.
SN: PC again. This is not new news. The lefties have been at it for sometime... Chairperson ...etc

Such gender-theory radicalism has delighted Stonewall, the UK’s largest LGBT lobby. Their Orwellian tagline: ‘Acceptance without exception’, can be seen plastered on posters and adverts. Politicians, attempt to ‘out-radical’ one another, in the race to be an original champion, in the next emancipatory front of ‘Trans-rights’.
SN: So the fag like it, big deal, let them like it. It was implemented by non-gay do gooders.

Freedom of religion: Much was made in the UK, about supposed exemptions, designed to ensure that believers would always be allowed to stay true to their convictions.

Four years later, the very same people who made ‘heartfelt promises’, now work tirelessly to undermine them.
SN: No surprise there. You cannot have a law for one group and not the other. That was predictable. There have been cases around this and gays have taken B&Bs and churches to court to prove this. Once you start with the premise that you cannot discriminate... it is for all things so the gays have this right on principle. Now morally, I agree that the church should be able to say no.... but the law if for all. Do you suggest the law should discriminate against gays? ... I would have thought not.

Equalities minister Justine Greening, has insisted that churches must be made to: ‘Keep up with modern attitudes’. Likewise, the Speaker of the House of Commons, a position supposedly defined by its political neutrality, had this to say: I feel we’ll only have proper equal marriage when you can bloody well get married in a church if you want to do so, without having to fight the church for the equality that should be your right’.
SN: I agree. The solution is and it is in practice now, some churches do and some don't, let them go to a church that does marry them, not force a church that don't want to. Freedom. But there is the problem.. .that means some are free to discriminate... so back to principles, the church needs to find a way to do this. Already some churches do.

It became clear, during this year’s general election, just how militant the LGBT lobby have become, following marriage redefinition. The primary target was Tim Farron, leader of England’s third largest political party, the Liberal Democrats. High-profile journalists had heard that Farron was a practising Christian. In every single interview thereafter, they demanded to know. Did he personally believe homosexual sex to be a sin? He practically begged the commentariat, to allow him to keep his personal faith and legislative convictions separate. For decades, he pointed out, he had out vocally and legislatively supported the LGBT Lobby. Likewise, he had long backed same-sex marriage, voting for it enthusiastically. This simply was no longer enough.
SN: They have been militant for a very log time. Think about it, in the 70s we went out poofta bashing. They had to march at King Cross to get recognition. They have been successful. Why would you expect them to change.

Shortly after the election campaign, Farron resigned. He stated that it was now impossible, for a believing Christian to hold a prominent position in British politics.
SN: Wimp, so he should.

In a heartbreaking development and in spite of Britain’s ‘foster crisis’, aspiring foster parents who identify as religious, face interrogation. Those who are deemed unlikely to ‘celebrate’ homosexuality, have had their dreams of parenthood scuppered. This month, Britain’s High Court, ruled that a Pentecostal couple were ineligible parents. While the court recognised their successful and loving record of adoption, they decreed that above all else: ‘The equality provisions concerning sexual orientation should take precedence’. How has Great Britain become so twisted? Practicing Jews, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs, who want to stay true to their religious teachings, can no longer adopt children.
SN: There must be more to that story, I do not believe the correlation to this one.

Freedom of speech: In the lead-up to the Parliamentary vote, we witnessed almost incomprehensible bullying. David Burrows MP, a mild-mannered supporter of the ‘Coalition for Marriage’, had excrement thrown at his house. His children received death threats and their school address was published online. Similarly, ‘Conservative’ broadcaster Iain Dale promised to, ‘publicly out’ gay MP’s, who did not vote for redefinition.
SN: So what, this has been going on for a long time.

Many hardworking Brits have lost their jobs. Consider Adrian Smith, sacked by a Manchester Housing Trust, for suggesting that the state: ‘shouldn’t impose its rules on places of faith and conscience’. Or Richard Page, fired for gross misconduct after articulating, that children might enjoy better outcomes, were they to be adopted by heterosexual couples.
SN: Many... my arse.

Simultaneously, contrary to ‘steadfast’ government assurances, small businesses have been consistently targeted. Courts in Northern Ireland ruled that the Asher’s Family bakery had acted unlawfully. What crime committed by this tiny business? Politely declining to decorate a cake with a political message in support of same-sex marriage. The courts maintained that business owners must be compelled to promote the LGBT cause, irrespective of personal convictions.
SN: Now this just get stupid. They provide a service and should have provided it even to gays who want a message they don't like.

Even the National Trust, a British institution with over 4.2 million members, has decided to join the bullying LGBT crusade. A message went out. Each of the Trust’s 62,000 volunteers, would be required to wear a compulsory same-sex rainbow badge. Those who said they’d rather not were told they would be ‘moved out of sight’until they were prepared to publicly demonstrate inclusive tolerance.
SN: A decision by the organization for a march it looks like. They want to make a public statement as an organization... no-one forced them to. It appears those that didn't want to wear it could choose not to. Also note, such an organization would be filled with the PC brigade. No issue here.

In retrospect, the silent majority in Britain remained silent for too long. Reflecting on redefinition, Ben Harris-Quinney, Chairman of the Bow Group think tank pondered that:‘Same-sex marriage was promoted in the UK, as an issue of supposed tolerance and equality. What we have seen, is the most unequal and intolerant outcomes of any political issue in recent history’.
SN: The UK is very tolerant. Most don't give a fuck provided everyone is civil and gets along.

Children: Across the UK, ‘sex education’ has been transformed and disfigured. TV programmes, aimed at children as young as three, promote ‘gender fluidity’, as an enabler of thoughtfulness and individuality.

SN: Really... this is an exageration

At the same time, Ministers have denied worried parents the right to withdraw their children from primary school classes. Meanwhile, ‘outside educators’ teach children about sex positions, ‘satisfying’ pornography consumption and how to masturbate. Concerns regarding STI’s and Promiscuity, are derided as ‘old-fashioned’.
SN: Well the internet has changed things. Kids need to learn what to do with porn. Gone are the days when you steal a penthouse and sneek to the loo to stick the pages together. How to mastibate... that's what kids do. Maybe we should think about what we did as kids, we had a wank, we just didn't tell anyone.

Independent religious schools are under intense scrutiny. Dame Louise Casey, a senior government advisor, recently insisted that it is now: ‘Not Ok for Catholic schools to be homophobic and anti-gay marriage’.
Ofsted, the body responsible for school-assessment, has been wildly politicised. In 2013, Prior to the redefinition of marriage, Ofsted visited Vishnitz Jewish Girls School. They passed the school with flying colours. In fact, they went out of their way to highlight the committed and attentive approach to student welfare and development. Four years later, Ofsted returned. This time, they failed the school on one issue alone. While again, noting that students were ‘confident in thinking for themselves‘, their report, pointed to the inadequate promotion of homosexuality and gender reassignment. As such, it was failing to ensure: ‘a full understanding of fundamental British values’. It is one of an initial seven faith schools that face closure.
SN: It didn't face closure over this issue.

I mentioned that I was writing this article to a good friend in the Conservative Party, back at home. He expressed his genuine concern. Had I not considered the consequences? Did I not realise that what I said in Australia could be found when I returned to the UK? ‘LGBT progress is an unstoppable tide’. He assured me, that it was ok for me to ‘privately’ believe that marriage was between one man and one woman. He even privately agreed, that the stuff being taught in primary schools was too much.

But to say it out loud? To actually have it in print? It would blight my career and my personal relationships.
SN: Have some balls man. He shouldn't be in politics if he isn't going to play straight. That is whats wrong today.Not the gays fault he has no balls. I do agree Pink power is growing.

Good God. How much more important the institution of marriage and freedom of thought, religion and speech. How much more important the future of our children, than any naïve career ambitions I might harbour.

I urge every Aussie to examine the evidence, analysis the results and be clear about what you’re voting for. If it was solely marriage, it would worth preserving.
SN: This is just a biased article full of selective facts and for me doesn't build an any gay augment or anit gay marriage argument. It is scare mongering to say this is the thin edge of the wedge. Well that is the cost of a free society. Now what needs to happen is some checks and balances as it is swinging too far one way. That will come.

It’s infinitely more.
SN: Enough time wasted on this BS. I stand by my previous comments.
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Re: More LGBTIQ related crap....

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:39 am

All you have to know is that if an idea is championed by the left and the ABC, then you can without question, know it is a completely fucked up idea that will turn into a massive pile of shit that will cost a fortune for individuals and society in general, just like AGW.

If your natural instinct is not to immediately reject any such proposal from the left then congratulations!
You've just decended the 'revolutionary' ladder to become the useful idiots, useful idiot.
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Re: More LGBTIQ related crap....

Post by Rorschach » Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:48 am

Thank you for your shortsighted ans shallow comments SN.

BTW none of the RED were my comments, unfortunately we do not have the highlight option here.

We do have Safe Schools BTW and the UK do have similar programs :thumb ...
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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