One day, you lefty SJW cummunomarxitards will wake up and realise that your historical negationism is only ever good at fooling the intellectually yourselves. Which is why you may believe that leftist numbers have risen, your collective IQ has never been smaller.boxy wrote:Too realistic. Bit like having kids reenact the holocaust, or Port Arthur massacre.
Political Agendas Going Too Far?
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Don't poop in these threads. This isn't Europe, okay? There are rules here!
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Re: Political Agendas Going Too Far?
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia
- Rorschach
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Re: Political Agendas Going Too Far?
Safe Schools, Climate Change, Same Sex Marriage, Continuous polling in favour of Labor....Australia
Climate Change, Same sex marriage, Political Protests & violence, removing historical statues....USA
Same sex marriage , Corbyn, immigration....UK
just a few examples...
The Left are more than ever making headway in our societies through early indoctrination of our children.
Climate Change, Same sex marriage, Political Protests & violence, removing historical statues....USA
Same sex marriage , Corbyn, immigration....UK
just a few examples...
The Left are more than ever making headway in our societies through early indoctrination of our children.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Rorschach
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Re: Political Agendas Going Too Far?
Wear it Purple Day and other cultural-left moves sending us puce
Kevin Donnelly
The Australian
August 21, 2017
Given the re-emergence of the Safe Schools program, a NSW primary school putting on a Stolen Generations play where children dress as nuns and victimise Aboriginal children, and the Australian Education Union’s campaign to promote the LGBTI Wear it Purple Day, there’s no doubt that the cultural left now dominates our education system.
The overwhelming majority of parents send their children to school to learn the basics, to socialise with other students and to acquire the knowledge and skills to be good citizens and to be better prepared for further study or the workforce.
But the cultural left’s Australian Education Union and like-minded bureaucrats and academics are using the education system and schools to radically reshape society by indoctrinating students with Marxist-inspired, politically correct ideologies.
The Safe Schools program indoctrinates children with the belief that gender and sexuality are fluid and limitless, and Roz Ward — who helped design the program — argues, “it will only be through a revitalised class struggle and revolutionary change that we can hope for the liberation of LGBTI people”.
Like the Safe Schools program, those organising the Wear it Purple Day are committed to “ensuring diverse expressions of sex, sexuality and gender” and it should not surprise that the organisers actively support the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.
This Friday has been designated Wear it Purple Day and the NSW Teachers Federation is telling schools they should link “the key ideas of Wear It Purple Day to broader lessons on diversity and difference, to foster safe and supportive environments. The event embraces and celebrates sexuality, sex and gender diversity”.
Further evidence of the Australian Education Union’s politically correct ideology is its response to the same-sex marriage postal survey. The president of the AEU, Correna Haythorpe, argues: “The AEU is strongly opposed to the federal government’s approach, which is more about satisfying the bigotry of sections of the Liberal Party, rather than the interests or will of the community.”
Like so many of the cultural-left elites dominating the public and political debate, the AEU and Ms Haythorpe believe that anyone who disagrees is a bigot and that the people, instead of expressing their views and opinions as is their democratic right, must be silenced.
And it’s been happening for years. In 1983 Joan Kirner, the one-time Victorian education minister and premier, argued at a Fabian Society conference that education “has to be part of the socialist struggle for equality, participation and social change rather than an instrument of the capitalist system”.
The AEU’s 2003 policy on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people argues that: “Sexuality should be included in all curriculum relating to health and personal development. Homosexuality and bisexuality need to be normalised and materials need to be developed which will help to combat homophobia.”
As noted, the Australian Education Union has a long history of cultural-left political activism and promoting left-wing causes such as same-sex marriage, gender fluidity and a secular curriculum that undermines the value of Western culture by promoting diversity and difference — the new code for multiculturalism.
Since the late 70s and early 80s, the left-wing teacher union has argued that Australian society is riven with inequality and injustice and that the school curriculum must be used to promote its politically correct views about global warming, the evils of capitalism, that men are misogynist and sexist, and that there’s nothing beneficial about meritocracy and competition.
Such is the success of the AEU to take control of the school curriculum that a past president of the union argues that “we have succeeded in influencing curriculum development in schools, education departments and universities. The conservatives have a lot to do to undo the progressive curriculum”.
Examples of the cultural-left’s takeover of the curriculum include the fact that students are now taught that gender and sexuality are “social constructions” that promote “unequal power relationships” between boys and girls, and that those who believe in traditional marriage are guilty of “hetero-normativity”.
While the AEU and like-minded academics argue against schools teaching about Christianity, or having formal religious instruction classes, they are happy to pressure schools to worship the Gaia by including Al Gore’s DVDs in the curriculum.
There is an alternative to Marxist-inspired indoctrination, if politicians and education bureaucrats have the courage to act. Education should never be confused with indoctrination and the curriculum must be impartial and balanced.
The school curriculum should also teach students the importance of civility, humility and a commitment to being rational, honest and ethical in their behaviour and relationships with others.
Students must be taught the strengths and benefits of Western civilisation, as well as the flaws and weaknesses, and that to be fully and properly educated they need to be familiar with what the Victorian Blackburn report describes as “our best validated knowledge and artistic achievements”.
Kevin Donnelly is a senior research fellow at the Australian Catholic University and author of
Dumbing Down
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
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Re: Political Agendas Going Too Far?
boxy wrote:Too realistic. Bit like having kids reenact the holocaust, or Port Arthur massacre.
Well I'm sure there's no shortage of Ashkenazi pretend jews desiring victim status, but I don't think ASIS would care to be reminded they got double crossed when 11 of their operatives got shot in Oz's biggest shock & awe PsyOp.
But if you (or the lefty history revisionists) wanted realism ... those kids should have played slave catchers in police uniform delivering their merchandise to the slave trainers in priests' robes.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?
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